dssg / appy-reviews

A "smart" Web application for reviewing DSSG program application submissions
MIT License
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"Bad Request (400)" when accessing the container #55

Closed darenasc closed 5 years ago

darenasc commented 5 years ago

hi, I got issues trying to test the repository locally. After successful steps 1 and 2 of the installation instructions from the README I run manage build on the terminal with no extra configuration and it creates two docker images dsapp/appy-reviews/web and 093198349272.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dsapp/appy-reviews/web which are identical. Then I run:

docker run -itd -p 8000:8000 dsapp/appy-reviews/web

And I got a Bad Request (400) message when I access http://localhost:8000 and no response from the IP of the container and port 8000.

Is there something I'm missing during the installation? I'm using macOS 10.14.3 and I had to use pyenv virtualenv 3.7.1 appy because 3.7.2 wasn't available. Thank you.

jesteria commented 5 years ago

Hi @darenasc, we can chat about your development environment via another channel :+1:

jesteria commented 5 years ago

(In short, localhost is an unacceptable Host: header, unless you're running in development mode. And, that's only one of many reasons to run locally in development mode. Development mode can be triggered with the environment variable APPY_DEBUG=[1|y|yes|t|true]. And that and several other settings are built into the management command: develop.)