Open dmsc opened 4 years ago
Also, the link order is significant: see the comments on BIBOOT.ASM, the first 256 bytes of the CS are overwritten. This means that GWDATA must be the first file in the link command.
Hello @dmsc,
I built on your OEM.ASM
, and here is what I have so far:
Thank you!
Wow, you have a working screen :)
I see that you added breakpoints on all unimplemented functions, instead I was parsing the linker map output and adding breakpoints from the symbol addresses.
tkchia, I just went to your repository this morning and cloned and compiled with jwasm/jwlink (very convenient!) and encountered the following issues with your (largely working!) gwbasic.exe:
1) cannot scroll from the bottom of the screen 2) pressing F9 KEY for example offers no " " after it 3) TIMER ON and TIMER OFF aren't there 4) SHELL isn't there 5) pressing the INS button doesn't enter insert mode 6) pressing the DEL or BS buttons deletes from the end of the line, not from here 7) listing my program, I may get spaces after each line, or incomplete length - with this, it may be related to not scrolling properly
all in all I'm glad to see gwbasic working so well! here is the code I tested with:
1 X$ = "" 2 GOTO 10 5 STOP 6 CLS 7 PRINT TIME$"] "X$; 8 RETURN 10 CLS 30 ON TIMER( 3 ) GOSUB 6 33 TIMER ON 36 CLS 40 PRINT TIME$"] "X$; 41 Y$ = INKEY$ 42 IF LEN( Y$ ) = 0 THEN GOTO 41 48 X$ = X$ + Y$ 50 IF Y$=CHR$(27) THEN GOTO 5 52 IF Y$=CHR$(8) THEN GOSUB 92 53 IF Y$<>CHR$(13) THEN GOTO 36 60 PRINT " [working]" 62 TIMER OFF 70 SHELL X$ 72 X$ = "" 75 LOCATE 24, 1 78 PRINT "taco. . ."; 80 Y$ = INPUT$( 1 ) 90 GOTO 10 92 WELL = LEN( X$ ) 93 IF WELL < 2 THEN RETURN 94 X$ = LEFT$( X$, WELL - 2 ) 95 RETURN
Hello @mdasoh,
Thanks for your feedback. Since it is (mostly) regarding my repository, I thought it will be best to move the discussion there: .
Thank you!
(Edit: I have moved my fork to GitLab: .)
With this minimal OEM.ASM at least the interpreter shows the initial banner.
Sadly, still far: