Closed cycle20 closed 3 years ago
yeah, welcome to "modern" webdev I guess. Would it be an option for you to use It has all the features of LiteMol & more.
yeah, welcome to "modern" webdev I guess.
:+1: I really "enjoy" it :rofl: I hope a new PASCAL -> WASM compiler is coming soon :roll_eyes: :smile:
Would it be an option for you to use
Yes, that would be an option, but we are currently migrating from it back to the future (or past). :smile:
It has all the features of LiteMol & more.
Sometimes less is more. I hope in this case as well and I will not have to ask too many questions in the future.
My elegant solution was excluding BasicNode Example tasks from gulpfile.ts
Sure, if it works for you. The thing with TypeScript too is that there are breaking changes between version, so LiteMol would have to be changed to accommodate that.
Glad you found a workaround.
I cannot re-build the complete project. I needed to fix gulpfile.ts:
sed -i 's/UTF-8/utf-8/g' gulpfile.ts
I purged files related to previous node version - since I tried a wide range and struggled with various issues. As I see node 10 works with the least upgrade efforts:
Outputs of commands above are attached: tsc_errors_basic_node_inline.txt
Some considerable issues - except for warnings and vulnerabilities:
How can I resolve these? Is it require some kind of upgrade steps?
I tried to add
TypeScript 4
and reconfigure compile parameters forES2021
in sometsconfig.json
, but I am not familiar with the different module concepts of JavaScript and TS (CommonJS, AMD, UMD... what???) etc... various issues popped up - a complete nightmare.Csongor