The properties button has some features that don't apear to do anything, at least on windows.
THe "point picker" feature, for example, I couldn't understand how to use. I suppose it identifies the elevation of a certain point if you click on it, but I couldn't get it to work. If it isn't functionable, it would be ideal to remove it from the settings, if that's possible.
Some of the other settings like lighting, are a little technical but they do function and could be useful to advanced users so they should probably be left in there.
Settings about the image quality of exported images is also useful and should be left there.
The properties button has some features that don't apear to do anything, at least on windows.
THe "point picker" feature, for example, I couldn't understand how to use. I suppose it identifies the elevation of a certain point if you click on it, but I couldn't get it to work. If it isn't functionable, it would be ideal to remove it from the settings, if that's possible.
Some of the other settings like lighting, are a little technical but they do function and could be useful to advanced users so they should probably be left in there.
Settings about the image quality of exported images is also useful and should be left there.