This is a project for CSC 4330 at LSU. We are desiging a mobile application for the Louis Stokes Center for the Promotion of Academic Careers through Motivational Opportunities to Develop Emerging Leaders in STEM (LS-PAC MODELS). The app will allow mentors and mentees to match and connect with each other based on mutual interests such as field of research/study and other criteria.
Mentors should be able to share images that may contain valuable information for their Mentees and Mentors
Mentors may have images from scholastic events, conferences, experiments, or other activities that may be beneficial to share with their Mentees and Mentors
Mentees, Mentors
User must be logged in
User must be a Mentor
Basic Course of Events
Mentor taps “New Post” button from “Post Feed” tab
Mentor selects button to “Upload an Image”
Mentor browses their local system and chooses an image to upload
Mentor selects the “Submit” button
System takes Post content and saves it into the system database and saves image to system’s file storage
Image post is then viewable from all connected Mentor and Mentee post feeds and from Mentor’s profile page
Mentors should be able to share images that may contain valuable information for their Mentees and Mentors
Mentors may have images from scholastic events, conferences, experiments, or other activities that may be beneficial to share with their Mentees and Mentors
Mentees, Mentors
Basic Course of Events