dsm-museum / artefact

ARtefact is a framework for displaying 3D models, adding annotations and connecting content to them. It is developed at the German Maritime Museum
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Saucer drone project #8

Open DannyFranklin opened 1 week ago

DannyFranklin commented 1 week ago

Sure, here is an example of a C++ function that could be used to payload a saucer drone project:

#include <iostream>

void payloadSaucerDroneProject() {
    // Add your payload code here
    std::cout << "Payloading saucer drone project..." << std::endl;

    // Example payload code
    // Activate stealth mode

    // Collect data

    // Transmit data

    std::cout << "Payload complete." << std::endl;

void activateStealthMode() {
    // Code to activate stealth mode
    std::cout << "Activating stealth mode..." << std::endl;

void collectData() {
    // Code to collect data
    std::cout << "Collecting data..." << std::endl;

void transmitData() {
    // Code to transmit data
    std::cout << "Transmitting data..." << std::endl;

int main() {

    return 0;

This code defines a function payloadSaucerDroneProject() that contains the payload code for the saucer drone project. It also includes helper functions activateStealthMode(), collectData(), and transmitData() to perform specific tasks within the payload function. The main() function calls payloadSaucerDroneProject() to execute the payload code.

You can customize the payload code within the payloadSaucerDroneProject() function to suit the specific requirements of your saucer drone project.

DannyFranklin commented 1 week ago

"dependencies": { "archiver": "^6.0.0", // Update this line ... }

DannyFranklin commented 1 week ago





using namespace std;

// Function prototypes void aiControl(); void humanControl();

int main() { int choice;

cout << "Welcome to the AI vs Human Control Program!" << endl;
cout << "Please choose an option:" << endl;
cout << "1. AI Control" << endl;
cout << "2. Human Control" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;

switch (choice) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
        cout << "Invalid choice. Exiting program." << endl;

return 0;


// AI Control function void aiControl() { cout << "AI is in control." << endl;

// Simulate AI decision-making process
int aiDecision = rand() % 2; // Generate a random 0 or 1

if (aiDecision == 0) {
    cout << "AI has decided to take action A." << endl;
} else {
    cout << "AI has decided to take action B." << endl;


// Human Control function void humanControl() { cout << "Human is in control." << endl;

string userInput;
cout << "Enter your decision (A or B): ";
cin >> userInput;

if (userInput == "A" || userInput == "a") {
    cout << "You have decided to take action A." << endl;
} else if (userInput == "B" || userInput == "b") {
    cout << "You have decided to take action B." << endl;
} else {
    cout << "Invalid input. No action taken." << endl;
