dshawul / Scorpio

Scorpio chess engine
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v2.9.0 MCTS+NN - stalls and time forfeits #7

Closed tpoppins closed 2 years ago

tpoppins commented 5 years ago

I downloaded the exec dated March 8 hoping it would help with the numerous stalls and time forfeits (at least 5%) I was experiencing with the Feb 22 exec. Well, this new version's fail rate is so far 100%: out of 13 games I ran to replay the bad games played by the previous version all 13 ended in either a stall or a forfeit.

Attached is a ZIP with two example PGNs and debug logs from Cute Chess illustrating stalls, and one set of the same featuring a time forfeit.

The setup is the same Ivybridge 20-core dual Xeon that ran thousands of games for various versions (including the early MCTS ones a year ago) of Scorpio with hardly an issue:

Dual E5-2690v2 @3 GHz, HT off, 32 GB RAM Win 7 x64 Pro SP1 Cute Chess v1.1.0 x64 dev build 5-men Scorpio EGBBs egbbdll64.dll dated Feb 16 net-6x64.pb dated March 4 13 games run simultaneously in about 8-9 instances of Cute Chess


dshawul commented 5 years ago

Please do not rename the scorpio.ini file. If it could not find that file, i think it will just use standard ab search. It actually did that in a test TCEC tournament without loading NNs. Could you also post the cutechess log file after making the above change ? Btw Graham was able to setup scorpio NN by himself so you may want to ask him.

tpoppins commented 5 years ago

Daniel, I think you overlooked all of my posts in the #6 thread since January 21. Please read at least the latest ones starting with this one. Relevant Cute Chess logs are to be found there as well.

In short, with Scorpio loading the NN on startup based on the data it finds in scorpio.ini the crash rate is 100%.

I'm not certain Graham got it working either; I'm still waiting for him to check the debug logs to see if if the NN is indeed loaded. At any rate his setup would unlikely to be of help to me as my GUI is Cute Chess, not ChessGUI.