dshean / demcoreg

Utilities for DEM and point cloud co-registration
MIT License
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Error -38 #35

Closed morgan-mcdonnell closed 2 years ago

morgan-mcdonnell commented 2 years ago

I run the dem_align.py command successfully and get an output dem after four iterations. However, the following error message pops immediately after I run the dem_align.py command. It appears three times in succession. Wondering what is causing this error message, and if it will cause any problems? Both of my input dems are in a projected coordinate system. Thanks!

proj_create: Error -38: failed to load datum shift file

dshean commented 2 years ago

Can you please provide the full output (copy/paste from terminal, with context around the error message)? What is CRS of the two input datasets (from gdalinfo)? My guess is that they have different CRS that requires a datum shift grid. This is independent of demcoreg - these must be manually downloaded to your PROJ share directory. See documentation on the PROJ website - there is a convenient utility called projsync that will do this automatically. If you can provide more details on your environment (e.g., GDAL version, PROJ version), that would also be useful.

morgan-mcdonnell commented 2 years ago

Sure! I'm attaching the output. Both DEMs have this CRS: EPSG:32718 - WGS 84 / UTM zone 18S - Projected. demcoreg_output.docx

dshean commented 2 years ago

OK. Those errors don't seem to be an issue, and dem_align.py converges with reasonable offset values. I think you can safely ignore if the output looks good.

My guess is that some of those errors are related to projections initiated in pygeotools/lib/geolib.py using older PROJ4 syntax. Some of that code needs to be overhauled/updated for latest GDAL/PROJ.

morgan-mcdonnell commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks for looking into it!