dsfsi / covid19za

Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository and Dashboard for South Africa
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[Feature]Hopitalization vs Self-isolation #57

Closed Shaz2472 closed 4 years ago

Shaz2472 commented 4 years ago

Confirmed Cases that requires hospitalization or NOT. Is it possible to have another column/measurement that would list if the patient required hospitalization or not?

Hospitalized or Self-Isolated feature A column that would indicate if the patient was hospitalized that could (and i could be very wrong) serve as proxy to the serious of the infection

elolelo commented 4 years ago

@vukosim @MikeMcMalace what do you think of this proposed feature?

HerkulaasCombrink commented 4 years ago

My two cents on the matter, if the data are available, sure - makes sense. However, I am concerned that the public might react negatively if they know a positive patient in their region, for example, is self-isolating. Therefore, if this does become a feature, then it should only include an ID, and the outcome, and should be in a separate list from the case data, to protect all indicators of the patient.

Other thoughts?

Shaz2472 commented 4 years ago


on sites like https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries and https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjcxNDIyNjAtOGM0Yi00ZWJhLWJkNmEtNjFiOTI0MWVlYjNiIiwidCI6IjI1NmNiNTA1LTAzOWYtNGZiMi04NWE2LWEzZTgzMzI4NTU3OCIsImMiOjh9

shows serious/critical cases. I assume this is the ICU cases, currently standing on 2. Besides no deaths, it also shows that only 2 of the current 550 are in ICU. Does that mean that 548 are self-isolating?

Shaz2472 commented 4 years ago

List do not include City or Suburb, just an indication of the severity?

I am not from a clinical field, so I am not sure that is the correct term. But If I understand flattening the curve correctly, it means slowing down the infection rate, to decrease the burden on hospital resources; and although we might not know the capacity, it sort of shows the faith in the system and that not all, or in fact, that most cases do not require hospitalization?

elolelo commented 4 years ago

@MikeMcMalace I agree with your view on the potential public's reaction if details are given about the positive patient. @Shaz2472 If you mean just a number showing this, it could be possible , I think. What are your thoughts @vukosim ?

Shaz2472 commented 4 years ago

@elolelo Yes, just a number. I am not in favour of pinpointing cases, that could lead to negative reaction from some of the public. Aslo in favour of protecting the privacy of patients; but just to give general picture of confirmed cases, but then also get a picture of active cases and how serious the active cases are, meaning ICU vs other. Thank you.