dsckiet / website

Official Website of DSC KIET
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FAQ redesign #54

Closed avi-11 closed 1 year ago

avi-11 commented 2 years ago


Redesign the FAQ page on the website.


DSC KIET website is an official website made with HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT. This website describes the organization's workflow, events, and members.

Expected Outcomes

A nice, simple-looking UI/UX design for the FAQ page.



Possible Mentors

Avaneesh Singh

Expected Time

2 days



avi-11 commented 2 years ago

Use This Proposal Template as a Reference to write your own proposal for Msoc

Your Issue Name

Your Background and Technical Skills.

What problem are you trying to solve and Your Approach?

Your Timeline to solve the problem.

Your Commitments.

avi-11 commented 2 years ago

Example of Proposal.

Improve the generated PDF in the PDF/LaTeX backend

About me

I have been programming since High School and I have been Advocating for Open-Source projects for the past 2 years. I have experienced in Python , JavaScript, and Dart[Flutter] and I am currently learning Julia. I organized events on Open-Source in my College and I am the founding member of an Open-Source community fossc where I mentor Students in their Open-Source Journey. For more information about me You can head over to my website

Issue - Intermittent CI failures with PDF builds

Issue - The "PDF/LaTeX backend" stage often fails on CI, causing the docs not to deploy (since they only deploy if that stage passes) Restarting the build usually fixes it though.

Proposed Solution….

● Fixing any bug on the CI end. ● Debug any issue in the test of the LaTeX backend ● Rewriting guided Tests for it so that it can be fixed throughout the process.


May 20 - June 12

Community bonding, understanding Documenter.jl Codebase, re-scoping project implementation/timeline with help from mentors.

June 13 - June 23

Learning Julia Essentials and other essentials for integration and fixing of issue #1196 and #1467 and #1342 .

June 24 - July 15

Adding the Proposed Solution for the issue #1196 and #1467


● I’ll try my best to learn everything which is essential for the project. ● I’ll Create regular Blog posts on the progress of the project ● I’ll try my best to complete the project on time. ● In case of any change in the above timeline, I will inform the mentors in advance.

Hackintosh-02 commented 2 years ago

FAQ Redesign

Your Background and Technical Skills.

I am Ashutosh Sharma I am relatively new to Web Designing with around 4 months of experience and I want to start my open source contributions, I have worked on designs on Figma and think I can resolve this issue.

What problem are you trying to solve and Your Approach?

I am trying to solve the issue of redesigning the FAQ page, I will start by changing how the FAQs are presented so there is a clear difference between question and answer for better readability.

Your Timeline to solve the problem.

I am going to start on 11th September and the project will be finished around 13th September.

Your Commitments.

I am committed to giving my all in order to solve this issue ASAP.

Jhalakupadhyay commented 2 years ago


Your Background and Technical Skills.

I am jhalak upadhyay I have been doing app and website designing for last six months , I have also designed an app of my own , I have also been doing logo designing for quite a time and I think I will surely be able to contribute to the project very well.

What problem are you trying to solve and Your Approach?

I will try to add some colors to the page as it looks bit plain and try to add an aesthetic look to it ,try to make use of white spaces to make it look on more of a simpler side.

Your Timeline to solve the problem.

I will start the problem by 12th of September and will complete it by 13th till 11pm.

Your Commitments.

I will put all my efforts to give the page a better look and will complete my work within the time as I said above and will surely make it look it better with my creativity,

disha100 commented 2 years ago


Your Background and Technical Skills.

About me I am learning front end web development . I have worked with html , CSS , JAVASCRIPT . I have been a part of design club i.e. MOSAIC club where I have learnt all these required skills for this issue( or say project)
namely UI/UX designing, FIGMA, ADOBE XD, CANVA. So I think I can work upon this .

What problem are you trying to solve and Your Approach?

Your Timeline to solve the problem.

Your Commitments.

avi-11 commented 2 years ago

ok @disha100 you can proceed on to build the functionality.

just read the readme.md and contributing.md to get more knowledge.

I'll assign you the task and you can ask any doubts regarding anything here.

disha100 commented 1 year ago


done https://www.figma.com/proto/Uq3E1I1D35xdA8aQzMMXev/FAQ-PAGE-REDESIGN?node-id=2%3A3&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=2%3A3


@avi-11 sir, please review.