dschmenk / PLASMA

Proto Language AsSeMbler for All (formerly Apple)
MIT License
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Implement puth in plvm #50

Closed iflan closed 5 years ago

iflan commented 5 years ago

This change adds a simple implementation of puth() that is just printf("%04X", i). This corresponds with the native implementations for both Apple and C64.

dschmenk commented 5 years ago

Awesome! I feel bad for making you look at the source code to plvm.c - it really needs to be reimplemented.

iflan commented 5 years ago

Ha! Well, it was actually pretty easy to figure out how to do.

BTW, did you mean to just close this or were you planning to merge? (I don't mind either way—I was just surprised by "Awesome!" but no merge. ;-)

dschmenk commented 5 years ago

Goodness. Ok, I think I got it this time