dschmidt / ember-cli-deploy-sentry

An ember-cli-deploy-plugin to upload javascript sourcemaps to Sentry
MIT License
42 stars 51 forks source link

windows paths issue - File name must not contain special whitespace characters #68

Closed lifeart closed 4 years ago

lifeart commented 4 years ago
message: '400 - {"detail":"File name must not contain special whitespace characters"}',
  error: '{"detail":"File name must not contain special whitespace characters"}',
  options: {
    uri: 'https://sentry.io/api/0/projects/.../files/',
    method: 'POST',
    auth: {
      bearer: '....'
    formData: {
      name: 'https://my-domain.com/spa/assets\\auto-import-fastboot-81f919f3d82c38703c7b0de8c4c4a874.map',
      file: [ReadStream]

fixed by:


dschmidt commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure I understand that fixed by picture .. mind sending a real pr?

lifeart commented 4 years ago

@dschmidt custom urljoin logic, splitting url by \\ and replacing to /