dschnelldavis / angular2-json-schema-form

Angular 2 JSON Schema Form builder
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Bootstrap - 4 framework causing issues in template using ngx-boostrap #205

Open neil-coutinho opened 6 years ago

neil-coutinho commented 6 years ago

Issue type

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Current behavior

When using the Bootstrap - 4 framework there seems to be some conflict with my Gradient Able template, When typing into any input box the whole screen flickers. I narrowed it down to a conflict between the bootstrap 4 css and the template's ngx-bootrstrap css.

Commenting out the stylesheets from angular2-json-schema-form.es5.js resolved the problem

`'bootstrap-4': { framework: Bootstrap4FrameworkComponent, stylesheets: [

            scripts: [

I also set load external assets to false

<json-schema-form framework="bootstrap-4" loadExternalAssets="false" [schema]="formSchema" [model]="formModel" [layout]="formLayout" (onSubmit)="submit($event)" [(model)]="formData"> </json-schema-form>

How do I create my own custom framework to avoid modifying anything in the node_modules/angular4-json-schema-form folder

Expected behavior

IMPORTANT: How can we reproduce your problem?

You can checkout my repo at https://github.com/neil-coutinho/qdemo.git

You can view my sandbox at http://localhost:4200/schema


OS name & version: Browser name & version: Angular version: Angular JSON Schema Form version(s): Other relevant software or packages:

Any other relevant information

lucasgranberg commented 6 years ago

Have you read this?: https://github.com/dschnelldavis/angular2-json-schema-form#changing-or-adding-frameworks

neil-coutinho commented 6 years ago

@lucasgranberg yes I did but could not quite get it to work. Do I simply duplicate the Bootstrap4 framework files sans the CSS and do I update it within the node_modules folder itself?

lucasgranberg commented 6 years ago

The idea is to never change anything in the node_modules folder. To add your own framework I would start by trying this.

constructor(private frameworkLibrary: FrameworkLibraryService) {
        framework: YourFrameworkComponent,                                // required
        widgets:     { 'your-widget-name': YourWidgetComponent,   ... },  // optional
        stylesheets: [ '//url-to-framework-external-style-sheet', ... ],  // optional
        scripts:     [ '//url-to-framework-external-script',      ... ]   // optional

However as I understand it no assets should be loaded if loadExternalAssets is not set to true. I think your problem might be in how you load your css/scss files on other places in the project (just a guess).

neil-coutinho commented 6 years ago

Correct. I do not want to modify anything in the node_modules folder. So looking at the Bootstrap4 framework am i doing the correct thing here

Forgive me, but I'm new to Angular and trying to create custom widgets in my project

neil-coutinho commented 6 years ago

@lucasgranberg do you have a plunker or an example of a customFramework? Even when loadExternalAssets = false the cdn files for the bootstrap-4 framework are loaded. I'm trying to create a duplicate of the bootstrap4 framework without he use of the boostrap 4 css file

lucasgranberg commented 6 years ago

No, do you have a plunker where your problem can be reproduced? I only went by the documentation and what I saw in the code. Maybe something else is loading the bootstrap assets?

neil-coutinho commented 6 years ago

@lucasgranberg Sorry I do not have a plunker, but in my repo you can see that I have loadExternalAssets = false Also see screen shot 2018-03-06 at 4 35 39 pm

neil-coutinho commented 6 years ago


Putting square brackets around loadExternalAssets resolved the issue.

<json-schema-form framework="bootstrap-4" [loadExternalAssets]="false" [schema]="formSchema" (onSubmit)="submit($event)"> </json-schema-form>

rmayuri commented 6 years ago

@neil-coutinho HI, I am using bootstrap4module framework, the form is getting loaded but I am not able to read the form values, could you please provide any example to read the values and applying css. below are my fiels for your reference,

login.component.ts import { Component } from ''; @component({ selector: 'app-login', templateUrl: './login.component.html', styleUrls: ['./login.component.css'] })

export class LoginComponent { title = 'Optum Navigator'; mySchema = { "properties": { "msid": { "type": "string", "required":true, "htmlClass": "mystyle", }, "password": { "type": "string", "widget": "password", "required":true }, } }; myform = { "form": [ "msid", "password", { "type": "submit", "name": "btnSubmit", "title": "Login",

} ] }; public OnSubmitFn(event:any){ console.log("login"+event); } }

login.component.html <json-schema-form loadExternalAssets="true" [schema]="mySchema"
[form]="myform " (onSubmit)="OnSubmitFn($event)"


.mystyle {
    border: 2px solid red;
    border-radius: 4px;

Thanks in advance.