dsheeler / CoverflowAltTab

Coverflow like Alt-Tab replacement for Gnome-Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot switch windows between the same application #192

Closed lomirus closed 1 year ago

lomirus commented 1 year ago

I opened 2 windows of firefox: one is regular window, and another is private window.

When press super key, it is like below, showing both windows:

Screenshot from 2023-02-03 17-13-53

However, when I tried to press alt+tab to switch window, it doesn't work. So I kept pressing it to see what happened, and then found that there was only one window available:

Screenshot from 2023-02-03 17-12-45

sergiotca commented 1 year ago

Same issue, and it started recently.

Using Manajaro & Gnome 43.2 under X11 Extension V58

dsheeler commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reports! I can reproduce this, so I should be able to fix.

TheRoarkster commented 1 year ago

I also have this issue. Same setup as @sergiotca. Thanks for looking into fix.

careca1970 commented 1 year ago

Seems like it is same issue I noticed.

If you have many “applications” and some “windows” of same application, switching between “applications” (Alt-Tab) works, but once you try to switch “windows of same application” (Alt-^) it does not reflect same behavior of “Gnome standard switcher”. With actual behavior, one must first switch the “application group” (Alt-Tab), release Alt key, and then use “Alt-^” to choose between windows.

To resume, switching between “windows” should be possible during “application” switching (without releasing Alt-key), just swapping “Tab” by “^” keys.

By the way, MANY THANKS for very nice and functional extension !

dsheeler commented 1 year ago

9870b8a21c635014b9e72c3c8c7fc9f0dde0bbef Should fix this!

lomirus commented 1 year ago

@dsheeler There are still some problems. In the old version that still works, for example, there are three windows: A1, A2 and B1. A1 & A2 are the same application but different windows. When you focus A1 and then A2, and then you press the alt + tab, it will switch back to the A1 (the last window that you focused). However in the new version, it can only switch between the Ax and B1, despite the focusing order. It's very inconvenient when you just want to switch between two browser windows but there is also a terminal window, so you can only switch to the terminal window. That is to say, this new version extension cannot switch windows between the same application when there are some other windows.

dsheeler commented 1 year ago

@lomirus, did you see #190? Just curious, that is sorta related to all this, I think.

sergiotca commented 1 year ago

@dsheeler There are still some problems. In the old version that still works, for example, there are three windows: A1, A2 and B1. A1 & A2 are the same application but different windows. When you focus A1 and then A2, and then you press the alt + tab, it will switch back to the A1 (the last window that you focused). However in the new version, it can only switch between the Ax and B1, despite the focusing order. It's very inconvenient when you just want to switch between two browser windows but there is also a terminal window, so you can only switch to the terminal window. That is to say, this new version extension cannot switch windows between the same application when there are some other windows.

I had the same problem until I realized, my "Switch windows" keyboard shortcut (alt-tab) had been replaced by "Switch Application". Not sure why it happened, maybe one of the extension I installed did it or maybe something else entirely.

Anyway, I reassigned the alt-tab shortcut to "Switch windows" and now everything is working as expected.

You can follow @dsheeler explanation of this here: https://github.com/dmo60/CoverflowAltTab/issues/190#issuecomment-1406690067

lomirus commented 1 year ago

My keyboard shortcut settings were:

I don't know why "Switch Windows" is disabled (maybe because of the gnome upgrade), but it is fixed now by the solution in #190.