dsc-jiit-128 / ML_classification_Hacktoberfest

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Added Classification models to get higher accuracy #14

Closed void-02 closed 2 years ago

void-02 commented 2 years ago
Boosting and Neural Network based classification models like light GBM, Catboost, MLP, etc. and Bagged classifiers were added to achieve significantly higher accuracy. The maximum accuracy was achieved through Bagged Light GBM. Below are the results- Classifier Accuracy
Random Forest 98.12%
Catboost 98.52%
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) 98.16%
Light GBM 98.83%
Bagged Decision Tree 98.52%
Bagged Light GBM 98.92%
Bagged Catboost 98.65%

Will you please merge my pull request @sarthakpant772