dsheldon / mechbayes

Bayesian modeling of COVID-19, sometimes mechanistic
MIT License
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add support for getting hospitalizations data #1

Open elray1 opened 3 years ago

elray1 commented 3 years ago

to start, only support US states and national, getting data from the covidcast API.

For states:

For US national:

For counties:

dsheldon commented 3 years ago

This proposal looks pretty good; it always takes me some trial and error to get all the pandas commands right.

An alternate way would be load the hospital data separately (not in jhu.py) and add it in the higher-level utils in util.py. E.g., for states, you could add it around here: https://github.com/dsheldon/mechbayes/blob/c51d09038c040d1a18baa8b6da595aa6b4e6fad8/mechbayes/util.py#L58-L69

After running this code, you would need to add a hosp column to data[place]['data'] for each relevant place.

No strong opinion here on which approach is better.