Closed johlju closed 7 years ago
Disks is shared thru iSCSI. Here is the relevant config.
Service 'iSCSIService'
Name = 'MSiSCSI'
StartupType = 'Automatic'
State = 'Running'
iSCSIInitiator 'iSCSIInitiator'
Ensure = 'Present'
NodeAddress = ''
TargetPortalAddress = ''
TargetPortalPortNumber = 3260
InitiatorPortalAddress = ''
IsPersistent = $true
iSNSServer = ''
DependsOn = "[Service]iSCSIService"
xWaitforDisk Disk1_DriveE
DiskNumber = 1
RetryIntervalSec = 60
RetryCount = 60
DependsOn = "[iSCSIInitiator]iSCSIInitiator"
xDisk Disk1_DriveE
DiskNumber = 1
DriveLetter = 'E'
FSLabel = 'Data'
AllocationUnitSize = 64KB
DependsOn = '[xWaitforDisk]Disk1_DriveE'
xClusterDisk ClusterDisk_DriveE
Number = 1
Ensure = 'Present'
Label = 'SQL2016-DATA'
DependsOn = '[xDisk]Disk1_DriveE'
This is being worked on in xFailOverCluster. see PowerShell/xFailOverCluster#26. Maybe the same logic could be brought to xDisk and xWaitForDisk?
Hi @johlju - sorry for not looking at this earlier! That does look like the Disk Number isn't static. I'll check out what is being done in xFailOverCluster and see if we can port it over here. May need to still support Disk Number to prevent breaking legacy code, but also possibly support an alternate disk identifier?
Absolutely agree disk number should be kept also. If another identifier of some sort is used instead, that could "override" the disk number.
Also read that this could occur when using iSCSI, but then only with multiple paths (which I do not have, only one NIC). Which led me to believe that when using for example FC storage, disk number is (more) static.
After doing another reboot a few days later the disk jumped back to disk number 1-5.
Another thing is that the bug could be me, maybe it is me that has not configured Windows/iSCSI correctly for using iSCSI disks? :smile:
@PlagueHO and @johlju I've now hit this issue. The disk numbers are changing and causing havoc with this resource.
Below are all the properties for a disk. Maybe a unique identifier that could be used instead is SerialNumber/UniqueId or even GUID (used in the pull request for xFailOverCluster @johlju mentioned).
PartitionStyle : GPT
ProvisioningType : Fixed
OperationalStatus : Online
HealthStatus : Healthy
BusType : SAS
UniqueIdFormat : FCPH Name
OfflineReason :
AllocatedSize : 4294967296
BootFromDisk : False
FirmwareVersion : 1.0
FriendlyName : VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device
Guid : {455c60cf-03e3-417d-8afd-9d12edf3bae7}
IsBoot : False
IsClustered : False
IsOffline : False
IsReadOnly : False
IsSystem : False
LargestFreeExtent : 0
Location : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1700)#PCI(0000)#SAS(P00T00L00)
LogicalSectorSize : 512
Manufacturer : VMware
Model : Virtual disk
Number : 10
NumberOfPartitions : 2
ObjectId : \\?\scsi#disk&ven_vmware&prod_virtual_disk#5&25e285ad&0&000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91
Path : \\?\scsi#disk&ven_vmware&prod_virtual_disk#5&25e285ad&0&000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91
PhysicalSectorSize : 512
SerialNumber : 6000c29a39d00c9d162fe873670718a7
Signature :
Size : 4294967296
UniqueId : 6000C29A39D00C9D162FE873670718A7
PSComputerName :
CimClass : ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Storage:MSFT_Disk
CimInstanceProperties : {AllocatedSize, BootFromDisk, BusType, FirmwareVersion...}
CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties
Hi @zuldan. Im going to try and get the work done on this over the easter break/this weekend. I'm going to start by seeing if I can find a way to effectively test for the problem so I can be sure im fixing it :grin: TDD FTW!
@PlagueHO your timing couldn't be better. I've got the config for all our SQL AOAG clusters in the lab working perfectly (except for this disk issue) and was going to start pushing out clusters into the Dev environment next week but was forced to delay that because of this problem.
I only noticed the problem when I added multiple controllers and multiple disks to those controllers on the VM. Usually if you have a single controller and a couple of disks, the order you put the disks in is the order they appear within the VM, however when in the scenario described above, the disk order is scrambled.
I definitely think disk numbers need to be kept, but for me it's not it's a legacy the thing, it's because 90% of our servers only have a single controller so the disk number identifier works really well and I wouldn't want to have to record down the serial/GUID for every disk on every VM and then inject that back into their DSC config. So having the ability to switch over to another identifier for our clustered servers would be great.
If you want to go through some ideas around over the weekend or need some testing done I'm more than happy to help.
To diagnose the issue I slapped together some dirty code to provide all the stats from 'Disk' to 'Access Path.
$ServerList = @('LABSERVER01','LABSERVER02')
foreach ($Server in $ServerList) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {
$CIMDiskList = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive
$DiskList = Get-Disk
$DriveList = @()
foreach ($Disk in $DiskList) {
$PartitionList = $Disk | Get-Partition
foreach ($Partition in $PartitionList) {
$VolumeList = $Partition | Get-Volume
foreach ($Volume in $VolumeList) {
$SCSIData = $CIMDiskList | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.Index -eq $Disk.Number }
$DriveList += [pscustomobject]@{
DiskNumber = $Disk.Number
PartitionStyle = $Disk.PartitionStyle
AccessPath = $Partition.AccessPaths[0]
FileSystemLabel = $Volume.FileSystemLabel
Size = [math]::Round(($Volume.Size / 1GB),0)
FileSystem = $Volume.FileSystem
SCSITargetId = $SCSIData.SCSITargetId
DiskGUID = $Disk.Guid
DiskUniqueId = $Disk.UniqueId
DiskType = $Disk.FriendlyName
$DriveList | Sort-Object -Property DiskNumber
} | OGV
It appears that there isn't always a GUID for every disk so it would be better to use UniqueId?
DiskNumber PartitionStyle AccessPath FileSystemLabel Size FileSystem SCSIPort SCSITargetId DiskGUID DiskUniqueId
---------- -------------- ---------- --------------- ---- ---------- -------- ------------ -------- ------------
0 MBR C:\ SYSTEM 24 NTFS 2 0 6000C29D7E1780F6544C2131A1E4369B
0 MBR \\?\Volume{67881813-e0ea-11e6-80b7-806e6f6e6963}\ 0 2 0 6000C29D7E1780F6544C2131A1E4369B
0 MBR \\?\Volume{67881811-e0ea-11e6-80b7-806e6f6e6963}\ System Reserved 0 NTFS 2 0 6000C29D7E1780F6544C2131A1E4369B
1 GPT E:\ PAGEFILE 10 NTFS 2 1 {4e1913e8-ee25-472f-8293-bb4037a4a20b} 6000C292E103C02996E7B5D40EABA62F
2 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLLOG01\ SQLLOG01 4 NTFS 3 0 {74c45082-ce10-4c44-9b4e-7ce47f2abb15} 6000C292C934C0657163D01A716C90AD
3 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLLOG02\ SQLLOG02 4 NTFS 3 1 {329d9ad1-87e7-473d-9c19-6363aad07428} 6000C299967F904E8031F14ED654099A
4 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLTEMP01\ SQLTEMP01 4 NTFS 3 2 {238934f7-81ba-409b-bd18-c013495ad8f8} 6000C29B203307E19302F667FE663966
5 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLTEMP02\ SQLTEMP02 4 NTFS 3 3 {c8bea9a8-bbee-4792-993c-07b885b134ad} 6000C29FD0846DD3CA4545BD03981B33
6 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLTEMP03\ SQLTEMP03 4 NTFS 3 4 {5864e41a-e856-47ac-b93c-49692ef26d84} 6000C2983154FC9000353CBAA87F75BB
7 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLTEMP04\ SQLTEMP04 4 NTFS 3 5 {dc40aa51-5063-47b9-824e-501cffc7ee20} 6000C29E63F8239406BA5639EBA8D3FB
8 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA01\ SQLDATA01 4 NTFS 3 6 {397e1165-03ce-41c5-82b7-04f6c22bf715} 6000C29DDD85C1E920F935E6838EC9A4
9 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA02\ SQLDATA02 4 NTFS 3 8 {eb912800-707e-4eca-8a29-b75fc452370b} 6000C292F83FA2D9B029BE0B3D2B831F
10 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA03\ SQLDATA03 4 NTFS 4 0 {455c60cf-03e3-417d-8afd-9d12edf3bae7} 6000C29A39D00C9D162FE873670718A7
11 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA04\ SQLDATA04 4 NTFS 4 2 {95be409a-f851-496f-bad2-6035902fd5f3} 6000C2927DB2BC760F03F7F5C2F7CE92
12 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA05\ SQLDATA05 2 NTFS 5 0 {0508b2a1-146b-48a3-a517-8e588323665e} 6000C2919523F876874EEDA1A2B1F67B
13 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA06\ SQLDATA06 2 NTFS 5 1 {5d9dc46c-26bc-4f06-b208-14a1ecd83d63} 6000C29A996C6E07EB9AE6FC50A373C1
14 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA07\ SQLDATA07 2 NTFS 5 2 {776574fa-c4d3-4448-bf8c-b4fad2d1ad3d} 6000C29D063CBC1F47BB61914A413AB7
15 GPT C:\MountPoint\SQLDATA08\ SQLDATA08 2 NTFS 5 3 {53725931-9e65-4d8e-a4e2-c8d32697c509} 6000C292FCE53FE46CBBA150A616C108
I came up with a couple of ways to implement it. See MOFs below. Would love a discussion and/or more ideas.
Idea 1 (most obvious one) Pro: The resources support both DiskNumber and UniqueId properties. No breaking change. Con: Will get a bit ugly with primary key.
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDisk")]
class MSFT_xDisk : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the identifier for which disk to modify.")] String DriveLetter;
[Required, Description("Specifies the disk number for which disk to modify.")] Uint32 DiskNumber;
[Write, Description("Specifies the uniqueid for which disk to modify.")] String UniqueId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDiskAccessPath")]
class MSFT_xDiskAccessPath : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the access path folder to the assign the disk volume to.")] String AccessPath;
[Required, Description("Specifies the disk number for which disk to modify.")] Uint32 DiskNumber;
[Write, Description("Specifies the uniqueid for which disk to modify.")] String UniqueId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
Idea 2 Pro: A bit cleaner, validation set telling the resource in a nicer way which type of identifier is going to be used. Also, adding support for additional identifier types will be a bit easier moving forward. Con: A breaking change, however we still get to use DiskNumber and UniqueId. If people are worried about breaking their DSC configs then they can just go back to the old version of the resources.
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDisk")]
class MSFT_xDisk : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the identifier for which disk to modify.")] String DriveLetter;
[Required, Description("Specifies the identifier for which disk to modify.")] string Identifier;
[Write, Description("Specifies the identifier type"), ValueMap{"DiskNumber","UniqueId"}, Values{"DiskNumber","UniqueId"}] String IdentifierType;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDiskAccessPath")]
class MSFT_xDiskAccessPath : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the access path folder to the assign the disk volume to.")] String AccessPath;
[Required, Description("Specifies the identifier for which disk to modify.")] string Identifier;
[Write, Description("Specifies the identifier type"), ValueMap{"DiskNumber","UniqueId"}, Values{"DiskNumber","UniqueId"}] String IdentifierType;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
Idea 3 (the idea here is that generally if you have a small amount of disks you assign drive letters and if you have a large amount of disks you use DiskAccess paths [letter limit of 25 excluding 'C']) Pro: xDisk - No breaking change. Remains the same as before. xDiskAccessPath - Only supports UniqueId as an identifier. Con: xDisk - Will not support an identifier other than Disk Number, not really an issue if you are only use 1 controller and a small amount of disks. xDiskAccessPath - Breaking change. No disk number as an identifier
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDisk")]
class MSFT_xDisk : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the identifier for which disk to modify.")] String DriveLetter;
[Required, Description("Specifies the disk number for which disk to modify.")] Uint32 DiskNumber;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDiskAccessPath")]
class MSFT_xDiskAccessPath : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the access path folder to the assign the disk volume to.")] String AccessPath;
[Required, Description("Specifies the uniqueid for which disk to modify.")] String UniqueId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
Cool! Great info and fantastic suggestions.
I personally like Idea 1 because of not being a breaking change. The primary key thing is a pain, but I think it is acceptable - I've used similar patterns in xNetworking and xCertificate - so I don't think it is a terrible idea.
We'd need to also change the DiskNumber from a Required
to a Write
I'd also suggest using DiskUniqueId to make it clear this is a parameter of the disk.
I'd also add a parameter validation function in that would validate the parameter combination is valid - if the combo was invalid (none or both of DiskNumber and DiskUniqueId were set) then an exception would be logged.
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDisk")]
class MSFT_xDisk : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the identifier for which disk to modify.")] String DriveLetter;
[Write, Description("Specifies the disk number for which disk to modify.")] Uint32 DiskNumber;
[Write, Description("Specifies the uniqueid for which disk to modify.")] String DiskUniqueId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDiskAccessPath")]
class MSFT_xDiskAccessPath : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the access path folder to the assign the disk volume to.")] String AccessPath;
[Write, Description("Specifies the disk number for which disk to modify.")] Uint32 DiskNumber;
[Write, Description("Specifies the uniqueid for which disk to modify.")] String DiskUniqueId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
@TravisEz13 , @johlju - do you guys have any thoughts on this as a solution?
It looks good to me! Maybe just change DriveLetter
to DrivePath
(or something) if mountpoints are used?
My bad, xDiskAccessPath is for "mount points" and xDisk is for "drive letters". I didn't realize there was two almost identical resources. So idea 1 with @PlagueHO's additions is all good to me.
Cooleo! I'll get this out over the weekend.
@johlju , @Zuldan - I've nearly finished the changes to xDisk
(which will map to xDiskAccessPath fairly easily).
However, with regards xWaitForDisk
, Idea 1 won't actually work - because DiskNumber
is the key to the resource (so we can't make it optional). One solution here would be to implement Idea 2 on xWaitForDisk
, but this has the following problems:
So if we decided Idea 2 is acceptable for xWaitForDisk
then perhaps we should change all resources to Idea 2?
One other alternative would be to add a new resource xWaitForDiskUniqueId
(or some name like that) which would be the same as xWaitForDisk
but use the DiskUniqueId
as the key instead of DiskNumber
Would love your guys thoughts before I proceed too far down one track or another...
@PlagueHO I'm happy with idea 2 for all resources. If we change one then they all should be aligned.
As for the breaking change, there's nothing stopping people from downloading previous versions of the resources to keep compatibility. DSC is all about continuous deployment, make changes and move forward ;-)
@Zuldan - I'm in agreement. I think Idea 2 is the way to go if we're going to do a breaking change because I think consistency is very important. But I'd like some feedback from @johlju and @TravisEz13 because of being a breaking change.
@TravisEz13 - a summary of the problem is that DiskNumber in some scenarios can not be used to uniquely identify a disk. Our proposal is to replace the old 'DiskNumber' key with a 'DiskId' key that can be used as either Disk Number (the default) or as a Disk Unique Id. A new 'DiskIdType' parameter would be added that would allow the DiskId to either be 'Number' (default) or 'UniqueId'.
The Resources would be changed like this:
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDisk")]
class MSFT_xDisk : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the drive letter to assign to the volume.")] String DriveLetter;
[Write, Description("Specifies the disk identifier for the disk to modify.")] String DiskId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the identifier type that is used to identify the disk."), ValueMap{"Number","UniqueId"}, Values{"Number","UniqueId"}] String DiskIdType;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDiskAccessPath")]
class MSFT_xDiskAccessPath : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the access path folder to the assign the disk volume to.")] String AccessPath;
[Write, Description("Specifies the disk identifier for the disk to modify.")] String DiskId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the identifier type that is used to identify the disk."), ValueMap{"Number","UniqueId"}, Values{"Number","UniqueId"}] String DiskIdType;
[Write, Description("Specifies the size of new volume.")] Uint64 Size;
[Write, Description("Define volume label if required.")] String FSLabel;
[Write, Description("Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.")] uint32 AllocationUnitSize;
[Write, Description("Specifies the file system format of the new volume."), ValueMap{"NTFS","ReFS"}, Values{"NTFS","ReFS"}] String FSFormat;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xWaitForDisk")]
class MSFT_xWaitForDisk : OMI_BaseResource
[Key, Description("Specifies the disk identifier for the disk to wt for.")] String DiskId;
[Write, Description("Specifies the identifier type that is used to identify the disk."), ValueMap{"Number","UniqueId"}, Values{"Number","UniqueId"}] String DiskIdType;
[Write, Description("Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the disk to become available.")] Uint32 RetryIntervalSec;
[Write, Description("The number of times to loop the retry interval while waiting for the disk.")] Uint32 RetryCount;
@Zuldan - I know you're waiting on this change, but can you wait a little bit longer so I can get confirmation about the proposal?
@PlagueHO happy to wait mate. Better to have everyone agree to the changes.
Cheers @Zuldan - it shouldn't take long to make the change as I've already done a reasonable amount on this. So as soon as I get the go-ahead I'll get it done!
@PlagueHO Awesome work as always!
Idea 1
If we would keep going in the idea 1 track, can't xWaitForDisk still have DiskNumber
as Key, and you add DiskUniqueId
as an optional parameter. IfDiskUniqueId
is assigned a value then that will override DiskNumber
, would that be a solution? Then it will not be a breaking change, but must be clearly documented that so is the case, both in and verbose outputs.
Idea 2
If we still call the parameter DiskNumber
instead of DiskId
and DiskIdType
has default value of 'Number'
then it would not be a breaking change. The name DiskNumber
might be confusing setting it to a GUID (UniqueId). So not the best solution.
With that said, I do not have a problem making a breaking change if that solves a problem and improves the resource. In this case it will do both.
Summary If my suggestion for idea 1 does not feel good enough, then I all for idea 2 making this a breaking change.
@Zuldan , @johlju I've made the change to xDisk here (including full unit and integration test coverage etc):
I'm going to repeat to xDiskAccessPath and xWaitForDisk tomorrow and the submit the PR.
Once that PR is through I'll start work on the new xDiskEx, xWaitForDiskEx, xPartition and xVolume.
I will help you review this one :)
@johlju - I was hoping you would :grin: Your reviews are the as good as they get. Right - onto the next changes.
Hi @Zuldan, @johlju - I've submitted a PR with these changes. I've also converted xDisk to use the xDiskAccessPath pattern which is a more robust pattern (and has less bugs).
Once this PR is through I'll look into creating the new resources as I still feel the current resources won't work in many scenarios.
@PlagueHO Once you fixed the comments on the PR I will use the code in my lab to verify the function as well. 😄
Awesome! Thanks @johlju. I'm also going to update to use the new version as well and use that to run some tests. @Zuldan - do you have any test environments you can run this version through?
@PlagueHO fantastic work! @johlju thank you for reviewing.
@PlagueHO I have a ton of xDiskAccessPath and xWaitForDisk to configs I can test with. I'll have to create some with xDisk. I'll begin updating my configs and start the testing then get back to you.
@johlju, @Zuldan - I'm just going to fix this issue: in the PR as well.
@PlagueHO, I can report back the new code is working well. I can scramble the disks around on multiple VM's and it's picking up the correct disks every time when using DiskUniqueId. My old configurations using Disk Number (with updated config) are also still working. Very happy!
@Zuldan - awesome! Very glad to hear! Woop :grin: I'm just making some final tweaks as per @johlju 's review comments and then I'll get it merged!
Disk number seem to be unreliable to select the right disk. Or might be that I'm I doing something wrong? :) /cc @PlagueHO
I configured a cluster successfully with the disks.
After reboot of the server I tried to apply the configuration again. And it cannot find the disks any more.
Running diskpart shows that the disks no longer has the same disk numbers.
The cluster is happy at least.
Disk number 6 should be disk number 1.