dsc-jiit-128 / ML_classification_Hacktoberfest

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Documentation of data. #5

Closed sarthakpant772 closed 2 years ago

sarthakpant772 commented 2 years ago

Go thorugh the dataset and make a notebook which explain columns of our dataset (eg column37 display will a player wil or lose)

nayan2306 commented 2 years ago

Can I do that I am beginner can you berif me once ? Please assign me the work If you feel I am suitable?

TishaJhabak1014 commented 2 years ago

@sarthakpant772 Hey, let me know if I can work on this.

sarthakpant772 commented 2 years ago

Hey @nayan2306 you can work on this issue. What you can do is if u see data-description (kr-vs-kp).txt the description is not that much clear about data please go through King-RookvsKing-Pawn.xlsx and try to come up with good description of the data. All the best

sarthakpant772 commented 2 years ago

Hey @TishaJhabak1014 sorry @nayan2306 asked it first. If u want to work on another issue let me know and if all are assigned why not create one of your own. Happy coding. 😄

nayan2306 commented 2 years ago

Okay sure thanks