I've made a translation for you. Wanted to create a pull but it was not possbile.
So i'll just paste it here.
other = "Inhoud"
other = "Pagina's"
other = "Tags"
other = "Links"
other = "Bangumi"
other = "Powered by "
other = " "
other = "Geen Tags"
other = " woorden"
other = "Tenzij anders vermeld is de inhoud van deze site eigendom van "
other = "."
other = "Commentaren worden geladen..."
other = "Commentaren konden niet geladen worden."
other = "Totaal aantal posts: "
other = "Alle posts met de tag {{ .Title }}: "
other = "Uw huidige browser ondersteund deze pagina niet "
other = " afbeeldingen"
I've made a translation for you. Wanted to create a pull but it was not possbile. So i'll just paste it here.