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White Card 27224:Giving Widget 2.0: Update configuration page to display whitelists correctly in Preview page #1

Open dsgallagher opened 6 years ago

dsgallagher commented 6 years ago

Overview: This task is to allow any user to access their Giving Widget configuration page, make amendments to the beneficiaries, click the View Widget button and see the amended list of beneficiaries on the Preview page. This task necessitates that the user "save" the configuration if two conditions are met: 1. They make a change to the beneficiaries of the widget AND 2. there is more than one beneficiary selected for the widget. A confirmation dialog box should display if both of the conditions are met that asks the user if they wish to save the updated configuration - this dialog box should NOT display if the beneficiaries are unchanged by the user. If the user confirms they want to save the changes, we need to then impose a 60 second delay whilst Solar updates the whitelist - a spinning loading icon with text should display in this time. Once the time is elapsed, the interface should once again be usable and the user can click the View Widget option to see the updated whitelist in the widget. A general update is also required as part of this card - to include a second flag that user has unsaved changes just below the Action buttons - to minimize the risk of users NOT clicking Save.

Business reasoning:

Damien and Ivan Mihajlovic had a discussion on 24 Nov 2017 over Skype about the issue of whitelists not displaying in the Preview page - i.e. the Preview page of the Giving Widget V.2 does not update for more than one beneficiary unless Save is clicked - and even then, there is a time delay before the whitelist can display correctly. Correcting this was deemed to be complex and require a discussion with backend guys such as Miroslav and would likely require something like a temporary whitelist or pseudo-whitelist. This complex approach was deemed unnecessary to fulfill what is a relatively minor issue so agreement was reached that a simpler and less complex approach could be taken.

UATs Dependencies:




Note: This task is not relevant to Giving Widget Version 1

  1. Any logged in user (individual, company, nonprofit) accesses the Giving Widget configuration page and does the following:
  1. Once the beneficiaries in the selection component have been amended (and is still multiple beneficiaries), the user clicks the "View Widget" button and a confirmation dialog box displays that asks the user if they wish to save the updated configuration:

Your selected beneficiaries have changed. To view the updated widget, you will need to save your changes.

Saving your changes can take up to 1 minute and will update your live Giving Widget wherever it displays.

Would you like to save your changes now?


  1. If the user confirms they want to save the changes - i.e. they click Yes, the dialog box should close, the user's whitelist should be updated with the amended beneficiaries and the Giving Widget configuration should be updated with all amendments - as if the user had clicked the Save button on the configuration page

  2. Because Solar needs time to update the whitelist, we need to impose a 60 second delay to restrict the user from clicking the View Widget button:


  1. Once 1 minute elapses, the View Widget button redisplays and the user can proceed to click it to open the Preview page
  1. A general update is also required as part of this card - to include a second flag that user has unsaved changes just below the Action buttons:



Use case ends

Data Populator Requirements: None Feature Management Requirements: None Privacy Requirements: None Activity Feeds/Email Notifications Requirements: None

dsgallagher commented 6 years ago

Ivan Mihajlovic 30 November 2017 UI review done. Score is 13 points.

2017-11-29 Simon Some comments from skype chat with Ivan.

  1. we may be able to construct something similar from existing patterns.
  1. suggest that page-modified flag also sets a leave page alert (do articles do this already?)

DG 28 Nov 2017

To Ivan for score and review