dsheeler / CoverflowAltTab

Coverflow like Alt-Tab replacement for Gnome-Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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not able to switch between windows when I have more than 1 instance of the same app #190

Open molitona opened 1 year ago

molitona commented 1 year ago

Hi, recently I was not able to switch between windows when I have more than 1 instance of the same app.

For example if I opened file manager or Firefox 2 times then i can't switch between the 2 instances of them with ALT+TAB.

I use Gnome 43.2 with latest extension of this extension. The weird thing that it was switching fine between more than 1 instance of the same app for almost 2 years. And stopped working from 3 days (i haven't updated my Arch OS, neither done anything).

Also, notice on video somehow one window gets into some other (it's happened only this time when i encountered this problem, not the case in the past too)


dsheeler commented 1 year ago

Hi @molitona, this is a feature, not a bug. This is a new "application switcher" mode that gets invoked when you use the switch-applications keybinding action which is normally bound to Super-Tab. The behavior you expect still works when you use the switch-windows action which is normally bound to Alt-Tab. In fact, I didn't anticipate your situation because I thought everyone was using Alt-Tab!

When you get to an application with multiple windows, now


you get a sub-switcher which you can cycle through by hitting arrows or scrolling with the mouse. Let me know what you think of it, please. I mostly tried to mimic the behaviour of built-in gnome-shell application switcher which jumps from application to application on Super-Tab even when an application has multiple windows-- cycling through the multiple windows of an application requires mouse scrolling or arrow keys.

I can make this functionality optional... like I said, I thought most people would be using Alt-Tab to invoke Coverflow Alt-Tab haha. Let me know what you think!

dsheeler commented 1 year ago

See also #189

molitona commented 1 year ago

Hi @dsheeler,

Now I get it. Switching using a sub-switcher is always there using ALT+TAB or SUPER+TAB. In fact I run away from default gnome switching 'cause I don't open too much windows like I've max 10 window open. So, how can I use it without sub-switcher (ALT+TAB or SUPER+TAB use sub-switcher)

dsheeler commented 1 year ago

@molitona: Go to gnome-settings / Keyboard / "View and Customize Shortcuts" / Navigation and set "Switch applications" to Super+Tab, and "Switch windows" to Alt+Tab. That's how I have it.

molitona commented 1 year ago

thanks a lot!!