This is a project for CSC 4330 at LSU. We are desiging a mobile application for the Louis Stokes Center for the Promotion of Academic Careers through Motivational Opportunities to Develop Emerging Leaders in STEM (LS-PAC MODELS). The app will allow mentors and mentees to match and connect with each other based on mutual interests such as field of research/study and other criteria.
The system should track how often Mentors are making posts
System administrators will want to how frequently Mentors are sharing content with Mentees
System administrators, Mentors
User has logged into the system
User is a Mentor
Mentor has created a new post
Basic Course of Events
When Mentor creates a post, the system logs the date and time the post has been created
The system routinely determines the average frequency that Mentors create posts and creates simple reports for system administrators to read these measurements
The system should track how often Mentors are making posts
System administrators will want to how frequently Mentors are sharing content with Mentees
System administrators, Mentors
Basic Course of Events