dschmidt / ember-cli-deploy-sentry

An ember-cli-deploy-plugin to upload javascript sourcemaps to Sentry
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Unable to Catch Global Catching Errors - Faulty Raven Service Setup. #70

Open icyrizard opened 3 years ago

icyrizard commented 3 years ago

TL/DR Catching Global Exception is not working due to the this.get('isRavenUsable') in ember-cli-sentry that does not have any dependent key. Needed to overwrite using the ember-cli-deploy-sentry RavenService.

I wasn't sure if should post this here, or in the ember-cli-sentry repo, but they are too much related imho to make a good choice :)

Background I was running into problems where I would only see "Error Error" as the error message in Sentry for Uncaught Global Exceptions. The following setting was set to true for my environment:

// config/environment.js 
 * If set to true, addon will try to have Ember.onerror
 * and Ember.RSVP.on('error') captured by Raven.
 * @type {Boolean}
 * @default true
globalErrorCatching: true,

The 'ember-cli-sentry' plugin has a function that is called after the plugin is initialized, namely: https://github.com/ember-cli-sentry/ember-cli-sentry/blob/v4.1.0/addon/services/raven.js#L175

enableGlobalErrorCatching() {
    // This guy here 'isRavenUsable' was never flipping from false to true after isSetup was done.
    if (this.get('isRavenUsable') && !this.get('globalErrorCatchingInitialized')) {
      const _oldOnError = Ember.onerror;

      Ember.onerror = (error) => {
        if (this._ignoreError(error)) {

        .... etc ..

The Problem After debugging I could work out why the following was always set to false: this.get('isRavenUsable') in the ember-cli-sentry code. It's a computed property that somehow never changes its value anymore (as it does not have any dependent keys).

My solution Now, I made a solution for this is partly using the README of the ember-cli-sentry-deploy repo that suggest to use the 'RavenService' that comes with it, instead of the ember-cli-sentry raven service. So I made an app-initializer much like the one that looks like https://github.com/ember-cli-sentry/ember-cli-sentry/blob/v4.1.0/app/instance-initializers/raven-setup.js, but I've made some alterations here:

import { get, computed } from '@ember/object';

import Raven from 'raven';
import RavenService from 'ember-cli-deploy-sentry/services/raven';

import ENV from 'webapp/config/environment';

const UsableRavenService = RavenService.extend({
  // Overwriting 'isRavenUsable' to have a dependent key 'ravenOptions', No fastbooth check is done here, is not needed for my 
 // use case.
  isRavenUsable: computed('ravenOptions', function () {
    return Raven.isSetup() === true;

export function initialize(container) {
  const config = ENV;

  if (get(config, 'sentry.development') === true) {
    if (get(config, 'sentry.debug') === true) {
      console.info('`sentry` is configured for development mode.');


  if (!config.sentry) {
    throw new Error('`sentry` should be configured when not in development mode.');

  const raven = UsableRavenService.create();
  container.register('service:raven', raven, { instantiate: false })

export default {
  name: 'raven',
  initialize: initialize

TODO Setup Raven correctly as part of ember-cli-deploy-sentry or document on how to this correctly to capture global exceptions.