dskbartek / Colmar-Academy

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Overall Score #9

Open tommygebru opened 5 years ago

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Overall Score

Criteria 1: HTML Structure
Score Level: 4 - HTML implementation enables proper use of media queries.
HTML structure reflects the grouping and flow of content in the web browser.

Criteria 2: Visual Layout for Both Desktop and Mobile Sizes
Score Level: 4 - Desktop and mobile layouts match the wireframe in all sections. 

Criteria 3: Responsive Design (Media Queries, Responsive Units, etc.)
Score Level: 4 - Media queries kick in at appropriate breakpoints. 
Responsive units are used throughout.

Criteria 4: Visual Design and Accessibility (Color Palette, Typography, Transitions, etc.)
Score Level: 4 - An accessible color palette was chosen. Typographic considerations were made. CSS transitions were used.

Overall Score: 16/16
tommygebru commented 5 years ago


Hey Bartlomiej, well done on your project Colmar, it's clear you have an excellent understanding of HTML and CSS basics. Spend a little more time reviewing/practicing upon the feedback until it clicks, and I'm confident you'll do fine.

Also keep some HTML/CSS best practices in mind when coding A great way to review content on the Go and also Become familiar with some of your Browser's web tools When in doubt Google it (or MDN it) 🎉

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Next Steps

You can update your project to include any of the suggestions I addressed today. Also if you choose to you can simply upload a new github repo, updated to reflect any feedback 👍

Ok Bartlomiej keep up the good work and happy coding!

dskbartek commented 5 years ago

Hi Tommy I updated my project. I fixed errors and used "rems" :) Design show exactly what I wanted, I like monochromatic and clean look :) I was a bit surprised that my project is not bad. It's a big satisfaction for me. Your advices is very accurate. I needed exactly that. Thank you very much for professional feedback. I really appreciate it.