dscpsyl / loget-japan-tracker

A tracker website for LoGet tourist cards from Japan.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Database creation #1

Open dscpsyl opened 15 hours ago

dscpsyl commented 15 hours ago

We need to decide and create the database to hold all the information.

The current idea: We have a NoSQL database with two documents. One has all the data from the cards from the Loget Site. This will automatically be updated to match the website via a scraper with the required information. The other table will be the user table with SSO and a set that contains the cardId's of all the cards someone claims to have collected. The frontend will update based on this list.

dscpsyl commented 15 hours ago

Below we have a dbml file describing the basic idea of the database structure.

// Use DBML to define your database structure
// Docs: https://dbml.dbdiagram.io/docs

Enum series {

Enum brandimg {

Table cards { // Scrapped from the loget website https://loget-card.jp/list_card.aspx
  Id interger [pk]
  Name varchar
  Series series
  Image img
  Region list [note:"A list of region filters from broad to specific based on website"]
  SpotmapLink link
  SpotWebsiteLink link
  Pictogram img 
  BrandImg  brandimg

Table users {
  Id interger
  username varchar
  email varchar [pk]
  cardsCollected set [note: "a set of cards.Id that have been collected. if it is not in this set, then it has not been collected"]

Ref: users.cardsCollected > cards.Id
dscpsyl commented 15 hours ago

Based on this structure, it makes sense to use a NoSQL db. As such, we will choose MongoDB for ease of development.

dscpsyl commented 10 hours ago

For now, the region list will be removed from the database as its cost to implement outweigh the benefits

dscpsyl commented 10 hours ago

I wrote the models in Django ODM, hoping that Djongo could connect them, but then I realized that it is not supported anymore. It seems we either have to abandon Django ODM or choose one of the supported DBs, which isn't the worst idea.