dsherret / dax

Cross-platform shell tools for Deno and Node.js inspired by zx.
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Redesign command and internal streams #224

Closed dsherret closed 5 months ago

dsherret commented 5 months ago

The current use of Deno.Reader and Deno.WriteSync internally is not working.

/** `Deno.Reader` stream. */
export interface Reader {
  read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null>;

/** `Deno.WriterSync` stream. */
export interface WriterSync {
  writeSync(p: Uint8Array): number;

The writes could be going to stuff like writable streams and there needs to be a way to get backpressure.

Deno.WriteSync was used because it's fast and worked ok with the initial design, but it doesn't work well with WritableStreams, which must be async.


So, I'm going to change the interface internally to accept both a Writer or a WriterSync, then change the writes within a command to possibly return a promise. Doing a quick bench, conditionally awaiting the promise is 2x faster than always awaiting one.