This is a project for CSC 4330 at LSU. We are desiging a mobile application for the Louis Stokes Center for the Promotion of Academic Careers through Motivational Opportunities to Develop Emerging Leaders in STEM (LS-PAC MODELS). The app will allow mentors and mentees to match and connect with each other based on mutual interests such as field of research/study and other criteria.
Users should be able to request a temporary password if they have forgotten their current password. The system should email the temporary password to the email address tied to the user’s account
Users may forget their passwords yet still need access to the system. The system allows for this mistake and offers a convenient way to log in even if a password is forgotten.
All users
User account should already exist
Username that requests temporary password should correspond to an email address used as a username for some account
Basic Course of Events
User navigates to the Login form
User taps the “Forgot password” button
System creates a dialogue box that prompts user to input their email
If the email exists in the system, the system resets the specified account’s password to a temporary password and emails the temporary password to the email associated with the requesting username
If the email does not exist in the system, the system informs the user that no account exists with the specified email
Users should be able to request a temporary password if they have forgotten their current password. The system should email the temporary password to the email address tied to the user’s account
Users may forget their passwords yet still need access to the system. The system allows for this mistake and offers a convenient way to log in even if a password is forgotten.
All users
Basic Course of Events