dsheeler / CoverflowAltTab

Coverflow like Alt-Tab replacement for Gnome-Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE REQUEST] custom keybinding #239

Open JE-Amouel opened 5 days ago

JE-Amouel commented 5 days ago

Hi, would it be possible to be able to set another hotkey to trigger the switcher? thanks your precious support.

dsheeler commented 5 days ago

Do you mean you'd like to use some other key combination? If so, that's a gnome settings thing:


JE-Amouel commented 5 days ago

yes, but just a little more than that, as I explained in issue #237, I use two extensions which both serve as alt+tab to switch windows or applications, both have interfaces which offers totally different functionality, I want to be able to keep them and use them according to the circumstances, the problem is that if I change the keyboard shortcuts from the gnome settings, it will always be the same problem since both extensions point to the same keyboard shortcuts ,

but instead of being able to define a different keyboard shortcut in the coverflow settings, do you think it would be possible to have a mechanism that triggers the coverflow switch from d-bus ? like that I could use a script which will allow me to target coverflow only.

what do you think about?

dsheeler commented 5 days ago

I have a solution for your situation without changing code, I think. Assuming you just want to cycle all windows (and not windows grouped by application), you can then go to settings gui and under "Application Switcher" turn on "Make the Application Switcher Behave Like the Window Switcher", and then go to "Keybindings" and make sure to turn off 'Bind to 'switch-windows'' and turn on 'Bind to 'switch-applications''. Then go to your system settings keyboard shortcuts and set something other than Alt+Tab to "Switch applications"; I set it to Super+Tab. With all this in place, Alt-Tab should be used by the other extension, and Super-Tab (or whatever key combination you choose) will be used by this extension. Let me know if that works for you

dsheeler commented 5 days ago

I could also add another shortcut altogether; I totally forgot I just did this for the Gravatar extension! Hard to believe the things I forget.

JE-Amouel commented 3 days ago

very nice idea,

I have a solution for your situation without changing code, I think. Assuming you just want to cycle all windows (and not windows grouped by application), you can then go to settings gui and under "Application Switcher" turn on "Make the Application Switcher Behave Like the Window Switcher", and then go to "Keybindings" and make sure to turn off 'Bind to 'switch-windows'' and turn on 'Bind to 'switch-applications''. Then go to your system settings keyboard shortcuts and set something other than Alt+Tab to "Switch applications"; I set it to Super+Tab. With all this in place, Alt-Tab should be used by the other extension, and Super-Tab (or whatever key combination you choose) will be used by this extension. Let me know if that works for you

but the problem is that, that other extension internally wraps the two switchers, the application switcher and the window switcher, which means that there will always be a conflict.

I still tried your suggestion, and there is still the same conflict.

p91paul commented 3 days ago

If 2 extensions bind the same event, the one coming later wins. Which means it's quite unpredictable, as I do not think there are ordering guarantees for gs extensions loading. It might be still be deterministic (e.g. for a specific system it always either works or doesn't). I do not think conflicting extensions can be resolved, except by the user by disabling one of them.

G-dH commented 3 days ago

Just a note: AATWS only extends the default switchers by injecting relevant classes, no switcher keybindings are affected.