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Use Phoenix LiveView to Enhance Observability - Yiming Chen #8

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

Use Phoenix LiveView to Enhance Observability - Yiming Chen

Application observability is becoming more and more important nowadays. Phoenix LiveView is a perfect technical solution for this use case.


ranska commented 4 years ago

I'm very impress about the result. I do ruby no rails since 12 years do think elixir/phoenix would be long to learn for me. Is the phoenix api change a lot every version ?

dsdshcym commented 4 years ago

Hi @ranska!

Thanks for your comment!

I also came from a Ruby on Rails background. And I can say learning Elixir and Phoenix is definitely worth it.

Is the phoenix api change a lot every version ?

The Phoenix API is quite stable now. The last biggest change was Context introduced in Phoenix 1.3 (Jul 2017). Even though it was a big change, Phoenix provided a well documented upgrade guide and maintained backward compatibility to ease the pain of upgrading. In a word, you don't need to worry anything about API stability.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! :)

ranska commented 4 years ago

Cool thank for this reply. my presonal felling for ruby on rails is using: cucumber for testing and slim for templating. is there such a thing in phoenix world? I saw that liveview use a specific template format?

dsdshcym commented 4 years ago


Yes. There's https://github.com/cabbage-ex/cabbage for BDD in elixir, https://github.com/slime-lang/slime inspired by slim.

But I would recommend using ExUnit (the default testing framework) and EEx (the default template language).

liveview use a specific template format?

liveview is using LEEx, which is an extension for EEx. They are basically the same, I think.