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[ENHANCE] [DATA] Update NICD Hospitalization Data #924

Open maximeLpt opened 2 years ago

maximeLpt commented 2 years ago

Hi All, Would it be possible to have an update regarding the following dataset? covid19za/data/nicd_hospital_surveillance_data.csv

Edit by @vukosim

Resume updating NICD Hospitalisation CSV File

Option 1 - Scraper To Extract the Daily Table and then Update the CSV, see below for screenshot

Option 2 - Human Computation, A Volunteer to update the numbers every morning.

vukosim commented 2 years ago

The challenge has been keeping up with the updates of the NICD Hospital Admissions reports. They are available here https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z-index/disease-index-covid-19/surveillance-reports/daily-hospital-surveillance-datcov-report/

The second page of the daily reports has this table


Now if we can get someone to start doing backfill (start with 1 December 2021 for example, and work backwards it would be great @maximeLpt

maximeLpt commented 2 years ago

Do you have a scrapper for that?

vukosim commented 2 years ago

@maximeLpt no. It was initially filled in by a volunteer, day by day.

anelda commented 2 years ago

Is there no chance NICD can/will just share the table in Excel or CSV format?

vukosim commented 2 years ago

A friend has made the request, we will see if she gets a response @anelda

HerkulaasCombrink commented 2 years ago

Hey @anelda @vukosim let me know what the NICD says, and if not luck comes - then we can surely build a wrapper/scraper for the PDF's or find a way to parse the data from a different format?

sjbeckett commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I had a go at scraping the NICD datasets for data since the 27 October 2020 (when the daily reports table has 10 columns). There is still work to do to get some of the columns described in covid19za/data/nicd_hospital_surveillance_data.csv (general, high care, isolation, total health care workers admitted) and in filtering for the many ways in which dates appear in the raw pdf files. Hope that this can be useful as a basis for scraping if there is no luck with NICD:


SivuyileNzimeni commented 2 years ago

I managed to write a fairly decent scraper for the pdfs. Perhaps the script can be enhanced by adding a filter for a particular day. eg. r Report_Date >= Sys.Date() to avoid re-downloading each file. The script can run a cronjob.

Another script is the table scraper. The results were mixed. This could be due to changes to how tables are formatted , how the files are generated etc. Extracting each table from all files can be time-consuming. There probably exists a way to uniformly format the tables into a sound format in another language to technique. directory containing the scripts

vukosim commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I had a go at scraping the NICD datasets for data since the 27 October 2020 (when the daily reports table has 10 columns). There is still work to do to get some of the columns described in covid19za/data/nicd_hospital_surveillance_data.csv (general, high care, isolation, total health care workers admitted) and in filtering for the many ways in which dates appear in the raw pdf files. Hope that this can be useful as a basis for scraping if there is no luck with NICD:


Thank you. i think this is a good start and we can then try to start filling in where the scraper could not.

krokkie commented 2 years ago


I did some work on the hospitalization data too. Actually my son :-). Not in the data/nicd_hospital_surveillance_data.csv file yet, but in another file with a different format. See data/covid19za_provincial_raw_hospitalization.csv The scraper lives in scripts/daily_nicd_datcov.R. And the github workflow runs this script every night -- it appears as if the posting / publication of these files are manual, so I'm not 100% sure what the best time would be.

Remaining todo:

sjbeckett commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I had a go at scraping the NICD datasets for data since the 27 October 2020 (when the daily reports table has 10 columns). There is still work to do to get some of the columns described in covid19za/data/nicd_hospital_surveillance_data.csv (general, high care, isolation, total health care workers admitted) and in filtering for the many ways in which dates appear in the raw pdf files. Hope that this can be useful as a basis for scraping if there is no luck with NICD:


Just a note I updated the above gist to incorporate general and high care patient numbers. Of note, isolation was no longer reported after 02-09-2020; and admitted healthcare workers were no longer reported after 08-10-2020.

dataprojectswithMJ commented 2 years ago

Greetings everyone. I took a different approach to this issue and created an API which is free and publicly available. At the moment, the database has data from 01 July 2021 to 28 Dec 2021.

The API has 2 main endpoints: 1) /all:

2) /dates:

Getting the PDFs from NICD website and uploading the data to a cloud database is automated but annotating the table on the PDF is still manual because the PDF formatting varies inconsistently between the documents so that is the only manual process thus far.

Try the API and I would appreciate some pointers and thoughts: https://covidza-data.deta.dev/docs

vukosim commented 2 years ago

Happy new year everyone. There will be a bit more action to finalise this in the next 2 weeks. Thank you so much for the work and ideas.