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General Purpose Risk Modeling and Prediction Toolkit for Policy and Social Good Problems
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Scheduled monthly dependency update for August #905

Closed pyup-bot closed 1 year ago

pyup-bot commented 1 year ago

Update mkdocs from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1.

Changelog ### 1.3.1 ``` * Pin Python-Markdown version to <3.4, thus excluding its latest release that breaks too many external extensions (2893) * When a Markdown extension fails to load, print its name and traceback (2894) * Bugfix for "readthedocs" theme (regression in 1.3.0): add missing space in breadcrumbs (2810) * Bugfix: don't complain when a file "readme.md" (lowercase) exists, it's not recognized otherwise (2852) * Built-in themes now also support these languages: * Italian (2860) Other small improvements; see [commit log](https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/compare/1.3.0...1.3.1). ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/mkdocs/ - Homepage: https://www.mkdocs.org

Update pymdown-extensions from 9.4 to 9.5.

Changelog ### 9.5 ``` - **NEW**: InlineHilite: Custom inline code block formatters can now be forced to raise an exception by raising a `InlineHiliteException`. - **NEW**: Snippets: Add new options to handle importing snippets from URL. - **NEW**: Snippets: Snippets will only swallow missing file errors (unless `check_paths` is enabled), all other errors will be propagated up. - **NEW**: Snippets: When a file or URL is missing, raise `SnippetMissingError` instead of `IOError`. - **FIX**: Snippets: Small issues related to recursive inclusion of snippets. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pymdown-extensions - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pymdown-extensions/

Update mkdocs-material from 8.2.12 to 8.3.9.

Changelog ### 8.3.9 ``` * Updated Taiwanese translations for search * Allow ids for content tabs with special characters (for mkdocstrings) * Fixed 4083: home not clickable when using versioning (8.3.5 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.8+insiders-4.19.1 (2022-06-25) * Added mkdocs-git-committers-plugin to Dockerfile * Added mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin to Dockerfile mkdocs-material-8.3.8+insiders-4.19.0 (2022-06-24) * Added support for document contributors * Updated French translations for cookie consent ``` ### 8.3.8 ``` * Fixed 4053: Limit width of videos to content area * Fixed empty tags in front matter breaking search ``` ### 8.3.7 ``` * Fixed search being stuck initializing when using tags (8.3.4 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.6+insiders-4.18.2 (2022-06-16) * Fixed 4026: Fixed tooltips not mounted for nested navigation links ``` ### 8.3.6 ``` * Fixed 4028: Links not clickable when using versioning (8.3.5 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.5+insiders-4.18.1 (2022-06-14) * Fixed 3990: Chinese search highlighting not working on non-boundaries ``` ### 8.3.5 ``` * Fixed 4012: Stay on page not working for alias of active version mkdocs-material-8.3.4+insiders-4.18.0 (2022-06-11) * Added support for automatic dark/light mode * Fixed 4009: Privacy plugin uses invalid paths for file cache on Windows ``` ### 8.3.4 ``` * Fixed 4004: Tags with multiple words not searchable ``` ### 8.3.3 ``` * Fixed 4000: Mermaid diagrams too dark in dark mode (8.3.0 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.2+insiders-4.17.2 (2022-06-05) * Added support for custom jieba dictionaries (Chinese search) mkdocs-material-8.3.2+insiders-4.17.1 (2022-06-05) * Added support for cookie consent reject button * Added support for cookie consent custom button ordering * Fixed 3988: Content tab not focused after alternating anchor links ``` ### 8.3.2 ``` * Fixed 3987: Custom admonition icons don't work when defining color palette mkdocs-material-8.3.1+insiders-4.17.0 (2022-06-04) * Added support for content tabs anchor links (deep linking) * Fixed 3975: Detect composition events in search interface (Chinese) * Fixed 3980: Search plugin doesn't use title set via front matter ``` ### 8.3.1 ``` * Bump required Jinja version to 3.0.2 * Removed unnecessary conditions in templates * Fixed scroll offset when content tabs are brought into view * Fixed 3977: Content tabs snapping oddly in Firefox * Fixed 3983: Missing condition in footer partial (8.3.0 regression) ``` ### 8.3.0 ``` * Added support for custom admonition icons * Added support for linking of content tabs * Added support for boosting pages in search * Added support for hiding footer navigation * Added previous/next indicators to content tabs * Improved typeset link colors in light and dark modes mkdocs-material-8.2.16+insiders-4.16.2 (2022-05-28) * Fixed 3961: Nested sections triggered build error for navigation tabs mkdocs-material-8.2.16+insiders-4.16.1 (2022-05-28) * Switched feedback widget rating titles to tooltips * Improved contrast of link colors for light/dark color schemes * Fixed 3950: Sticky navigation tabs rendering broken (4.15.2 regression) * Fixed 3958: Links invisible when using white primary color ``` ### 8.2.16 ``` * Fixed 3957: Only animate code annotations when visible (save CPU cycles) mkdocs-material-8.2.15+insiders-4.16.0 (2022-05-25) * Added support for navigation pruning * Fixed search results for non-segmented characters (4.15.2 regression) mkdocs-material-8.2.15+insiders-4.15.2 (2022-05-22) * Removed workaround for abbr on touch devices (superseded by tooltips) * Fixed 3915: Improved Chinese search query segmentation * Fixed 3938: Fixed tooltips position for navigation titles with ellipsis mkdocs-material-8.2.15+insiders-4.15.1 (2022-05-14) * Improved performance of element focus obervables * Fixed 3531: Added prev/next buttons to content tabs * Fixed tooltip positioning when host element is hidden ``` ### 8.2.15 ``` * Added Uzbek translations * Fixed spacing for code block results in content tabs mkdocs-material-8.2.14+insiders-4.15.0 (2022-05-08) * Added support for improved tooltips * Fixed 3785: Show tooltip on hover for overflowing navigation link ``` ### 8.2.14 ``` * Fixed missing top right rounded border on admonition * Fixed 3886: 4xx status codes not handled when using instant loading mkdocs-material-8.2.13+insiders-4.14.0 (2022-05-05) * Added Chinese language support to built-in search plugin * Fixed all-numeric page titles raising error in social plugin ``` ### 8.2.13 ``` * Fixed 3865: Tags index links to tagged pages 404 on Windows * Fixed 3866: Bump required Python version from 3.6+ to 3.7+ mkdocs-material-8.2.12+insiders-4.13.2 (2022-04-30) * Improved caching of downloaded resources in privacy plugin * Fixed 3851: External images not downloaded by privacy plugin ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs-material - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/mkdocs-material/ - Repo: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/

Update mkdocstrings from 0.18.1 to 0.19.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mkdocstrings

Update black from 22.3.0 to 22.6.0.

Changelog ### 22.6.0 ``` Style - Fix unstable formatting involving `fmt: skip` and ` fmt:skip` comments (notice the lack of spaces) (2970) Preview style - Docstring quotes are no longer moved if it would violate the line length limit (3044) - Parentheses around return annotations are now managed (2990) - Remove unnecessary parentheses around awaited objects (2991) - Remove unnecessary parentheses in `with` statements (2926) - Remove trailing newlines after code block open (3035) Integrations - Add `scripts/migrate-black.py` script to ease introduction of Black to a Git project (3038) Output - Output Python version and implementation as part of `--version` flag (2997) Packaging - Use `tomli` instead of `tomllib` on Python 3.11 builds where `tomllib` is not available (2987) Parser - [PEP 654](https://peps.python.org/pep-0654/#except) syntax (for example, `except *ExceptionGroup:`) is now supported (3016) - [PEP 646](https://peps.python.org/pep-0646) syntax (for example, `Array[Batch, *Shape]` or `def fn(*args: *T) -> None`) is now supported (3071) Vim Plugin - Fix `strtobool` function. It didn't parse true/on/false/off. (3025) ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/black - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/black/ - Repo: https://github.com/psf/black

Update alembic from 1.7.7 to 1.8.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/alembic - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/alembic/ - Homepage: https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/alembic/

Update boto3 from 1.22.4 to 1.24.42.

Changelog ### 1.24.42 ``` ======= * bugfix:TraceId: [``botocore``] Rollback bugfix for obeying _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID env var ``` ### 1.24.41 ``` ======= * bugfix:Config: [``botocore``] Obey _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID environment variable instead of _X_AMZ_TRACE_ID * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. * api-change:``fsx``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon FSx * api-change:``shield``: [``botocore``] AWS Shield Advanced now supports filtering for ListProtections and ListProtectionGroups. ``` ### 1.24.40 ``` ======= * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for VM Import/Export. * api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage. * api-change:``lookoutvision``: [``botocore``] This release introduces support for image segmentation models and updates CPU accelerator options for models hosted on edge devices. * api-change:``opensearch``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage. ``` ### 1.24.39 ``` ======= * api-change:``auditmanager``: [``botocore``] This release adds an exceeded quota exception to several APIs. We added a ServiceQuotaExceededException for the following operations: CreateAssessment, CreateControl, CreateAssessmentFramework, and UpdateAssessmentStatus. * api-change:``chime``: [``botocore``] Chime VoiceConnector will now support ValidateE911Address which will allow customers to prevalidate their addresses included in their SIP invites for emergency calling * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] This release adds ListConformancePackComplianceScores API to support the new compliance score feature, which provides a percentage of the number of compliant rule-resource combinations in a conformance pack compared to the number of total possible rule-resource combinations in the conformance pack. * api-change:``globalaccelerator``: [``botocore``] Global Accelerator now supports dual-stack accelerators, enabling support for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. * api-change:``marketplace-catalog``: [``botocore``] The SDK for the StartChangeSet API will now automatically set and use an idempotency token in the ClientRequestToken request parameter if the customer does not provide it. * api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Amazon Polly adds new English and Hindi voice - Kajal. Kajal is available as Neural voice only. * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Adding doc updates for OpsCenter support in Service Setting actions. * api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Added CreateWorkspaceImage API to create a new WorkSpace image from an existing WorkSpace. ``` ### 1.24.38 ``` ======= * api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Adds support for a new API to evaluate mapping templates with mock data, allowing you to remotely unit test your AppSync resolvers and functions. * api-change:``detective``: [``botocore``] Added the ability to get data source package information for the behavior graph. Graph administrators can now start (or stop) optional datasources on the behavior graph. * api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Amazon GuardDuty introduces a new Malware Protection feature that triggers malware scan on selected EC2 instance resources, after the service detects a potentially malicious activity. * api-change:``lookoutvision``: [``botocore``] This release introduces support for the automatic scaling of inference units used by Amazon Lookout for Vision models. * api-change:``macie2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for retrieving (revealing) sample occurrences of sensitive data that Amazon Macie detects and reports in findings. * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Adds support for using RDS Proxies with RDS for MariaDB databases. * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] This release introduces support for the automatic scaling of inference units used by Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models. * api-change:``securityhub``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub * api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] AWS Transfer Family now supports Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), a network protocol used for the secure and reliable transfer of critical Business-to-Business (B2B) data over the public internet using HTTP/HTTPS as the transport mechanism. ``` ### 1.24.37 ``` ======= * api-change:``autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Documentation update for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling. ``` ### 1.24.36 ``` ======= * api-change:``account``: [``botocore``] This release enables customers to manage the primary contact information for their AWS accounts. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/accounts/latest/reference/API_Operations.html * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Added support for EC2 M1 Mac instances. For more information, please visit aws.amazon.com/mac. * api-change:``iotdeviceadvisor``: [``botocore``] Added new service feature (Early access only) - Long Duration Test, where customers can test the IoT device to observe how it behaves when the device is in operation for longer period. * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Link devices now support remote rebooting. Link devices now support maintenance windows. Maintenance windows allow a Link device to install software updates without stopping the MediaLive channel. The channel will experience a brief loss of input from the device while updates are installed. * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] This release adds the "ModifyActivityStream" API with support for audit policy state locking and unlocking. * api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] Remove unsupported language codes for StartTranscriptionJob and update VocabularyFileUri for UpdateMedicalVocabulary ``` ### 1.24.35 ``` ======= * api-change:``athena``: [``botocore``] This feature allows customers to retrieve runtime statistics for completed queries * api-change:``cloudwatch``: [``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest version * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Database Migration Service (DMS). * api-change:``docdb``: [``botocore``] Enable copy-on-write restore type * api-change:``ec2-instance-connect``: [``botocore``] This release includes a new exception type "EC2InstanceUnavailableException" for SendSSHPublicKey and SendSerialConsoleSSHPublicKey APIs. * api-change:``frauddetector``: [``botocore``] The release introduces Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model. The ATI model detects fraud relating to account takeover. This release also adds support for new variable types: ARE_CREDENTIALS_VALID and SESSION_ID and adds new structures to Model Version APIs. * api-change:``iotsitewise``: [``botocore``] Added asynchronous API to ingest bulk historical and current data into IoT SiteWise. * api-change:``kendra``: [``botocore``] Amazon Kendra now provides Oauth2 support for SharePoint Online. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/data-source-sharepoint.html * api-change:``network-firewall``: [``botocore``] Network Firewall now supports referencing dynamic IP sets from stateful rule groups, for IP sets stored in Amazon VPC prefix lists. * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Adds support for creating an RDS Proxy for an RDS for MariaDB database. ``` ### 1.24.34 ``` ======= * api-change:``acm-pca``: [``botocore``] AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (PCA) documentation updates * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] GA release the ability to enable/disable IoT Fleet Indexing for Device Defender and Named Shadow information, and search them through IoT Fleet Indexing APIs. This includes Named Shadow Selection as a part of the UpdateIndexingConfiguration API. ``` ### 1.24.33 ``` ======= * api-change:``devops-guru``: [``botocore``] Added new APIs for log anomaly detection feature. * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS Glue Job Timeout and Autoscaling * api-change:``sagemaker-edge``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager provides lightweight model deployment feature to deploy machine learning models on requested devices. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Fixed an issue with cross account QueryLineage * api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Increased the character limit of the login message from 850 to 2000 characters. ``` ### 1.24.32 ``` ======= * api-change:``discovery``: [``botocore``] Add AWS Agentless Collector details to the GetDiscoverySummary API response * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. * api-change:``elasticache``: [``botocore``] Adding AutoMinorVersionUpgrade in the DescribeReplicationGroups API * api-change:``kms``: [``botocore``] Added support for the SM2 KeySpec in China Partition Regions * api-change:``mediapackage``: [``botocore``] This release adds "IncludeIframeOnlyStream" for Dash endpoints and increases the number of supported video and audio encryption presets for Speke v2 * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager provides lightweight model deployment feature to deploy machine learning models on requested devices. * api-change:``sso-admin``: [``botocore``] AWS SSO now supports attaching customer managed policies and a permissions boundary to your permission sets. This release adds new API operations to manage and view the customer managed policies and the permissions boundary for a given permission set. ``` ### 1.24.31 ``` ======= * api-change:``datasync``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS DataSync regarding configuring Amazon FSx for ONTAP location security groups and SMB user permissions. * api-change:``drs``: [``botocore``] Changed existing APIs to allow choosing a dynamic volume type for replicating volumes, to reduce costs for customers. * api-change:``evidently``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for the new segmentation feature. * api-change:``wafv2``: [``botocore``] This SDK release provide customers ability to add sensitivity level for WAF SQLI Match Statements. ``` ### 1.24.30 ``` ======= * api-change:``athena``: [``botocore``] This release updates data types that contain either QueryExecutionId, NamedQueryId or ExpectedBucketOwner. Ids must be between 1 and 128 characters and contain only non-whitespace characters. ExpectedBucketOwner must be 12-digit string. * api-change:``codeartifact``: [``botocore``] This release introduces Package Origin Controls, a mechanism used to counteract Dependency Confusion attacks. Adds two new APIs, PutPackageOriginConfiguration and DescribePackage, and updates the ListPackage, DescribePackageVersion and ListPackageVersion APIs in support of the feature. * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update ResourceType enum with values for Route53Resolver, Batch, DMS, Workspaces, Stepfunctions, SageMaker, ElasticLoadBalancingV2, MSK types * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds flow logs for Transit Gateway to allow customers to gain deeper visibility and insights into network traffic through their Transit Gateways. * api-change:``fms``: [``botocore``] Adds support for strict ordering in stateful rule groups in Network Firewall policies. * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] This release adds an additional worker type for Glue Streaming jobs. * api-change:``inspector2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Inspector V2 scan configurations through the get and update configuration APIs. Currently this allows configuring ECR automated re-scan duration to lifetime or 180 days or 30 days. * api-change:``kendra``: [``botocore``] This release adds AccessControlConfigurations which allow you to redefine your document level access control without the need for content re-indexing. * api-change:``nimble``: [``botocore``] Amazon Nimble Studio adds support for IAM-based access to AWS resources for Nimble Studio components and custom studio components. Studio Component scripts use these roles on Nimble Studio workstation to mount filesystems, access S3 buckets, or other configured resources in the Studio's AWS account * api-change:``outposts``: [``botocore``] This release adds the ShipmentInformation and AssetInformationList fields to the GetOrder API response. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for G5, P4d, and C6i instance types in Amazon SageMaker Inference and increases the number of hyperparameters that can be searched from 20 to 30 in Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning ``` ### 1.24.29 ``` ======= * api-change:``appconfig``: [``botocore``] Adding Create, Get, Update, Delete, and List APIs for new two new resources: Extensions and ExtensionAssociations. ``` ### 1.24.28 ``` ======= * api-change:``networkmanager``: [``botocore``] This release adds general availability API support for AWS Cloud WAN. ``` ### 1.24.27 ``` ======= * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Build, manage, and monitor a unified global network that connects resources running across your cloud and on-premises environments using the AWS Cloud WAN APIs. * api-change:``redshift-serverless``: [``botocore``] Removed prerelease language for GA launch. * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new --snapshot-arn field for describe-cluster-snapshots, describe-node-configuration-options, restore-from-cluster-snapshot, authorize-snapshot-acsess, and revoke-snapshot-acsess APIs. It allows customers to give a Redshift snapshot ARN or a Redshift Serverless ARN as input. ``` ### 1.24.26 ``` ======= * api-change:``backup``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for authentication using IAM user identity instead of passed IAM role, identified by excluding the IamRoleArn field in the StartRestoreJob API. This feature applies to only resource clients with a destructive restore nature (e.g. SAP HANA). ``` ### 1.24.25 ``` ======= * api-change:``chime-sdk-meetings``: [``botocore``] Adds support for AppKeys and TenantIds in Amazon Chime SDK WebRTC sessions * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] New api to migrate event subscriptions to event bridge rules * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] This release adds support to register a CA certificate without having to provide a verification certificate. This also allows multiple AWS accounts to register the same CA in the same region. * api-change:``iotwireless``: [``botocore``] Adds 5 APIs: PutPositionConfiguration, GetPositionConfiguration, ListPositionConfigurations, UpdatePosition, GetPosition for the new Positioning Service feature which enables customers to configure solvers to calculate position of LoRaWAN devices, or specify position of LoRaWAN devices & gateways. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Heterogeneous clusters: the ability to launch training jobs with multiple instance types. This enables running component of the training job on the instance type that is most suitable for it. e.g. doing data processing and augmentation on CPU instances and neural network training on GPU instances ``` ### 1.24.24 ``` ======= * api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] My AWS Service (placeholder) - Add a new feature Account-level Targeting for StackSet operation * api-change:``synthetics``: [``botocore``] This release introduces Group feature, which enables users to group cross-region canaries. ``` ### 1.24.23 ``` ======= * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Updating documentation service limits * api-change:``lexv2-models``: [``botocore``] Update lexv2-models client to latest version * api-change:``quicksight``: [``botocore``] This release allows customers to programmatically create QuickSight accounts with Enterprise and Enterprise + Q editions. It also releases allowlisting domains for embedding QuickSight dashboards at runtime through the embedding APIs. * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Adds waiters support for DBCluster. * api-change:``rolesanywhere``: [``botocore``] IAM Roles Anywhere allows your workloads such as servers, containers, and applications to obtain temporary AWS credentials and use the same IAM roles and policies that you have configured for your AWS workloads to access AWS resources. * api-change:``ssm-incidents``: [``botocore``] Adds support for tagging incident-record on creation by providing incident tags in the template within a response-plan. ``` ### 1.24.22 ``` ======= * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] Added new features for AWS DMS version 3.4.7 that includes new endpoint settings for S3, OpenSearch, Postgres, SQLServer and Oracle. * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Adds support for additional retention periods to Performance Insights. ``` ### 1.24.21 ``` ======= * api-change:``athena``: [``botocore``] This feature introduces the API support for Athena's parameterized query and BatchGetPreparedStatement API. * api-change:``customer-profiles``: [``botocore``] This release adds the optional MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging parameter to the CreateDomain, UpdateDomain, and GetAutoMergingPreview APIs in Customer Profiles. This parameter is used as a threshold to influence the profile auto-merging step of the Identity Resolution process. * api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] Update emr client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] This release adds tag as an input of CreateDatabase * api-change:``kendra``: [``botocore``] Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for alfresco * api-change:``mwaa``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow. * api-change:``pricing``: [``botocore``] Documentation update for GetProducts Response. * api-change:``wellarchitected``: [``botocore``] Added support for UpdateGlobalSettings API. Added status filter to ListWorkloadShares and ListLensShares. * api-change:``workmail``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for managing user availability configurations in Amazon WorkMail. ``` ### 1.24.20 ``` ======= * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Includes support for StreamingExperienceSettings in CreateStack and UpdateStack APIs * api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version * api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] Update emr client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for automatic renewal of MediaLive reservations at the end of each reservation term. Automatic renewal is optional. This release also adds support for labelling accessibility-focused audio and caption tracks in HLS outputs. * api-change:``redshift-serverless``: [``botocore``] Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] This release adds: UpdateFeatureGroup, UpdateFeatureMetadata, DescribeFeatureMetadata APIs; FeatureMetadata type in Search API; LastModifiedTime, LastUpdateStatus, OnlineStoreTotalSizeBytes in DescribeFeatureGroup API. * api-change:``translate``: [``botocore``] Added ListLanguages API which can be used to list the languages supported by Translate. ``` ### 1.24.19 ``` ======= * api-change:``datasync``: [``botocore``] AWS DataSync now supports Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP locations. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new spread placement group to EC2 Placement Groups: host level spread, which spread instances between physical hosts, available to Outpost customers only. CreatePlacementGroup and DescribePlacementGroups APIs were updated with a new parameter: SpreadLevel to support this feature. * api-change:``finspace-data``: [``botocore``] Release new API GetExternalDataViewAccessDetails * api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Add 4 new neural voices - Pedro (es-US), Liam (fr-CA), Daniel (de-DE) and Arthur (en-GB). ``` ### 1.24.18 ``` ======= * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] This release ease the restriction for the input of tag value to align with AWS standard, now instead of min length 1, we change it to min length 0. ``` ### 1.24.17 ``` ======= * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] This release enables the new ListCrawls API for viewing the AWS Glue Crawler run history. * api-change:``rds-data``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for RDS Data API ``` ### 1.24.16 ``` ======= * api-change:``lookoutequipment``: [``botocore``] This release adds visualizations to the scheduled inference results. Users will be able to see interference results, including diagnostic results from their running inference schedulers. * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has released support for automatic DolbyVision metadata generation when converting HDR10 to DolbyVision. * api-change:``mgn``: [``botocore``] New and modified APIs for the Post-Migration Framework * api-change:``migration-hub-refactor-spaces``: [``botocore``] This release adds the new API UpdateRoute that allows route to be updated to ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. In addition, CreateRoute API will now allow users to create route in ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] SageMaker Ground Truth now supports Virtual Private Cloud. Customers can launch labeling jobs and access to their private workforce in VPC mode. ``` ### 1.24.15 ``` ======= * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway * api-change:``pricing``: [``botocore``] This release introduces 1 update to the GetProducts API. The serviceCode attribute is now required when you use the GetProductsRequest. * api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] Until today, the service supported only RSA host keys and user keys. Now with this launch, Transfer Family has expanded the support for ECDSA and ED25519 host keys and user keys, enabling customers to support a broader set of clients by choosing RSA, ECDSA, and ED25519 host and user keys. ``` ### 1.24.14 ``` ======= * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Private IP VPNs, a new feature allowing S2S VPN connections to use private ip addresses as the tunnel outside ip address over Direct Connect as transport. * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Amazon ECS UpdateService now supports the following parameters: PlacementStrategies, PlacementConstraints and CapacityProviderStrategy. * api-change:``wellarchitected``: [``botocore``] Adds support for lens tagging, Adds support for multiple helpful-resource urls and multiple improvement-plan urls. ``` ### 1.24.13 ``` ======= * api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for describing and updating AWS Managed Microsoft AD settings * api-change:``kafka``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates to use Az Id during cluster creation. * api-change:``outposts``: [``botocore``] This release adds the AssetLocation structure to the ListAssets response. AssetLocation includes the RackElevation for an Asset. ``` ### 1.24.12 ``` ======= * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] This release updates these APIs: UpdateInstanceAttribute, DescribeInstanceAttribute and ListInstanceAttributes. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable High volume outbound communications using attribute type HIGH_VOLUME_OUTBOUND on the specified Amazon Connect instance. * api-change:``connectcampaigns``: [``botocore``] Added Amazon Connect high volume outbound communications SDK. * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for DynamoDB service * api-change:``dynamodbstreams``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodbstreams client to latest version ``` ### 1.24.11 ``` ======= * api-change:``redshift-data``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new --workgroup-name field to operations that connect to an endpoint. Customers can now execute queries against their serverless workgroups. * api-change:``redshiftserverless``: [``botocore``] Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Secrets Manager * api-change:``securityhub``: [``botocore``] Added Threats field for security findings. Added new resource details for ECS Container, ECS Task, RDS SecurityGroup, Kinesis Stream, EC2 TransitGateway, EFS AccessPoint, CloudFormation Stack, CloudWatch Alarm, VPC Peering Connection and WAF Rules ``` ### 1.24.10 ``` ======= * api-change:``finspace-data``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new set of APIs, GetPermissionGroup, DisassociateUserFromPermissionGroup, AssociateUserToPermissionGroup, ListPermissionGroupsByUser, ListUsersByPermissionGroup. * api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Adds finding fields available from GuardDuty Console. Adds FreeTrial related operations. Deprecates the use of various APIs related to Master Accounts and Replace them with Administrator Accounts. * api-change:``servicecatalog-appregistry``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new API ListAttributeGroupsForApplication that returns associated attribute groups of an application. In addition, the UpdateApplication and UpdateAttributeGroup APIs will not allow users to update the 'Name' attribute. * api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Added new field "reason" to OperationNotSupportedException. Receiving this exception in the DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory API will now return a reason giving more context on the failure. ``` ### 1.24.9 ``` ====== * api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] Add a budgets ThrottlingException. Update the CostFilters value pattern. * api-change:``lookoutmetrics``: [``botocore``] Adding filters to Alert and adding new UpdateAlert API. * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders. ``` ### 1.24.8 ``` ====== * api-change:``outposts``: [``botocore``] This release adds API operations AWS uses to install Outpost servers. ``` ### 1.24.7 ``` ====== * api-change:``frauddetector``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon Fraud Detector (AWSHawksNest) ``` ### 1.24.6 ``` ====== * api-change:``chime-sdk-meetings``: [``botocore``] Adds support for live transcription in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. ``` ### 1.24.5 ``` ====== * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] This release adds DMS Fleet Advisor APIs and exposes functionality for DMS Fleet Advisor. It adds functionality to create and modify fleet advisor instances, and to collect and analyze information about the local data infrastructure. * api-change:``iam``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). * api-change:``m2``: [``botocore``] AWS Mainframe Modernization service is a managed mainframe service and set of tools for planning, migrating, modernizing, and running mainframe workloads on AWS * api-change:``neptune``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Neptune to be configured as a global database, with a primary DB cluster in one region, and up to five secondary DB clusters in other regions. * api-change:``redshift-serverless``: [``botocore``] Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Adds new API GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM to return temporary credentials. ``` ### 1.24.4 ``` ====== * api-change:``auditmanager``: [``botocore``] This release introduces 2 updates to the Audit Manager API. The roleType and roleArn attributes are now required when you use the CreateAssessment or UpdateAssessment operation. We also added a throttling exception to the RegisterAccount API operation. * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Added two new APIs to support cost allocation tags operations: ListCostAllocationTags, UpdateCostAllocationTagsStatus. ``` ### 1.24.3 ``` ====== * api-change:``chime-sdk-messaging``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for searching channels by members via the SearchChannels API, removes required restrictions for Name and Mode in UpdateChannel API and enhances CreateChannel API by exposing member and moderator list as well as channel id as optional parameters. * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new API, GetCurrentUserData, which returns real-time details about users' current activity. ``` ### 1.24.2 ``` ====== * api-change:``codeartifact``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for CodeArtifact * api-change:``voice-id``: [``botocore``] Added a new attribute ServerSideEncryptionUpdateDetails to Domain and DomainSummary. * api-change:``proton``: [``botocore``] Add new "Components" API to enable users to Create, Delete and Update AWS Proton components. * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] This release adds the following features: 1) New APIs to manage (create, list, update) task template resources, 2) Updates to startTaskContact API to support task templates, and 3) new TransferContact API to programmatically transfer in-progress tasks via a contact flow. * api-change:``application-insights``: [``botocore``] Provide Account Level onboarding support through CFN/CLI * api-change:``kendra``: [``botocore``] Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for GitHub. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/data-source-github.html ``` ### 1.24.1 ``` ====== * api-change:``backup-gateway``: [``botocore``] Adds GetGateway and UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow API and adds hypervisor name to UpdateHypervisor API * api-change:``forecast``: [``botocore``] Added Format field to Import and Export APIs in Amazon Forecast. Added TimeSeriesSelector to Create Forecast API. * api-change:``chime-sdk-meetings``: [``botocore``] Adds support for centrally controlling each participant's ability to send and receive audio, video and screen share within a WebRTC session. Attendee capabilities can be specified when the attendee is created and updated during the session with the new BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExcept API. * api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Add new APIs to support Route 53 IP Based Routing ``` ### 1.24.0 ``` ====== * api-change:``iotsitewise``: [``botocore``] This release adds the following new optional field to the IoT SiteWise asset resource: assetDescription. * api-change:``lookoutmetrics``: [``botocore``] Adding backtest mode to detectors using the Cloudwatch data source. * api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] Amazon Transcribe now supports automatic language identification for multi-lingual audio in batch mode. * feature:Python: Dropped support for Python 3.6 * feature:Python: [``botocore``] Dropped support for Python 3.6 * api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] Amazon Cognito now supports IP Address propagation for all unauthenticated APIs (e.g. SignUp, ForgotPassword). * api-change:``drs``: [``botocore``] Changed existing APIs and added new APIs to accommodate using multiple AWS accounts with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now support Jupyter Lab 3. ``` ### 1.23.10 ``` ======= * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now allows configuration of Instance Metadata Service version and Amazon SageMaker Studio now supports G5 instance types. * api-change:``appflow``: [``botocore``] Adding the following features/changes: Parquet output that preserves typing from the source connector, Failed executions threshold before deactivation for scheduled flows, increasing max size of access and refresh token from 2048 to 4096 * api-change:``datasync``: [``botocore``] AWS DataSync now supports TLS encryption in transit, file system policies and access points for EFS locations. * api-change:``emr-serverless``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless, a serverless runtime environment that simplifies running analytics applications using the latest open source frameworks such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. ``` ### 1.23.9 ``` ====== * api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] Amazon Lightsail now supports the ability to configure a Lightsail Container Service to pull images from Amazon ECR private repositories in your account. * api-change:``emr-serverless``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless, a serverless runtime environment that simplifies running analytics applications using the latest open source frameworks such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] C7g instances, powered by the latest generation AWS Graviton3 processors, provide the best price performance in Amazon EC2 for compute-intensive workloads. * api-change:``forecast``: [``botocore``] Introduced a new field in Auto Predictor as Time Alignment Boundary. It helps in aligning the timestamps generated during Forecast exports ``` ### 1.23.8 ``` ====== * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Secrets Manager * api-change:``fsx``: [``botocore``] This release adds root squash support to FSx for Lustre to restrict root level access from clients by mapping root users to a less-privileged user/group with limited permissions. * api-change:``lookoutmetrics``: [``botocore``] Adding AthenaSourceConfig for MetricSet APIs to support Athena as a data source. * api-change:``voice-id``: [``botocore``] VoiceID will now automatically expire Speakers if they haven't been accessed for Enrollment, Re-enrollment or Successful Auth for three years. The Speaker APIs now return a "LastAccessedAt" time for Speakers, and the EvaluateSession API returns "SPEAKER_EXPIRED" Auth Decision for EXPIRED Speakers. * api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] Add a new parameter statusReason to DescribeStackSetOperation output for additional details * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway * api-change:``apprunner``: [``botocore``] Documentation-only update added for CodeConfiguration. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Autopilot adds support for manually selecting features from the input dataset using the CreateAutoMLJob API. ``` ### 1.23.7 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders. * api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] Amazon Cognito now supports requiring attribute verification (ex. email and phone number) before update. * api-change:``networkmanager``: [``botocore``] This release adds Multi Account API support for a TGW Global Network, to enable and disable AWSServiceAccess with AwsOrganizations for Network Manager service and dependency CloudFormation StackSets service. * api-change:``ivschat``: [``botocore``] Doc-only update. For MessageReviewHandler structure, added timeout period in the description of the fallbackResult field * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Stop Protection feature enables customers to protect their instances from accidental stop actions. ``` ### 1.23.6 ``` ====== * api-change:``elasticache``: [``botocore``] Added support for encryption in transit for Memcached clusters. Customers can now launch Memcached cluster with encryption in transit enabled when using Memcached version 1.6.12 or later. * api-change:``forecast``: [``botocore``] New APIs for Monitor that help you understand how your predictors perform over time. * api-change:``personalize``: [``botocore``] Adding modelMetrics as part of DescribeRecommender API response for Personalize. ``` ### 1.23.5 ``` ====== * api-change:``comprehend``: [``botocore``] Comprehend releases 14 new entity types for DetectPiiEntities and ContainsPiiEntities APIs. * api-change:``logs``: [``botocore``] Doc-only update to publish the new valid values for log retention ``` ### 1.23.4 ``` ====== * api-change:``gamesparks``: [``botocore``] This release adds an optional DeploymentResult field in the responses of GetStageDeploymentIntegrationTests and ListStageDeploymentIntegrationTests APIs. * enhancement:StreamingBody: [``botocore``] Allow StreamingBody to be used as a context manager * api-change:``lookoutmetrics``: [``botocore``] In this release we added SnsFormat to SNSConfiguration to support human readable alert. ``` ### 1.23.3 ``` ====== * api-change:``greengrassv2``: [``botocore``] This release adds the new DeleteDeployment API operation that you can use to delete deployment resources. This release also adds support for discontinued AWS-provided components, so AWS can communicate when a component has any issues that you should consider before you deploy it. * api-change:``quicksight``: [``botocore``] API UpdatePublicSharingSettings enables IAM admins to enable/disable account level setting for public access of dashboards. When enabled, owners/co-owners for dashboards can enable public access on their dashboards. These dashboards can only be accessed through share link or embedding. * api-change:``appmesh``: [``botocore``] This release updates the existing Create and Update APIs for meshes and virtual nodes by adding a new IP preference field. This new IP preference field can be used to control the IP versions being used with the mesh and allows for IPv6 support within App Mesh. * api-change:``batch``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS Batch. * api-change:``iotevents-data``: [``botocore``] Introducing new API for deleting detectors: BatchDeleteDetector. * api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] AWS Transfer Family now supports SetStat server configuration option, which provides the ability to ignore SetStat command issued by file transfer clients, enabling customers to upload files without any errors. ``` ### 1.23.2 ``` ====== * api-change:``kms``: [``botocore``] Add HMAC best practice tip, annual rotation of AWS managed keys. * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new optional parameter called codeGenNodeConfiguration to CRUD job APIs that allows users to manage visual jobs via APIs. The updated CreateJob and UpdateJob will create jobs that can be viewed in Glue Studio as a visual graph. GetJob can be used to get codeGenNodeConfiguration. ``` ### 1.23.1 ``` ====== * api-change:``resiliencehub``: [``botocore``] In this release, we are introducing support for Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Route 53, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, AWS Backup in addition to the existing supported Services. This release also supports Terraform file input from S3 and scheduling daily assessments * api-change:``servicecatalog``: [``botocore``] Updated the descriptions for the ListAcceptedPortfolioShares API description and the PortfolioShareType parameters. * api-change:``discovery``: [``botocore``] Add Migration Evaluator Collector details to the GetDiscoverySummary API response * api-change:``sts``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS Security Token Service. * api-change:``workspaces-web``: [``botocore``] Amazon WorkSpaces Web now supports Administrator timeout control * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon Rekognition. * api-change:``cloudfront``: [``botocore``] Introduced a new error (TooLongCSPInResponseHeadersPolicy) that is returned when the value of the Content-Security-Policy header in a response headers policy exceeds the maximum allowed length. ``` ### 1.23.0 ``` ====== * feature:Loaders: [``botocore``] Support for loading gzip compressed model files. * api-change:``grafana``: [``botocore``] This release adds APIs for creating and deleting API keys in an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. ``` ### 1.22.13 ``` ======= * api-change:``ivschat``: [``botocore``] Documentation-only updates for IVS Chat API Reference. * api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Lambda releases NodeJs 16 managed runtime to be available in all commercial regions. * api-change:``kendra``: [``botocore``] Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Jira. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/data-source-jira.html * api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] AWS Transfer Family now accepts ECDSA keys for server host keys * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Documentation update for China region ListMetricValues for IoT * api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Increased the character limit of the login message from 600 to 850 characters. * api-change:``finspace-data``: [``botocore``] We've now deprecated CreateSnapshot permission for creating a data view, instead use CreateDataView permission. * api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] This release adds support to include inactive database bundles in the response of the GetRelationalDatabaseBundles request. * api-change:``outposts``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS Outposts. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release introduces a target type Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint for mirrored traffic. Customers can now specify GatewayLoadBalancerEndpoint option during the creation of a traffic mirror target. * api-change:``ssm-incidents``: [``botocore``] Adding support for dynamic SSM Runbook parameter values. Updating validation pattern for engagements. Adding ConflictException to UpdateReplicationSet API contract. ``` ### 1.22.12 ``` ======= * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for Secrets Manager that fixes several customer-reported issues. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release updates AWS PrivateLink APIs to support IPv6 for PrivateLink Services and Endpoints of type 'Interface'. ``` ### 1.22.11 ``` ======= * api-change:``migration-hub-refactor-spaces``: [``botocore``] AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces documentation only update to fix a formatting issue. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Added support for using NitroTPM and UEFI Secure Boot on EC2 instances. * api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] Update emr client to latest version * api-change:``compute-optimizer``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Compute Optimizer * api-change:``eks``: [``botocore``] Adds BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64_NVIDIA and BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64_NVIDIA AMI types to EKS managed nodegroups ``` ### 1.22.10 ``` ======= * api-change:``evidently``: [``botocore``] Add detail message inside GetExperimentResults API response to indicate experiment result availability * api-change:``ssm-contacts``: [``botocore``] Fixed an error in the DescribeEngagement example for AWS Incident Manager. * api-change:``cloudcontrol``: [``botocore``] SDK release for Cloud Control API to include paginators for Python SDK. ``` ### 1.22.9 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Various documentation improvements. * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Introduces new field 'LoadSampleData' in CreateCluster operation. Customers can now specify 'LoadSampleData' option during creation of a cluster, which results in loading of sample data in the cluster that is created. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Add new state values for IPAMs, IPAM Scopes, and IPAM Pools. * api-change:``mediapackage``: [``botocore``] This release adds Dvb Dash 2014 as an available profile option for Dash Origin Endpoints. * api-change:``securityhub``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Security Hub API reference * api-change:``location``: [``botocore``] Amazon Location Service now includes a MaxResults parameter for ListGeofences requests. ``` ### 1.22.8 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Amazon EC2 I4i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and feature up to 30 TB of local AWS Nitro SSD storage * api-change:``kendra``: [``botocore``] AWS Kendra now supports hierarchical facets for a query. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/filtering.html * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] AWS IoT Jobs now allows you to create up to 100,000 active continuous and snapshot jobs by using concurrency control. * api-change:``datasync``: [``botocore``] AWS DataSync now supports a new ObjectTags Task API option that can be used to control whether Object Tags are transferred. ``` ### 1.22.7 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] This release adds the TargetMaps parameter in SSM State Manager API. * api-change:``backup``: [``botocore``] Adds support to 2 new filters about job complete time for 3 list jobs APIs in AWS Backup * api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Lightsail * api-change:``iotsecuretunneling``: [``botocore``] This release introduces a new API RotateTunnelAccessToken that allow revoking the existing tokens and generate new tokens ``` ### 1.22.6 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Adds support for allocating Dedicated Hosts on AWS Outposts. The AllocateHosts API now accepts an OutpostArn request parameter, and the DescribeHosts API now includes an OutpostArn response parameter. * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Documentation only update for doc bug fixes for the S3 API docs. * api-change:``kinesisvideo``: [``botocore``] Add support for multiple image feature related APIs for configuring image generation and notification of a video stream. Add "GET_IMAGES" to the list of supported API names for the GetDataEndpoint API. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] SageMaker Autopilot adds new metrics for all candidate models generated by Autopilot experiments; RStudio on SageMaker now allows users to bring your own development environment in a custom image. * api-change:``kinesis-video-archived-media``: [``botocore``] Add support for GetImages API for retrieving images from a video stream ``` ### 1.22.5 ``` ====== * api-change:``organizations``: [``botocore``] This release adds the INVALID_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT as a fail reason and an error message. * api-change:``synthetics``: [``botocore``] CloudWatch Synthetics has introduced a new feature to provide customers with an option to delete the underlying resources that Synthetics canary creates when the user chooses to delete the canary. * api-change:``outposts``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new API called ListAssets to the Outposts SDK, which lists the hardware assets in an Outpost. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/boto3 - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/boto3/ - Repo: https://github.com/boto/boto3

Update numpy from 1.22.3 to 1.23.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/numpy - Homepage: https://www.numpy.org

Update Dickens from 1.0.1 to 2.0.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/dickens - Repo: https://github.com/dssg/dickens

Update wrapt from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1.

Changelog ### 1.14.1 ``` -------------- **Bugs Fixed** * When the post import hooks mechanism was being used, and a Python package with its own custom module importer was used, importing modules could fail if the custom module importer didn't use the latest Python import hook finder/loader APIs and instead used the deprecated API. This was actually occurring with the `zipimporter` in Python itself, which was not updated to use the newer Python APIs until Python 3.10. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/wrapt - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/wrapt/ - Repo: https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt

Update argcmdr from 0.7.0 to 0.13.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/argcmdr - Repo: https://github.com/dssg/argcmdr

Update graphviz from 0.20 to 0.20.1.

Changelog ### 0.20.1 ``` -------------- Fix documentation building: upgrade to Sphinx 5.0. Fix broken user guide links in API documentation. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/graphviz - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/graphviz/ - Repo: https://github.com/xflr6/graphviz

Update requests from 2.27.1 to 2.28.1.

Changelog ### 2.28.1 ``` ------------------- **Improvements** - Speed optimization in `iter_content` with transition to `yield from`. (6170) **Dependencies** - Added support for chardet 5.0.0 (6179) - Added support for charset-normalizer 2.1.0 (6169) ``` ### 2.28.0 ``` ------------------- **Deprecations** - ⚠️ Requests has officially dropped support for Python 2.7. ⚠️ (6091) - Requests has officially dropped support for Python 3.6 (including pypy3.6). (6091) **Improvements** - Wrap JSON parsing issues in Request's JSONDecodeError for payloads without an encoding to make `json()` API consistent. (6097) - Parse header components consistently, raising an InvalidHeader error in all invalid cases. (6154) - Added provisional 3.11 support with current beta build. (6155) - Requests got a makeover and we decided to paint it black. (6095) **Bugfixes** - Fixed bug where setting `CURL_CA_BUNDLE` to an empty string would disable cert verification. All Requests 2.x versions before 2.28.0 are affected. (6074) - Fixed urllib3 exception leak, wrapping `urllib3.exceptions.SSLError` with `requests.exceptions.SSLError` for `content` and `iter_content`. (6057) - Fixed issue where invalid Windows registry entires caused proxy resolution to raise an exception rather than ignoring the entry. (6149) - Fixed issue where entire payload could be included in the error message for JSONDecodeError. (6036) ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/requests - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/requests/ - Docs: https://requests.readthedocs.io

Update scipy from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0.

Changelog ### 1.9.0 ``` many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so, run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s). Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 1.9.x branch, and on adding new features on the main branch. This release requires Python `3.8+` and NumPy `1.18.5` or greater. For running on PyPy, PyPy3 `6.0+` is required. Highlights of this release =================== - We have modernized our build system to use ``meson``, substantially reducing our source build times - Added `scipy.optimize.milp`, new function for mixed-integer linear programming. - Added `scipy.stats.fit` for fitting discrete and continuous distributions to data. - Tensor-product spline interpolation modes were added to `scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`. - A new global optimizer (DIviding RECTangles algorithm) `scipy.optimize.direct` New features =========== `scipy.interpolate` improvements ================================ - Speed up the ``RBFInterpolator`` evaluation with high dimensional interpolants. - Added new spline based interpolation methods for `scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` and its tutorial. - `scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` and `scipy.interpolate.interpn` now accept descending ordered points. - ``RegularGridInterpolator`` now handles length-1 grid axes. - The ``BivariateSpline`` subclasses have a new method ``partial_derivative`` which constructs a new spline object representing a derivative of an original spline. This mirrors the corresponding functionality for univariate splines, ``splder`` and ``BSpline.derivative``, and can substantially speed up repeated evaluation of derivatives. `scipy.linalg` improvements =========================== - `scipy.linalg.expm` now accepts nD arrays. Its speed is also improved. - Minimum required LAPACK version is bumped to ``3.7.1``. `scipy.fft` improvements ======================== - Added ``uarray`` multimethods for `scipy.fft.fht` and `scipy.fft.ifht` to allow provision of third party backend implementations such as those recently added to CuPy. `scipy.optimize` improvements ============================= - A new global optimizer, `scipy.optimize.direct` (DIviding RECTangles algorithm) was added. For problems with inexpensive function evaluations, like the ones in the SciPy benchmark suite, ``direct`` is competitive with the best other solvers in SciPy (``dual_annealing`` and ``differential_evolution``) in terms of execution time. See `gh-14300 <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/14300
pyup-bot commented 1 year ago

Closing this in favor of #908