dschablowsky / FordPassWidget

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Widget Not Working #12

Open parryg opened 2 years ago

parryg commented 2 years ago

Not sure if Ford have changed anything, but is anyone else having an issue where the widget just no longer displays?

This is the same when trying to open it in scriptable as well, nothing happens.

parryg commented 2 years ago

Looks like it's down to the token, I've tried setting the below to true, but no luck.

 * Only use these if you have problems. Set them back to false once everything is working.
 * Otherwise the token and the pictures are newly fetched everytime the script is executed. 
const clearKeychainOnNextRun = false // false or true

const clearFileManagerOnNextRun = false // false or true

const storeCredentialsInKeychain = false // or true

2022-01-15 08:05:03: FP: Token expired. Fetching new token and fetch raw data again