dsindex / syntaxnet

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./sejong/c2d.sh error #36

Open YeopIn opened 6 years ago

YeopIn commented 6 years ago

I had a problem with [training parser from Sejong treebank corpus]

1) ,/sejong/split.sh -v -v is ok 1

but, ./sejong/c2d.sh -v -v had error 2

what should i do??

dsindex commented 6 years ago


1) you need to place a constituent parse tree corpus(sejong_treebank.txt.v1) to sejong directory.

$ ls
align.py  align_r.py  c2d.py  c2d.sh  context.pbtxt_p  env.sh  eval.py  log  sejong_treebank.sample  sejong_treebank.txt.v1  split.py  split.sh  tagged_input.sample  tagger.py  wdir
$ more sejong_treebank.txt.v1
; 1993/06/08 19
(NP (NP 1993/SN + //SP + 06/SN + //SP + 08/SN)
    (NP 19/SN))

; 엠마누엘 웅가로 /
(NP (NP (NP 엠마누엘/NNP)
        (NP 웅가로/NNP))
    (X //SP))

; 의상서 실내 장식품으로…
    (NP_AJT (NP 실내/NNG)
        (NP_AJT 장식품/NNG + 으로/JKB + …/SE)))

; 디자인 세계 넓혀
(VP (NP_OBJ (NP 디자인/NNG)
        (NP_OBJ 세계/NNG))
    (VP 넓히/VV + 어/EC))

2) run split.sh, you will have

$ ls wdir

3) run 'c2d.sh`

YeopIn commented 6 years ago

I solved this problem, Thank you.

How to training Korean pos tagging? Is that true for Korean pos tagging using train_dragnn.sh? and data using UD_Korean(universal_dependencies-2.0-ud_treebans-v2.0tgz)? Is it need sejong_treebank.v1? I knew sejong_treebank.v1 is for Korean parser

I downloaded UD_Korean version of 2.0, screenshot from 2018-07-13 14-26-36

I changed SRC_CORPUS_DIR = UD_Korean and TRAIN_FILE = kr-ud-train.conllu and DEV_FILE = kr-ud-dev.conllu in train_dragnn.sh screenshot from 2018-07-13 14-32-47

but, There is out of range Error? What should I do? screenshot from 2018-07-13 14-37-06

dsindex commented 6 years ago


1) Is that true for Korean pos tagging using train_dragnn.sh?

-> No, train_dragnn.sh stands for training dependency parser only. it is basically same as train_dragnn_sejong.sh.

2) data using UD_Korean(universal_dependencies-2.0-ud_treebans-v2.0tgz)? Is it need sejong_treebank.v1? I knew sejong_treebank.v1 is for Korean parser ...

-> i think you need to check *.conllu.conv. 'convert.py' generates '.conv' files and those files are used as training/tune corpus


function convert_corpus {
    local _corpus_dir=$1
    for corpus in $(ls ${_corpus_dir}/*.conllu); do
        ${python} ${CDIR}/convert.py < ${corpus} > ${corpus}.conv

YeopIn commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much.. My final goal is training both Korean Tag and Parser with Sejong Corpus data. Is there a way to solution?

dsindex commented 6 years ago

there was a similar discussion before https://github.com/dsindex/syntaxnet/issues/4#issuecomment-236389952

but, i couldn't find proper way to train Korean POS tagger. i thought ... it is worth that i use other Korean POS tagger(Konlpy) or implement character-based POS tagger for Korean and reconstruct morphs from inflectional forms. for example,

tagging : '하늘을 나는 새를 본다' -> '하/b-ncn 늘/i-ncn 을/b-jks 나/b-vv 는/b-etm 새/b-ncn 를/b-jko 본/b-vv 다/b-ec' reconstruct : '하늘/ncn 을/jks 날/vv 는/etm 새/ncn 를/jko 보/vv ㄴ다/ec'

of course, you need some extra resources for converting '본/b-vv 다/b-ec' -> '보/vv ㄴ다/ec'