What changes does this PR include (check all that apply)?
[ ] Bugfix
[x ] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Build process changes
[ ] Documentation changes
[ ] Other... please describe:
Related issue / current behavior
New behavior
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Any other relevant information
This is my first time with angular 2+ . So, please review. Also, there is a dependency on JQuery that i would like to remove from the angularcli file. Some advice would be nice.
PR Type
What changes does this PR include (check all that apply)? [ ] Bugfix [x ] Feature [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables) [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes) [ ] Build process changes [ ] Documentation changes [ ] Other... please describe:
Related issue / current behavior
New behavior
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Any other relevant information
This is my first time with angular 2+ . So, please review. Also, there is a dependency on JQuery that i would like to remove from the angularcli file. Some advice would be nice.