All the mistakes I made & the correct approach for the code is marked in my code through comments
Note: I had to fix a bigger mistake in my code for question 2 (I originally didn't make a variable static when it needed to be) because it was preventing the code for other question from running properly on Repl.
1/1, Had a score greater than 50%, and did thorough reflections for each incorrect answer. Did corrections for 8 questions. Reflections are here:
Total Score: 4.5/5 (Graded by Rachel Wei)
Rachel's Ticket that I graded
[x] Github Pages with AP review material
[x] 2020 MCQ Score + Corrections
[x] FRQ paper code & repl
All the mistakes I made & the correct approach for the code is marked in my code through comments
Note: I had to fix a bigger mistake in my code for question 2 (I originally didn't make a variable static when it needed to be) because it was preventing the code for other question from running properly on Repl.
[x] Overall review progress
study guide + additional mc practice