dseight / vscode-disasexpl

Disassembly Explorer for VS Code
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Nothing happens when I click on a source line. Multiple issues in CMake-based build. #20

Open rerdavies opened 3 years ago

rerdavies commented 3 years ago

Issue #1: I can't get my .s file to synch with the source view. I'm using a CMake build chain.

Issue #1: I'm guessing you don't deal with relative paths in the dissasembly file. Files are generated by a pretty stock CMake build. Note the relative paths: /home/patch/src/piddle/build/../src/main.cpp. Opening the Dissassembly window loads Piddle.s, but no matter what line I click on in main.cpp, the view of Piddle.s remains on line one.

139: int main(int argc, char *argv[])
140: {
141:    signal(SIGINT,sig_handler);
142:    // Check command line arguments.
143:    if (argc != 2)
00019e70 <main>:
   19e70:   e92d43f0    push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, lr}
   19e74:   e24dde41    sub sp, sp, #1040   ; 0x410
   19e78:   e1a04000    mov r4, r0
   19e7c:   e24dd004    sub sp, sp, #4
   19e80:   e1a05001    mov r5, r1
   19e84:   e3a00002    mov r0, #2
   19e88:   e59f17a8    ldr r1, [pc, #1960] ; 1a638 <main+0x7c8>
   19e8c:   ebfff4f7    bl  17270 <signal@plt>
   19e90:   e3540002    cmp r4, #2
   19e94:   0a000012    beq 19ee4 <main+0x74>
  "disasexpl.associations": {
        "**/*.hpp": "/home/patch/src/piddle/build/src/Piddle.s"
        "**/*.cpp": "/home/patch/src/piddle/build/src/Piddle.s"

Issue #2: Editing Piddle.s before launching Dissasembly view causes all tasks to hang.

It seems easy enough to search and replace /build/../src/ with /src/ in Piddle.s. 1) Load Piddle.s; 2) do the appropriate search and replace; 3) save and close.

When I do so, launching the Dissassembly view does nothing. In addition, other task, like CMake Build will not launch until VS code is restarted. Line tags now read "/home/patch/src/piddle/src/main.cpp:141"

Issue #3: Source lines still won't synch.

Convert Piddle.s relative paths to canonical paths. Close VS Code and re-open it. (Run a build to make sure everything is copacetic; or not. Doesn't seem to make a difference). Open main. Click on line 141. Launch dissasembly view. Result: Piddle.s window opens. Piddle.s view remains on line 0.

I also tried converting paths to ~/src/piddle/src/main.cpp, with no improvement.

Issue #4: Reloading Piddle.s.

I am under the strong impression that you don't reload Piddle.s if it changes on disk. You should be subscribing to file change notifications.

The relative source line thing may seem picky; but CMake is a very common toolchain for C/C++ projects. And the problem is not unsolvable. The solution is either: (1) pre-index the .S file, converting paths with ".."s, "."s (and probably "//"s to "/" in non-initial position -- I think linux does that) to canonical form. or (2): search for occurences of ^/(.*)/main.cpp\:()$, and then process the captured path to see if it matches.


Raspberry Pi-4, running Rasbian (debian). G++ toolchain.

VSCode Environment: Version: 1.58.2 Commit: c3f126316369cd610563c75b1b1725e0679adfb3 Date: 2021-07-14T22:05:50.884Z Electron: 12.0.13 Chrome: 89.0.4389.128 Node.js: 14.16.0 V8: OS: Linux arm 5.10.17-v7l+

dseight commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the comprehensive description! Relative paths handling should be fixed with commit e4b202996a3255789548ff35b35dd26d4b0fbfcf (release 0.2.2).

Regarding the reloading of file changes — it should work fine as well. I could not reproduce any issues after manual editing of the .s file. Could you please let me know if it works fine for you on 0.2.2?