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Create columing indicating which alternative was chosen by the student #29

Closed nsmader closed 11 years ago

nsmader commented 11 years ago

I.e., this means creating a 0/1 indicator of whether a given alternative/student row represents the alternative that that student had actually chosen.

This can be done by merging files of student enrollment in afterschool programming file into the skeleton file by student ID. The value is calculated by comparing the identity of the choice (i.e. either a given site location, or "none of the above") that defines the row to the site that was merged in for that student. (And, of course, if the row in the skeleton is defined by the "none of the above" option, then that row gets a "1" value if no site merges in from the afterschool enrollment files.)

ejette commented 11 years ago

the output is stored in choice.Rda