dshawul / Scorpio

Scorpio chess engine
81 stars 19 forks source link

Scorpio crashes in this position #28

Closed CMCanavessi closed 2 years ago

CMCanavessi commented 2 years ago

I was running an FRC tournament and Scorpio played 150+ games without a single issue until this game vs. Ethereal. After white makes a move (e3) and Scorpio starts to "think", it will crash. I can reproduce the issue without GUI, just pasting the following 3 commands in the engine itself.

uci position fen rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBBRNQ w FAfa - 0 1 moves e2e3 go wtime 1731160 btime 1800000 winc 5000 binc 5000

I'm using NNUE net only, no GPU net. I'm attaching my scorpio.ini file (renamed to scorpio.ini.txt, otherwise I can't attach it) just in case you wanna check the configuration. This is with 3.0.15 version.


CMCanavessi commented 2 years ago

This is the PGN of the game:

[Event "FRC Top 20"]
[Site "CCLS"]
[Date "2022.02.14"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Ethereal 13.27"]
[Black "Scorpio 3.0.15"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "1800+5"]
[Time "14:37:51"]
[Board "14008"]
[Termination "crash"]
[Variant "chess960"]
[FEN "rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBBRNQ w FAfa - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]

1. e3 {+0.14/27 68909 54297035}  1-0
CMCanavessi commented 2 years ago

And this is the log of the crash

Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 seldepth 29 multipv 1 score cp 12 time 5078 nodes 4198327 nps 826000 tbhits 0 hashfull 5 pv e2e3 e7e6 d1e2 b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 g1f3 d8e7 d2d4 c8a8 b1d2 c8b8 a2a3 g8f6 c1a1 d7d6 h2h3 a7a6 h1g1 f6d5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 seldepth 29 multipv 1 score cp 8 time 7109 nodes 5853113 nps 823000 tbhits 0 hashfull 6 pv e2e3 e7e6 d1e2 b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 g1f3 d8e7 d2d4 c8a8 b1c3 d7d5 c1a1 g8f6 h2h3 h7h6 a2a3 c8b8 g2g4 f5g4 h3g4 f6g4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 seldepth 30 multipv 1 score cp 18 lowerbound time 9719 nodes 7943174 nps 817000 tbhits 0 hashfull 8 pv e2e3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 seldepth 28 multipv 1 score cp 8 time 10484 nodes 8562633 nps 816000 tbhits 0 hashfull 8 pv e2e3 e7e6 d1e2 b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 b1c3 d8e7 c1a1 c8a8 g1f3 h7h6 d2d4 g8f6 c1b1 d7d6 h2h3 a7a6 g2g4 f5g4 h3g4 f6g4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 seldepth 32 multipv 1 score cp 18 lowerbound time 13094 nodes 10647169 nps 813000 tbhits 0 hashfull 12 pv e2e3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 seldepth 31 multipv 1 score cp 8 time 14890 nodes 12073501 nps 810000 tbhits 0 hashfull 12 pv e2e3 e7e6 b1c3 d8e7 f2f4 b8c6 g2g4 c8a8 d1e2 d7d5 g1f3 f7f5 c1a1 g7g6 h2h3 g8f6 f3g5 h8g8 d2d4 f6e4 g5e4 f5e4 a2a4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 seldepth 35 multipv 1 score cp 18 lowerbound time 17984 nodes 14503273 nps 806000 tbhits 0 hashfull 15 pv e2e3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 24 seldepth 36 multipv 1 score cp 16 time 19578 nodes 15768876 nps 805000 tbhits 0 hashfull 16 pv e2e3 e7e6 b1c3 d8e7 f2f4 f7f5 g2g4 f5g4 d1g4 b8c6 c1a1 g8h6 h2h3 c8a8 g1f3 g7g6 f1g1 a7a6 d2d4 h6f5 e1d2 f5d6 c1b1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 3
Scorpio 3.0.15 < isready
Scorpio 3.0.15 > readyok
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 25 seldepth 35 multipv 1 score cp 11 time 31375 nodes 25115997 nps 800000 tbhits 0 hashfull 28 pv e2e3 e7e6 f2f4 g7g5 f4g5 d8g5 d1e2 g5e7 b1c3 f7f5 c1a1 b8c6 g1h3 g8f6 h3f4 h8g8 d2d4 c8a8 d4d5 c6b4 d5e6 d7e6 d1d8 e7d8 a2a3 b4d5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 26 seldepth 37 multipv 1 score cp 10 time 50344 nodes 40059101 nps 795000 tbhits 0 hashfull 41 pv e2e3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 d7d5 g2g4 g7g6 d2d3 f6g7 h1g2 g8e7 a2a3 g7f6 d3d4 h7h6 c1b1 h8g7 g4f5 e7f5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Scorpio 3.0.15 < isready
Scorpio 3.0.15 > readyok
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 seldepth 37 multipv 1 score cp 20 lowerbound time 65719 nodes 52072455 nps 792000 tbhits 0 hashfull 57 pv e2e3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove e2e3 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove e2e4 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 27 seldepth 42 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 68515 nodes 54297035 nps 792000 tbhits 0 hashfull 59 pv e2e3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5 e2g3 e8g6 f4g5 f6g5 e1d2 c6e7
Ethereal 13.27 > bestmove e2e3 ponder e7e6
Ethereal 13.27 < position fen rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBBRNQ w FAfa - 0 1 moves e2e3 e7e6
Ethereal 13.27 < go ponder wtime 1731160 btime 1800000 winc 5000 binc 5000
Scorpio 3.0.15 < position fen rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBBRNQ w FAfa - 0 1 moves e2e3
Scorpio 3.0.15 < go wtime 1731160 btime 1800000 winc 5000 binc 5000
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 5 nps 5000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 2 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 15 nps 15000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 3 seldepth 3 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 34 nps 34000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 4 seldepth 4 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 65 nps 65000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 5 seldepth 5 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 110 nps 110000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 6 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 166 nps 166000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 7 seldepth 7 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 256 nps 256000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 8 seldepth 8 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 362 nps 362000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8
Scorpio 3.0.15 > # rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/4P3/PPPP1PPP/RNKBBRNQ b KQkq - 0 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 9 seldepth 9 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 500 nps 500000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 10 seldepth 10 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 707 nps 707000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8
Scorpio 3.0.15 > # [st = 64148ms, mt = 899220ms , hply = 1 , moves_left 50]
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 11 seldepth 11 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 957 nps 957000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 12 seldepth 13 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 1365 nps 1365000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 13 seldepth 14 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 1871 nps 1871000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 2 seldepth 2 score cp -92 time 0 nodes 55 nps 0 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 14 seldepth 17 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 2658 nps 2658000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 3 seldepth 3 score cp 30 time 1 nodes 159 nps 159000 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4 b8c6
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 4 seldepth 4 score cp -90 time 1 nodes 269 nps 269000 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4 b8c6 b1c3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 15 seldepth 21 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 3843 nps 3843000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 16 seldepth 20 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 5004 nps 5004000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 5 seldepth 6 score cp 28 time 2 nodes 829 nps 414500 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 17 seldepth 19 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 6040 nps 6040000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 18 seldepth 20 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 7266 nps 7266000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 6 seldepth 8 score cp -96 time 2 nodes 1156 nps 578000 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6 a2a3
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 6 seldepth 8 score cp -75 time 3 nodes 1634 nps 544666 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 19 seldepth 23 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 0 nodes 8942 nps 8942000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5 e2g3 e8g6
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 7 seldepth 9 score cp 26 time 5 nodes 2923 nps 584600 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a4 a7a6 f4e5 c6e5
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 8 seldepth 12 score cp 2 time 7 nodes 5304 nps 757714 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 f4e5 g7g6 a2a4 c6e5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 20 seldepth 26 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 16 nodes 12863 nps 756000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5 e2g3 e8g6 f4g5 f6g5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 21 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 14 time 16 nodes 17567 nps 1033000 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 f3c6 e7c6 g4f5 e6f5 e2g3 e8g6 f4g5 f6g5
Scorpio 3.0.15 > info depth 9 seldepth 12 score cp 7 time 12 nodes 9973 nps 831083 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 d1f3 e7e6 c1d1 d7d5 b1c3 d8f6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove e3e4 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 21
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 22
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d1h5 currmovenumber 23
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 24
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 seldepth 31 multipv 1 score cp 4 upperbound time 3813 nodes 3094840 nps 811000 tbhits 0 hashfull 3 pv
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b1c3 currmovenumber 2
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 3
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 4
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 5
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 6
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g1e2 currmovenumber 7
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g1h3 currmovenumber 8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g1f3 currmovenumber 9
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d2d3 currmovenumber 10
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 11
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 12
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 13
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 14
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d2d4 currmovenumber 15
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 16
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 17
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 18
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d1f3 currmovenumber 19
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 20
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove e3e4 currmovenumber 21
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d1e2 currmovenumber 22
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove d1h5 currmovenumber 23
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 currmove b1a3 currmovenumber 24
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 22 seldepth 36 multipv 1 score cp 12 time 3985 nodes 3228451 nps 809000 tbhits 0 hashfull 3 pv f2f4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g1e2 c8b8 h2h3 g8e7 g2g4 h7h6 d2d4 g7g5 c1b1 d7d5 e1g3 e8g6 f3g2 f6g7 c3a4 f5g4 h3g4 b8a8
Ethereal 13.27 > info depth 23 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 1
Ethereal 13.27 < stop
Ethereal 13.27 > bestmove f2f4 ponder b8c6
CMCanavessi commented 2 years ago

Here's what happens when I paste those commands directly in Scorpio, it quits without warning/error

F:\Chess\FRC Engines\Scorpio 3.0.15>scorpio.bat
treeht 162179754 X 192 = 29696.0 MB
Number of cores 16 of 16
id name Scorpio 3.0.15
id author Daniel Shawul
option name UCI_Chess960 type check default false
option name log type check default false
option name clear_hash type button
option name resign type spin default 800 min 100 max 30000
option name mt type spin default 1 min 1 max 656
option name ht type spin default 4096 min 1 max 131072
option name eht type spin default 512 min 1 max 16384
option name pht type spin default 2 min 1 max 256
option name egbb_path type string default .
option name egbb_files_path type string default D:\Tablebases\Scorpio
option name use_nn type check default false
option name use_nnue type check default true
option name nn_path type string default .\ens-net-12x128.pb
option name nn_path_e type string default .\ens-net-12x128.pb
option name nn_path_m type string default .\ens-net-12x128.pb
option name nnue_path type string default .\net-scorpio-k16.bin
option name egbb_cache_size type spin default 256 min 1 max 16384
option name egbb_load_type type spin default 3 min 0 max 3
option name egbb_depth_limit type spin default 6 min 0 max 64
option name egbb_ply_limit_percent type spin default 75 min 0 max 100
option name nn_cache_size type spin default 1024 min 1 max 16384
option name nn_cache_size_m type spin default 1024 min 1 max 16384
option name nn_cache_size_e type spin default 1024 min 1 max 16384
option name n_devices type spin default 1 min 1 max 128
option name device_type type combo default CPU var CPU var GPU
option name delay type spin default 1 min 0 max 1000
option name float_type type combo default FLOAT var FLOAT var HALF var INT8
option name nn_type type spin default 0 min 0 max 10
option name nn_type_e type spin default -1 min -1 max 10
option name nn_type_m type spin default -1 min -1 max 10
option name nn_man_e type spin default 16 min 0 max 32
option name nn_man_m type spin default 24 min 0 max 32
option name wdl_head type check default false
option name wdl_head_m type check default false
option name wdl_head_e type check default false
option name win_weight type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name draw_weight type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name loss_weight type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name nnue_scale type spin default 224 min 0 max 1024
option name nnue_type type spin default 1 min 0 max 1
option name batch_size_factor type spin default 0 min 0 max 12
option name scheduling type combo default FCFS var FCFS var ROUNDROBIN
option name smp_type type combo default ABDADA var YBW var ABDADA var SHT
option name smp_depth type spin default 8 min 1 max 10
option name contempt type spin default 0 min 0 max 100
option name alphabeta_man_c type spin default 12 min 0 max 32
option name verbose type check default false
option name multipv type check default true
option name multipv_margin type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name cpuct_base type spin default 75610 min 0 max 100000000
option name cpuct_factor type spin default 348 min 0 max 1000
option name cpuct_init type spin default 84 min 0 max 1000
option name policy_temp type spin default 215 min 0 max 1000
option name fpu_red type spin default 33 min -1000 max 1000
option name fpu_is_loss type spin default 0 min -1 max 1
option name policy_temp_m type spin default 215 min 0 max 1000
option name fpu_red_m type spin default 33 min -1000 max 1000
option name fpu_is_loss_m type spin default 0 min -1 max 1
option name policy_temp_e type spin default 215 min 0 max 1000
option name fpu_red_e type spin default 33 min -1000 max 1000
option name fpu_is_loss_e type spin default 0 min -1 max 1
option name cpuct_init_root_factor type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name policy_temp_root_factor type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name noise_alpha type spin default 30 min 0 max 100
option name noise_beta type spin default 100 min 0 max 100
option name noise_frac type spin default 25 min 0 max 100
option name temp_plies type spin default 30 min 0 max 100
option name rand_temp type spin default 100 min 0 max 1000
option name rand_temp_delta type spin default 0 min 0 max 1000
option name rand_temp_end type spin default 0 min 0 max 1000
option name playout_cap_rand type check default true
option name frac_full_playouts type spin default 25 min 0 max 100
option name frac_sv_low type spin default 33 min 0 max 100
option name pcr_write_low type check default false
option name kld_threshold type spin default 0 min 0 max 1000000
option name early_stop type check default true
option name train_data_type type spin default 0 min 0 max 2
option name reuse_tree type check default true
option name backup_type type spin default 6 min 0 max 8
option name ensemble type spin default 0 min 0 max 100
option name ensemble_type type spin default 0 min 0 max 2
option name rms_power type spin default 140 min 0 max 1000
option name min_policy_value type spin default 0 min 0 max 1000
option name frac_alphabeta type spin default 0 min 0 max 100
option name frac_freeze_tree type spin default 100 min 0 max 100
option name frac_abrollouts type spin default 20 min 0 max 100
option name frac_abprior type spin default 30 min 0 max 100
option name mcts_strategy_depth type spin default 30 min 0 max 100
option name alphabeta_depth type spin default 16 min 1 max 100
option name evaluate_depth type spin default 0 min -5 max 100
option name virtual_loss type spin default 1 min 0 max 1000
option name max_collisions_ratio type spin default 25 min 0 max 1000
option name max_terminals_ratio type spin default 200 min 0 max 1000
option name insta_move_factor type spin default 0 min 0 max 1000
option name visit_threshold type spin default 800 min 0 max 1000000
option name montecarlo type check default false
option name sp_resign_value type spin default 600 min 0 max 10000
option name forced_playouts type check default false
option name policy_pruning type check default false
option name select_formula type spin default 0 min 0 max 2
option name filter_quiet type check default false
option name treeht type spin default 29695 min 0 max 131072
ht 134217728 X 2 X 16 X 1 = 4096.0 MB
eht 67108864 X 2 X 4 X 1 = 512.0 MB
processors [1]
Process running on node 0 and core 10
EgbbProbe 4.3 by Daniel Shawul
egbb_cache 32672 X 8216 = 256.0 MB
509 egbbs loaded !
Loading NNCPU : .\net-scorpio-k16.bin
NNCPU loaded !
loading_time = 0s

setoption option name UCI_Chess960 value true
position fen rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBBRNQ w FAfa - 0 1 moves e2e3
go wtime 1731160 btime 1800000 winc 5000 binc 5000
# rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/4P3/PPPP1PPP/RNKBBRNQ b KQkq - 0 1
# [st = 64148ms, mt = 899220ms , hply = 1 , moves_left 50]
info depth 2 seldepth 2 score cp -92 time 0 nodes 55 nps 0 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4
info depth 3 seldepth 3 score cp 30 time 4 nodes 159 nps 39750 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4 b8c6
info depth 4 seldepth 4 score cp -90 time 9 nodes 269 nps 29888 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4 b8c6 b1c3
info depth 5 seldepth 6 score cp 28 time 15 nodes 829 nps 55266 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6
info depth 6 seldepth 8 score cp -96 time 21 nodes 1156 nps 55047 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6 a2a3
info depth 6 seldepth 8 score cp -75 time 28 nodes 1634 nps 58357 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a3
info depth 7 seldepth 9 score cp 26 time 36 nodes 2923 nps 81194 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a4 a7a6 f4e5 c6e5
info depth 8 seldepth 12 score cp 2 time 46 nodes 5304 nps 115304 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 f4e5 g7g6 a2a4 c6e5
info depth 9 seldepth 12 score cp 7 time 62 nodes 9973 nps 160854 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 d1f3 e7e6 c1d1 d7d5 b1c3 d8f6

F:\Chess\FRC Engines\Scorpio 3.0.15>
dshawul commented 2 years ago

I think this FRC bug is already fixed in So all you need to do is update the scropio binary

id name Scorpio
setoption option name UCI_Chess960 value true
position fen rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBBRNQ w FAfa - 0 1 moves e2e3
go wtime 1731160 btime 1800000 winc 5000 binc 5000
# rnkbbrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/4P3/PPPP1PPP/RNKBBRNQ b KQkq - 0 1
# [st = 64148ms, mt = 899220ms , hply = 1 , moves_left 50]
info depth 2 seldepth 2 score cp -92 time 1 nodes 55 nps 55000 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4
info depth 3 seldepth 3 score cp 30 time 9 nodes 159 nps 17666 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4 b8c6
info depth 4 seldepth 4 score cp -90 time 14 nodes 269 nps 19214 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 f2f4 b8c6 b1c3
info depth 5 seldepth 6 score cp 28 time 36 nodes 829 nps 23027 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6
info depth 6 seldepth 8 score cp -96 time 41 nodes 1156 nps 28195 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 f2f4 b8c6 a2a3
info depth 6 seldepth 8 score cp -75 time 56 nodes 1634 nps 29178 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a3
info depth 7 seldepth 9 score cp 26 time 80 nodes 2923 nps 36537 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a4 a7a6 f4e5 c6e5
info depth 8 seldepth 12 score cp -81 time 92 nodes 4965 nps 53967 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 f2f4 f7f5 a2a4 a7a6 d1f3
info depth 8 seldepth 13 score cp -52 time 110 nodes 13178 nps 119800 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 g2g4 b8c6 a2a4 a7a5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4
info depth 9 seldepth 17 score cp -18 time 117 nodes 28427 nps 242965 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 g2g4 b8c6 b1c3 f7f5 f2f4 e5f4 g4f5 g8h6
info depth 10 seldepth 17 score cp -34 time 124 nodes 46664 nps 376322 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 b1c3 b8c6 a2a4 f7f5 f2f4 a7a5 g2g4 e5f4 g4f5 f8f5 e3f4 f5f8
info depth 11 seldepth 18 score cp -65 time 139 nodes 81695 nps 587733 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 g7g6 b1c3 f7f5 d1f3 b8c6 c1a1 d8f6
info depth 12 seldepth 18 score cp -30 time 162 nodes 146867 nps 906586 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 b8c6 f4e5 c6e5 g1f3 d8f6 f3e5 f6e5 d1f3 c8a8 b1c3
info depth 13 seldepth 19 score cp -75 time 172 nodes 170277 nps 989982 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 b8c6 b1c3 a7a5 d1f3 c8b8 c1a1 f7f5 f3c6 d7c6 g2g3
info depth 13 seldepth 20 score cp -28 time 230 nodes 302578 nps 1315556 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 a2a3 f7f5 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 a7a5 d1f3 d7d5 g2g4 c8b8 g4f5 f8f5
info depth 14 seldepth 22 score cp -18 time 302 nodes 460530 nps 1524933 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 g2g4 g7g5 g4f5 e6f5 d1e2 g5f4 c1a1 f4e3 c1b1 g8e7 d2e3
info depth 15 seldepth 22 score cp -26 time 345 nodes 560292 nps 1624034 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 f7f5 b1c3 e7e6 g2g4 f5g4 d1g4 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 g4f3 c8b8 c1b1 g7g6 f3c6 d7c6
info depth 16 seldepth 24 score cp -26 time 534 nodes 991928 nps 1857543 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 d8f6 g2g4 c8a8 d1f3 d7d5 c1a1 g7g5 h2h4 g5f4 e3f4 d5d4 c3a4
info depth 17 seldepth 29 score cp -49 time 813 nodes 1637889 nps 2014623 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 d8f6 g2g4 c8a8 d1e2 f6c3 b2c3 d7d5 a1b1 c8b8 g1f3 g8e7 f3d4 h8g8 e1g3 c6d4 e3d4
info depth 18 seldepth 29 score cp -26 time 1211 nodes 2574037 nps 2125546 hashfull 11 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 d8e7 d1f3 c8a8 a2a3 f7f5 c1a1 c8b8 c1b1 g7g5 g2g4 g5f4 e3f4 f5g4 f3g4
info depth 19 seldepth 29 score cp -21 time 1506 nodes 3266376 nps 2168908 hashfull 16 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 d8e7 d1f3 c8a8 h2h3 h7h5 c1a1 d7d5 g2g4 c8b8 c1b1 g7g5 f4g5 h5g4 h3g4 h8h1 f3h1 e7g5
info depth 20 seldepth 32 score cp -31 time 2031 nodes 4505070 nps 2218153 hashfull 26 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 d8e7 d1f3 f7f5 h2h3 h7h5 c1a1 g8f6 c1b1 c8a8 f3c6 d7c6 a2a3 f6d5 c3d5 c6d5 d2d3
info depth 21 seldepth 32 score cp -23 time 2270 nodes 5086876 nps 2240914 hashfull 27 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 d8e7 d1f3 f7f5 h2h3 h7h5 c1a1 g8f6 d2d3 c8a8 f3c6 d7c6 g1f3 c8b8 f3d4 e8f7 d4f3 f6d5
info depth 22 seldepth 33 score cp -31 time 3053 nodes 6983189 nps 2287320 hashfull 34 tbhits 0 pv b8c6 f2f4 e7e6 b1c3 g7g5 d1f3 g5f4 e3f4 f7f5 c1a1 d8f6 g2g3 c8a8 f3c6 d7c6 g1f3 e8h5 h1g1 c8b8 g1e3 h5f3 f1f3 f6g7 e3e6
info depth 22 seldepth 34 score cp -12 time 5267 nodes 12349121 nps 2344621 hashfull 58 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 b1c3 b8c6 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 g2g4 d8e7 g4f5 c8a8 d1f3 g8h6 c1a1 h6f5 c3d5 g7g6 d5e7 f5e7 e1h4 d7d5 c1b1 f8f4
info depth 23 seldepth 35 score cp -11 time 7191 nodes 17053972 nps 2371571 hashfull 75 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 d1f3 b8c6 b1c3 d8f6 c3d5 c8a8 c1a1 c6d4 d2d3 d4f3 g1f3 d7d6 h1g1 b7b6 e1c3 f6c3 d5c3 e8c6
info depth 24 seldepth 35 score cp -18 time 8048 nodes 19101402 nps 2373434 hashfull 85 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 c3d5 c6d4 g2g3 d4f3 g1f3 d7d6 d5f6 g8f6 h1g1 b7b6 d2d3 e8c6 f3d4
info depth 25 seldepth 35 score cp -20 time 9379 nodes 22319222 nps 2379701 hashfull 99 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 c3d5 c6d4 d2d3 d7d6 c1b1 d4f3 g1f3 c8b8 d5f6 g8f6 e1h4 e8c6 h4f6 f8f6 f3d4 c6d5 h1g1
info depth 26 seldepth 35 score cp -21 time 11968 nodes 28381322 nps 2371433 hashfull 122 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 c1b1 c6d4 c3d5 e8f7 d5f6 g8f6 d2d3 f8e8 g2g3 d4f3 g1f3 c8b8 e1c3 f6d5 c3d4 d7d6
info depth 27 seldepth 39 score cp -27 time 15494 nodes 36529225 nps 2357636 hashfull 150 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 e1f2 g8e7 g2g3 c8b8 g1e2 e8f7 d2d4 d7d5 c1b1 h8g8 f1e1 f8e8 h2h3 g7g6 g3g4 e7c8 e2c1 e8e1 h1e1 f6g7 g4f5 g6f5
info depth 28 seldepth 39 score cp -26 time 23724 nodes 55875833 nps 2355245 hashfull 231 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 e1f2 g7g6 g1e2 g8e7 c1b1 e8f7 g2g3 d7d5 f1e1 f8e8 d2d4 c8b8 f3g2 h7h5 g2f3 h5h4 c3a4
info depth 29 seldepth 41 score cp -15 time 37546 nodes 88582332 nps 2359301 hashfull 343 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 e1f2 g8e7 g2g3 g7g6 g1e2 e8f7 d2d4 d7d5 c1b1 f8e8 f1e1 h7h5 h1g1 c8b8 e2c1 e7c8 e1e8 h8e8
info depth 29 seldepth 41 score cp -15 time 44719 nodes 104982679 nps 2347607 hashfull 401 tbhits 0 pv e7e5 f2f4 e5f4 e3f4 f7f5 b1c3 b8c6 d1f3 d8f6 c1a1 c8a8 e1f2 g8e7 g2g3 g7g6 g1e2 e8f7 d2d4 d7d5 c1b1 f8e8 f1e1 h7h5 h1g1 c8b8 e2c1 e7c8 e1e8 h8e8
# Stat: nodes 104982679 <21% qnodes> tbhits 0 splits 0 badsplits 0 time 44719ms nps 2347607 eps 850373 nneps 0
bestmove e7e5 ponder f2f4
CMCanavessi commented 2 years ago

Ok, I'll try it and report back

CMCanavessi commented 2 years ago worked perfectly!

dshawul commented 2 years ago
