Developed Teams page where details about the member such as First Name, Last Name, GitHub(username), Email Id, LinkedIn (profile address) can be entered by the user, as well as the option to upload file (or user image) is also available.
The table on the team's page enables the user to edit, search, as well as delete information about the user that was previously entered by the user. Made fully responsive using bootstrap 4.6. And the UI is simple and creative, developed with the help of HTML, CSS, and bootstrap.
Desktop (lg breakpoint)
Table (md breakpoint)
Mobile (sm breakpoint)
Please tick all the boxes that are fulfilled by your Pull Request.
[X] I have named my files and folder, according to this project's guidelines.
[ ] My changes are present on a separate branch (not on main).
[X] My Pull Request has a descriptive title. (not a vague title like Added index.html)
[X] I have commented on my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
For frontend related changes,
[X] I have added all the required screenshots in this pull request.
[X] The website built is well-designed and responsive.
[X] The design has been approved by the maintainers before hand.
Developed Teams page where details about the member such as First Name, Last Name, GitHub(username), Email Id, LinkedIn (profile address) can be entered by the user, as well as the option to upload file (or user image) is also available. The table on the team's page enables the user to edit, search, as well as delete information about the user that was previously entered by the user. Made fully responsive using bootstrap 4.6. And the UI is simple and creative, developed with the help of HTML, CSS, and bootstrap.
Desktop (
breakpoint)Table (
breakpoint)Mobile (
Please tick all the boxes that are fulfilled by your Pull Request.
Added index.html
)For frontend related changes,