dsccommunity / CommonTasks

DSC Configuration (Composite Resource) for demo DSC and Datum
MIT License
42 stars 27 forks source link

Local build fails with errors #137

Closed stehlih closed 2 years ago

stehlih commented 2 years ago

Problem description

After restructure of the repository the local build doesn't work an different PC. The tests of the following DSC resources are not run:

InputObject SideIndicator

AuditPolicies <= SecurityBase <= SecurityPolicies <=

The same code and tests are working with the old repository.

Verbose logs

PS D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks> .\Build.ps1 -ResolveDependency

[pre-build] Starting Build Init
[pre-build] Creating required modules directory D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules.
[pre-build] Pre-pending 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules' folder to PSModulePath
[pre-build] Resolving dependencies.
[pre-build] Starting bootstrap process.
[build] Starting build with InvokeBuild.
[build] Parsing defined tasks
[build] Loading Configuration from D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\build.yaml
[build] Pre-pending 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module' folder to PSModulePath
Importing tasks from module Sampler.GitHubTasks
         Loading New-Release.GitHub.build.Sampler.GitHubTasks.ib.tasks...
Importing tasks from module Sampler
         Loading Build-Module.ModuleBuilder.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading ChocolateyPackage.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...  
         Loading Clean.ModuleBuilder.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading DeployAll.PSDeploy.build.Sampler.ib.tasks... 
         Loading DscResource.Test.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...   
         Loading generateHelp.PlatyPS.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading GuestConfig.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading Invoke-Pester.pester.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading JaCoCo.coverage.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading release.module.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading Set-BuildEnvironment.BuildHelpers.build.Sampler.ib.tasks...
         Loading Set-SamplerTaskVariable...
Adding Workflow from configuration:
  +-> .
  +-> build
  +-> hqrmtest
  +-> publish
  +-> pack
  +-> test
[build] Executing requested workflow: .
Build . D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\Build.ps1
Redefined task '.'.

Deleting the content of the Build Output folder, except ./modules

Removing D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\* excluding RequiredModules
Done /./build/Clean 00:00:00.0640005

Build the Module based on its Build.psd1 definition

        Project Name               = 'CommonTasks'
        Source Path                = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source'
        Output Directory           = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output'
        Release Notes path         = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\ReleaseNotes.md'
        Built Module Subdirectory  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module'
        Module Manifest Path (src) = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Module Version             = '0.4'

WARNING: Die Namen einiger importierter Befehle auf Modul "ModuleBuilder" enthalten nicht genehmigte Verben, sodass deren Auffindbarkeit erschwert werden kann. Wenn Sie die Befehle mit nicht genehmigten Verben finden möchten, führen Sie den Import-Module-Befehl erneut mit dem Verbose-Parameter aus. Sie können durch Eingeben von "Get-Verb" eine Liste der genehmigten Verben anzeigen.
Adding OutputDirectory with value D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output from current Variables
Adding VersionedOutputDirectory with value True from current Variables
Adding CopyPaths with value en-US DSCResources from Build Info
Adding Encoding with value UTF8 from Build Info
Building Module to D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks...
Done /./build/Build_Module_ModuleBuilder/Build_ModuleOutput_ModuleBuilder 00:00:04.0885827



        Project Name               = 'CommonTasks'
        Source Path                = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source'
        Output Directory           = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output'
        Release Notes path         = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\ReleaseNotes.md'
        Built Module Subdirectory  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module'
        Module Manifest Path (src) = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Versioned Output Directory = 'True'
        Built Module Manifest      = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Built Module Base          = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4'
        Module Version             = '0.4'
        Module Version Folder      = '0.4'
        Pre-release Tag            = ''
        Built Module Root Script   = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psm1'

WARNING: Die Namen einiger importierter Befehle auf Modul "ModuleBuilder" enthalten nicht genehmigte Verben, sodass deren Auffindbarkeit erschwert werden kann. Wenn Sie die Befehle mit nicht genehmigten Verben finden möchten, führen Sie den Import-Module-Befehl erneut mit dem Verbose-Parameter aus. Sie können durch Eingeben von "Get-Verb" eine Liste der genehmigten Verben anzeigen.
        Built DSC Resource Path  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\DSCResources'
Looking in D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psm1
Looking in D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\DSCResources
  Adding ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to the list of DscResource will be write in module 
Done /./build/Build_Module_ModuleBuilder/Build_DscResourcesToExport_ModuleBuilder 00:00:06.7794661
Done /./build/Build_Module_ModuleBuilder 00:00:10.8734823



        Project Name               = 'CommonTasks'
        Source Path                = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source'
        Output Directory           = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output'
        Release Notes path         = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\ReleaseNotes.md'
        Built Module Subdirectory  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module'
        Module Manifest Path (src) = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Versioned Output Directory = 'True'
        Built Module Manifest      = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Built Module Base          = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4'
        Module Version             = '0.4'
        Module Version Folder      = '0.4'
        Pre-release Tag            = ''
        Built Module Root Script   = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psm1'

WARNING: Die Namen einiger importierter Befehle auf Modul "ModuleBuilder" enthalten nicht genehmigte Verben, sodass deren Auffindbarkeit erschwert werden kann. Wenn Sie die Befehle mit nicht genehmigten Verben finden möchten, führen Sie den Import-Module-Befehl erneut mit dem Verbose-Parameter aus. Sie können durch Eingeben von "Get-Verb" eine Liste der genehmigten Verben anzeigen.
Done /./build/Build_NestedModules_ModuleBuilder 00:00:00.1287265

Create ReleaseNotes from changelog and update the Changelog for release

        Project Name               = 'CommonTasks'
        Source Path                = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source'
        Output Directory           = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output'
        Release Notes path         = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\ReleaseNotes.md'
        Built Module Subdirectory  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module'
        Module Manifest Path (src) = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Module Version             = '0.4'

        ChangeLogOutputPath   = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\CHANGELOG.md'
        Creating 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\CHANGELOG.md'...
No valid manifest found for project 'CommonTasks'. Cannot update the Release Notes.
Done /./build/Create_changelog_release_output 00:00:00.4109418
Done /./build 00:00:11.5119601

                        IMPORT PESTER


Done /./test/Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail/Import_Pester 00:00:02.3087426

                        INVOKE PESTER TESTS V4
Making sure the Module meets some quality standard (help, tests) using Pester 4.

        Project Name               = 'CommonTasks'
        Source Path                = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source'
        Output Directory           = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output'
        Release Notes path         = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\ReleaseNotes.md'
        Built Module Subdirectory  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module'
        Module Manifest Path (src) = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Versioned Output Directory = 'True'
        Built Module Manifest      = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Built Module Base          = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4'
        Module Version             = '0.4'
        Module Version Folder      = '0.4'
        Pre-release Tag            = ''
        Built Module Root Script   = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psm1'

        Pester Output Folder     = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\testResults
Creating folder D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\testResults
Using PesterScript from Defaults
Using PesterPassThru from Defaults
Using PesterCodeCoverageOutputFileFormat from Defaults
Using PesterOutputFormat from Build Config
        Project Path  = D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks
        Project Name  = CommonTasks

 CIM-Standardschlüsselwörter werden geladen

 CIM-Standardschlüsselwörter werden geladen
    Verarbeitung erfolgt
 Modulliste wird abgerufen
    Verarbeitung erfolgt
 Ressourcenliste wird erstellt
    Verarbeitung erfolgt

 Adding PesterScript to params
      ... D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\tests
      ... D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\CommonTasks\tests
Removing Code Coverage parameters
Pester v4.10.1
Executing all tests in 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\tests'

Executing script D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\tests\Unit\DSCResources\DscResources.Tests.ps1

  Describing 'AddsDomain' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsDomain' compiles 36.93s
    [+] 'AddsDomain' should have created a mof file 14ms

  Describing 'AddsDomainController' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsDomainController' compiles 32.76s
    [+] 'AddsDomainController' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'AddsDomainPrincipals' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsDomainPrincipals' compiles 33.5s
    [+] 'AddsDomainPrincipals' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'AddsOrgUnitsAndGroups' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsOrgUnitsAndGroups' compiles 30.89s
    [+] 'AddsOrgUnitsAndGroups' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'AddsProtectFromAccidentalDeletion' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsProtectFromAccidentalDeletion' compiles 30.26s
    [+] 'AddsProtectFromAccidentalDeletion' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'AddsServicePrincipalNames' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsServicePrincipalNames' compiles 31.81s
    [+] 'AddsServicePrincipalNames' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'AddsSiteLinks' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsSiteLinks' compiles 30.61s
    [+] 'AddsSiteLinks' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'AddsSitesSubnets' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AddsSitesSubnets' compiles 31.19s
    [+] 'AddsSitesSubnets' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'Bitlocker' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'Bitlocker' compiles 30.38s
    [+] 'Bitlocker' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'CertificateAuthorities' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'CertificateAuthorities' compiles 31.42s
    [+] 'CertificateAuthorities' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'ChocolateyPackages' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ChocolateyPackages' compiles 34.58s
    [+] 'ChocolateyPackages' should have created a mof file 4ms

  Describing 'ChocolateyPackages2nd' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ChocolateyPackages2nd' compiles 32.52s
    [+] 'ChocolateyPackages2nd' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'ChocolateyPackages3rd' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ChocolateyPackages3rd' compiles 33.13s
    [+] 'ChocolateyPackages3rd' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'Cluster' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'Cluster' compiles 34.13s
    [+] 'Cluster' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'ComputerSettings' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ComputerSettings' compiles 37.72s
    [+] 'ComputerSettings' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'ConfigurationBase' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ConfigurationBase' compiles 36.72s
    [+] 'ConfigurationBase' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'ConfigurationManagerConfiguration' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ConfigurationManagerConfiguration' compiles 39.69s
    [+] 'ConfigurationManagerConfiguration' should have created a mof file 7ms

  Describing 'ConfigurationManagerDeployment' DSC Resource compiles
    [!] 'ConfigurationManagerDeployment' compiles, is skipped, because Tests for 'ConfigurationManagerDeployment' are skipped 19ms
    [!] 'ConfigurationManagerDeployment' should have created a mof file, is skipped, because Tests for 'ConfigurationManagerDeployment' are skipped 1ms
  Describing 'DfsNamespaces' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DfsNamespaces' compiles 29.41s
    [+] 'DfsNamespaces' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DhcpScopeOptions' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DhcpScopeOptions' compiles 29.74s
    [+] 'DhcpScopeOptions' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DhcpScopes' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DhcpScopes' compiles 34.47s
    [+] 'DhcpScopes' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DhcpServer' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DhcpServer' compiles 30.02s
    [+] 'DhcpServer' should have created a mof file 7ms

  Describing 'DhcpServerOptionDefinitions' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DhcpServerOptionDefinitions' compiles 29.31s
    [+] 'DhcpServerOptionDefinitions' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DhcpServerOptions' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DhcpServerOptions' compiles 30.46s
    [+] 'DhcpServerOptions' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DiskAccessPaths' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DiskAccessPaths' compiles 29.95s
    [+] 'DiskAccessPaths' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'Disks' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'Disks' compiles 30.15s
    [+] 'Disks' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DnsServerAdZones' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerAdZones' compiles 30.06s
    [+] 'DnsServerAdZones' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DnsServerARecords' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerARecords' compiles 30.01s
    [+] 'DnsServerARecords' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'DnsServerCNameRecords' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerCNameRecords' compiles 30s
    [+] 'DnsServerCNameRecords' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DnsServerConditionalForwarders' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerConditionalForwarders' compiles 30.02s
    [+] 'DnsServerConditionalForwarders' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'DnsServerForwarders' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerForwarders' compiles 29.96s
    [+] 'DnsServerForwarders' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DnsServerLegacySettings' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerLegacySettings' compiles 29.85s
    [+] 'DnsServerLegacySettings' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DnsServerMxRecords' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerMxRecords' compiles 29.83s
    [+] 'DnsServerMxRecords' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'DnsServerPrimaryZones' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerPrimaryZones' compiles 31.06s
    [+] 'DnsServerPrimaryZones' should have created a mof file 6ms

  Describing 'DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicies' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicies' compiles 30.15s
    [+] 'DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicies' should have created a mof file 2ms

 CIM-Standardschlüsselwörter werden geladen
    Verarbeitung erfolgt
 Modulliste wird abgerufen
    Verarbeitung erfolgt
 Ressourcenliste wird erstellt
    Verarbeitung erfolgt

  Describing 'DnsServerSettings' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerSettings' compiles 30.08s
    [+] 'DnsServerSettings' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DnsServerZonesAging' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DnsServerZonesAging' compiles 30.02s
    [+] 'DnsServerZonesAging' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DscDiagnostic' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DscDiagnostic' compiles 30.48s
    [+] 'DscDiagnostic' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'DscLcmController' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DscLcmController' compiles 30.21s
    [+] 'DscLcmController' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DscLcmMaintenanceWindows' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DscLcmMaintenanceWindows' compiles 30.32s
    [+] 'DscLcmMaintenanceWindows' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DscPullServer' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DscPullServer' compiles 30.08s
    [+] 'DscPullServer' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DscPullServerSql' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DscPullServerSql' compiles 29.98s
    [+] 'DscPullServerSql' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'DscTagging' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'DscTagging' compiles 29.89s
    [+] 'DscTagging' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'EnvironmentVariables' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'EnvironmentVariables' compiles 30.01s
    [+] 'EnvironmentVariables' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'ExchangeAutoMountPoints' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ExchangeAutoMountPoints' compiles 30.4s
    [+] 'ExchangeAutoMountPoints' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'ExchangeConfiguration' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ExchangeConfiguration' compiles 34.09s
    [+] 'ExchangeConfiguration' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'ExchangeDagProvisioning' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ExchangeDagProvisioning' compiles 31.12s
    [+] 'ExchangeDagProvisioning' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'ExchangeMailboxDatabaseCopies' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ExchangeMailboxDatabaseCopies' compiles 32.43s
    [+] 'ExchangeMailboxDatabaseCopies' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'ExchangeMailboxDatabases' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ExchangeMailboxDatabases' compiles 32.66s
    [+] 'ExchangeMailboxDatabases' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'ExchangeProvisioning' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ExchangeProvisioning' compiles 30.98s
    [+] 'ExchangeProvisioning' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'FilesAndFolders' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'FilesAndFolders' compiles 30.43s
    [+] 'FilesAndFolders' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'FirewallProfiles' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'FirewallProfiles' compiles 30.39s
    [+] 'FirewallProfiles' should have created a mof file 8ms

  Describing 'FirewallRules' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'FirewallRules' compiles 30.36s
    [+] 'FirewallRules' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'HostsFileEntries' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'HostsFileEntries' compiles 29.89s
    [+] 'HostsFileEntries' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'HyperV' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'HyperV' compiles 31.6s
    [+] 'HyperV' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'IpConfiguration' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'IpConfiguration' compiles 30.23s
    [+] 'IpConfiguration' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'JeaEndpoints' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'JeaEndpoints' compiles 30.19s
    [+] 'JeaEndpoints' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'JeaRoles' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'JeaRoles' compiles 30.33s
    [+] 'JeaRoles' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'LocalGroups' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'LocalGroups' compiles 31.09s
    [+] 'LocalGroups' should have created a mof file 5ms

  Describing 'LocalUsers' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'LocalUsers' compiles 31.51s
    [+] 'LocalUsers' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'MmaAgent' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'MmaAgent' compiles 31.3s
    [+] 'MmaAgent' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'MountImages' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'MountImages' compiles 30.13s
    [+] 'MountImages' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'Network' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'Network' compiles 30.46s
    [+] 'Network' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'NetworkIpConfiguration' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'NetworkIpConfiguration' compiles 31.17s
    [+] 'NetworkIpConfiguration' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'OfficeOnlineServer' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'OfficeOnlineServer' compiles 30.52s
    [+] 'OfficeOnlineServer' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'OpticalDiskDrives' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'OpticalDiskDrives' compiles 30.1s
    [+] 'OpticalDiskDrives' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'PowerPlans' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'PowerPlans' compiles 30.45s
    [+] 'PowerPlans' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'PowerShellRepositories' DSC Resource compiles
    [!] 'PowerShellRepositories' compiles, is skipped, because Tests for 'PowerShellRepositories' are skipped 2ms
    [!] 'PowerShellRepositories' should have created a mof file, is skipped, because Tests for 'PowerShellRepositories' are skipped 2ms

  Describing 'RegistryPolicies' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'RegistryPolicies' compiles 31s
    [+] 'RegistryPolicies' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'RegistryValues' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'RegistryValues' compiles 30.24s
    [+] 'RegistryValues' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'RestartSystem' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'RestartSystem' compiles 28.73s
    [+] 'RestartSystem' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'ScheduledTasks' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'ScheduledTasks' compiles 27.48s
    [+] 'ScheduledTasks' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'Scripts' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'Scripts' compiles 27.46s
    [+] 'Scripts' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointCacheAccounts' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointCacheAccounts' compiles 27.62s
    [+] 'SharePointCacheAccounts' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointContentDatabases' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointContentDatabases' compiles 28.08s
    [+] 'SharePointContentDatabases' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointManagedAccounts' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointManagedAccounts' compiles 29.47s
    [+] 'SharePointManagedAccounts' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointManagedPaths' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointManagedPaths' compiles 27.51s
    [+] 'SharePointManagedPaths' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointPrereq' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointPrereq' compiles 27.95s
    [+] 'SharePointPrereq' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointProvisioning' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointProvisioning' compiles 29.42s
    [+] 'SharePointProvisioning' should have created a mof file 4ms

  Describing 'SharePointServiceAppPools' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointServiceAppPools' compiles 27.56s
    [+] 'SharePointServiceAppPools' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointServiceInstances' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointServiceInstances' compiles 27.47s
    [+] 'SharePointServiceInstances' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointSites' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointSites' compiles 27.56s
    [+] 'SharePointSites' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SharePointWebApplications' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SharePointWebApplications' compiles 27.54s
    [+] 'SharePointWebApplications' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SmbShares' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SmbShares' compiles 27.67s
    [+] 'SmbShares' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SoftwarePackages' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SoftwarePackages' compiles 27.4s
    [+] 'SoftwarePackages' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlAGDatabases' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlAGDatabases' compiles 27.16s
    [+] 'SqlAGDatabases' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlAGListeners' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlAGListeners' compiles 27.25s
    [+] 'SqlAGListeners' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlAGReplicas' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlAGReplicas' compiles 27.34s
    [+] 'SqlAGReplicas' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlAGs' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlAGs' compiles 27.61s
    [+] 'SqlAGs' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlAliases' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlAliases' compiles 27.27s
    [+] 'SqlAliases' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlAlwaysOnServices' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlAlwaysOnServices' compiles 27.16s
    [+] 'SqlAlwaysOnServices' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlConfigurations' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlConfigurations' compiles 27.26s
    [+] 'SqlConfigurations' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlDatabases' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlDatabases' compiles 27.31s
    [+] 'SqlDatabases' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlEndpoints' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlEndpoints' compiles 27.2s
    [+] 'SqlEndpoints' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlLogins' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlLogins' compiles 27.26s
    [+] 'SqlLogins' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlPermissions' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlPermissions' compiles 27.23s
    [+] 'SqlPermissions' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlRoles' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlRoles' compiles 27.52s
    [+] 'SqlRoles' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SqlServer' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SqlServer' compiles 28.66s
    [+] 'SqlServer' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'SwitchLcmMode' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'SwitchLcmMode' compiles 27.92s
    [+] 'SwitchLcmMode' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'UpdateServices' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'UpdateServices' compiles 27.49s
    [+] 'UpdateServices' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WaitForAllNodes' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WaitForAllNodes' compiles 27.35s
    [+] 'WaitForAllNodes' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WaitForAnyNode' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WaitForAnyNode' compiles 27.39s
    [+] 'WaitForAnyNode' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WaitForSomeNodes' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WaitForSomeNodes' compiles 27.55s
    [+] 'WaitForSomeNodes' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'Wds' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'Wds' compiles 27.89s
    [+] 'Wds' should have created a mof file 4ms

  Describing 'WebApplicationPools' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WebApplicationPools' compiles 27.34s
    [+] 'WebApplicationPools' should have created a mof file 2ms

  Describing 'WebApplications' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WebApplications' compiles 27.62s
    [+] 'WebApplications' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WebBrowser' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WebBrowser' compiles 27.82s
    [+] 'WebBrowser' should have created a mof file 3ms

  Describing 'WebConfigProperties' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WebConfigProperties' compiles 28.19s
    [+] 'WebConfigProperties' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WebSites' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WebSites' compiles 27.55s
    [+] 'WebSites' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WebVirtualDirectories' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WebVirtualDirectories' compiles 27.97s
    [+] 'WebVirtualDirectories' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WindowsEventForwarding' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WindowsEventForwarding' compiles 27.53s
    [+] 'WindowsEventForwarding' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'WindowsEventLogs' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WindowsEventLogs' compiles 27.38s
    [+] 'WindowsEventLogs' should have created a mof file 2ms

 CIM-Standardschlüsselwörter werden geladen
    Verarbeitung erfolgt
 Modulliste wird abgerufen
    Verarbeitung erfolgt
 Ressourcenliste wird erstellt
    Verarbeitung erfolgt

  Describing 'WindowsServices' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'WindowsServices' compiles 29.45s
    [+] 'WindowsServices' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing 'XmlContent' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'XmlContent' compiles 27.33s
    [+] 'XmlContent' should have created a mof file 1ms

  Describing Final tests
Number of composite resources: 118
Number of composite resources (considering 'skippedDscResources'): 116
Number of compiled MOF files: 116
    [+] Every composite resource has compiled 32ms
Number of composite resource folders: 121
Number of composite resource folders (considering 'skippedDscResources'): 119
Number of composite resources: 116

InputObject      SideIndicator
-----------      -------------
AuditPolicies    <=
SecurityBase     <=
SecurityPolicies <=

    [-] Composite resource folder count matches composite resource count 41ms
      Expected 119, but got 116.
      108:         $compositeResouces.Count | Should -Be $compositeResouceFolders.Count
      bei Invoke-Assertion, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\Assertions\Should.ps1: Zeile 180
      bei Should<End>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\Assertions\Should.ps1: Zeile 140
      bei <ScriptBlock>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\tests\Unit\DSCResources\DscResources.Tests.ps1: Zeile 108
      bei Invoke-Test, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\It.ps1: Zeile 289
      bei ItImpl, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\It.ps1: Zeile 241
      bei It, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\It.ps1: Zeile 132
      bei <ScriptBlock>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\tests\Unit\DSCResources\DscResources.Tests.ps1: Zeile 99
      bei DescribeImpl, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\Describe.ps1: Zeile 213
      bei Describe, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Functions\Describe.ps1: Zeile 105
      bei <ScriptBlock>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\tests\Unit\DSCResources\DscResources.Tests.ps1: Zeile 83
      bei <ScriptBlock>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Pester.psm1: Zeile 1111
      bei Invoke-Pester<End>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Pester\4.10.1\Pester.psm1: Zeile 1137
      bei <ScriptBlock>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Sampler\0.112.1\tasks\Invoke-Pester.pester.build.ps1: Zeile 351        
      bei *Task, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\InvokeBuild\5.9.0\Invoke-Build.ps1: Zeile 560
      bei *Task, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\InvokeBuild\5.9.0\Invoke-Build.ps1: Zeile 532
      bei *Task, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\InvokeBuild\5.9.0\Invoke-Build.ps1: Zeile 532
      bei *Task, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\InvokeBuild\5.9.0\Invoke-Build.ps1: Zeile 532
      bei <ScriptBlock><End>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\InvokeBuild\5.9.0\Invoke-Build.ps1: Zeile 721
      bei <ScriptBlock><Begin>, D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\Build.ps1: Zeile 507
      bei <ScriptBlock>, <Keine Datei>: Zeile 1
Tests completed in 3590.6s
Tests Passed: 233, Failed: 1, Skipped: 4, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0 
Done /./test/Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail/Invoke_Pester_Tests_v4 00:59:51.7823567

                        INVOKE PESTER TESTS V5
Making sure the Module meets some quality standard (help, tests) using Pester 5.

Pester 5 is not used in the pipeline, skipping task.

Done /./test/Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail/Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 00:00:00.0159999
Task /./test/Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail/Upload_Test_Results_To_AppVeyor skipped.

                        FAIL BUILD IF PESTER TESTS FAILED
This task ensures the build job fails if the test aren't successful.

Asserting that no test failed

        Project Name               = 'CommonTasks'
        Source Path                = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source'
        Output Directory           = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output'
        Release Notes path         = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\ReleaseNotes.md'
        Built Module Subdirectory  = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module'
        Module Manifest Path (src) = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\source\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Versioned Output Directory = 'True'
        Built Module Manifest      = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psd1'
        Built Module Base          = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4'
        Module Version             = '0.4'
        Module Version Folder      = '0.4'
        Pre-release Tag            = ''
        Built Module Root Script   = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\Module\CommonTasks\0.4\CommonTasks.psm1'

        Pester Output Folder     = 'D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\testResults'
        Code Coverage Threshold  = '0'
        Pester Output Object = D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\testResults\PesterObject_CommonTasks_v0.4.Windows.PSv.5.1.19041.1320.xml
ERROR: Assertion failed. Failed 1 tests. Aborting Build
In D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Sampler\0.112.1\tasks\Invoke-Pester.pester.build.ps1:415 Zeichen:9
+         Assert-Build -Condition ($pesterObject.FailedCount -eq 0) -Me ...
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Sampler\0.112.1\tasks\Invoke-Pester.pester.build.ps1:361 Zeichen:1
+ task Fail_Build_If_Pester_Tests_Failed {
        Test Scripts  = tests, CommonTasks\tests
        Tags          =
        Exclude Tags  =
        Exclude Cov.  = test
        ModuleVersion = 0.4

        CodeCoverage                    =
        CodeCoverageOutputFile          =
+             task $workflow $workflowItem
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Build FAILED. 14 tasks, 1 errors, 0 warnings 01:00:08.9993342
Assert-Build : Assertion failed. Failed 1 tests. Aborting Build
In D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks\output\RequiredModules\Sampler\0.112.1\tasks\Invoke-Pester.pester.build.ps1:415 Zeichen:9
+         Assert-Build -Condition ($pesterObject.FailedCount -eq 0) -Me ...
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Assert-Build], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Assert-Build

PS D:\PublicRepository\CommonTasks>

How to reproduce

Fetch the current repository and make a clean build with .\Build.ps1 -Resolvedependency

Expected behavior

Local build shall be finished without errors

Current behavior

Local build fails on different PCs

Suggested solution

Not a solution but some helpful information to find the problem:

The command "$dscResources = Get-DscResource -Module CommonTasks" at line 1 in DscResources.Tests.ps1 doesn't return the failed DSC resources.

If the command "Import-DscResource -ModuleName AuditPolicyDsc" in AuditPolicies.schema.psm1 is commented out the Get-DscResource command returns the AuditPolicies resource (but the build can't compile it).

Operating system the target node is running

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 
Windows 10 Professional 21H2

PowerShell version and build the target node is running


Module version used

raandree commented 2 years ago

I have tested the build on a newly created Windows Server 2019 machine in Azure and all worked fine.

After the successful build, for example the AuditPolicies DSC Configuration existed:

$dscResources = Get-DscResource -Module CommonTasks
$dscResources.Name -contains 'AuditPolicies' #returned true

The integration tests for this particular resource looked fine and I do have a file names localhost_AuditPolicies.mof in the output folder:

Describing 'AuditPolicies' DSC Resource compiles
    [+] 'AuditPolicies' compiles 19.09s
    [+] 'AuditPolicies' should have created a mof file 3ms

Do you have the DSC Resource module AuditPolicyDsc somewhere in the PSModulePath additionally to output\RequiredModules?

gaelcolas commented 2 years ago

One way to troubleshoot this is to create a short Config script that uses the missing resource and let it throw all its errors. As Raimund pointed out, this issue is usually an issue with some PSModulePath. Probably worth checking the version of Sampler in use, as if an old version is already loaded/available, it may not bootstrap to a version "new enough".

stehlih commented 2 years ago

I have checked my PSModulePath and in my private module path I found installed versions of AuditPolicyDsc and SecurityPolicyDsc. But here are the same versions installed as downloaded by PSDepend from the CommonTasks build.

The reason of the problem are different versions of nuget.exe. The existing versions of AuditPolicyDsc and SecurityPolicyDsc in my private module path were downloaded with NuGet 5.7.0 in February 2021. Now PSDepend downloads a new NuGet 6.0.0. The generated PSGetModuleInfo.xml for each module has a different structure and this is the cause of the error.

raandree commented 2 years ago

Thanks @stehlih, as expected. Maybe when compiling the MOFs we can save, change for the compile time and restore the PSModulePath to prevent these conflicts in the future.