dshawul / Scorpio

Scorpio chess engine
81 stars 19 forks source link

Scorpio BitBases (other engines) and WB-converter for MCS-protocol #3

Closed yellow-panther closed 2 years ago

yellow-panther commented 6 years ago

cf. http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:egtbs_list > an enumeration for other chess programs that are using Scorpio BitBases too

WB2UCI~ converter http://web.archive.org/web/20020418225409/http://home.online.no:80/~malin/sjakk/Wb2Uci/ http://americanfoot.free.fr/echecs/suisse/fichiers.htm (French website with many examples)

WB-converter for the GeniusClassic GUI (uses a proprietary MCS=Millenium Chess System-protocol) http://www.chessgenius.com/pc/wbconv.zip

download-link of v2.77 seems to be wrong > leads to Jim Ablett´s former compiles