It appears that video files are not released and as a result the file pool is not cleanup when opensesame is closed (the files cannot be deleted because Windows thinks they are being used). This leads to a lot of residue in the temp folder.
If you add a function to the experiment.cleanup_functions list, it is automatically executed when the experiment terminates. So something like this should fix it:
It appears that video files are not released and as a result the file pool is not cleanup when opensesame is closed (the files cannot be deleted because Windows thinks they are being used). This leads to a lot of residue in the temp folder.
If you add a function to the experiment.cleanup_functions list, it is automatically executed when the experiment terminates. So something like this should fix it:
def release_video_file(self):
Do something to release the video file
def prepare(self): self.experiment.cleanup_functions.append(self.release_video) ...