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Scheduled monthly dependency update for October #935

Closed pyup-bot closed 8 months ago

pyup-bot commented 9 months ago

Update mkdocs from 1.3.0 to 1.5.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs

Update pymdown-extensions from 10.0.1 to 10.3.

Changelog ### 10.3 ``` - **NEW**: Officially support Python 3.12. - **NEW**: Drop Python 3.7 support. ``` ### 10.2.1 ``` - **FIX**: Tabbed: Fix regression. ``` ### 10.1 ``` - **NEW**: Add new `combine_header_slug` option in legacy Tabbed extension and new Block Tab extension that will prefix a content tab's slug with the parent header's slug. This allows for content tab slugs that are scoped to the header they are under. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pymdown-extensions - Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/pymdown-extensions/

Update mkdocs-material from 8.2.12 to 9.4.2.

Changelog ### 9.4.2 ``` * Updated Slovenian translations * Added animation to sidebar navigation expansion and collapse * Added support for auto-replacement of document head for instant navigation * Improved compatibility of new emoji extension with Python < 3.10 * Switched regex dependency to use minimal version * Refactored alignment and spacing of sidebar navigation * Fixed expansion button not focusable via keyboard in sidebar navigation * Fixed viewport offset restoration on first load when using instant navigation * Fixed accidental highlight of non-clickable elements in blog plugin sidebar * Fixed 6041: Blog plugin crashes when nav is defined and blog not included * Fixed 5972: Blog plugin ignores section index pages in paginated views * Fixed 5954: Repeated click on anchor ignored when using instant navigation * Fixed 5742: Keyboard navigation broken when using instant navigation Updated templates * partials/nav-item.html * blog-post.html ``` ### 9.4.1 ``` * Improved colors and contrast in dark mode * Improved admonition borders to match font weight * Switched content tabs to neutral color ``` ### 9.4.0 ``` * Added Belarusian translations * Added version info to entrypoint of package * Added emoji extension as a replacement for materialx * Improved slate color scheme (dark mode) - now even darker * Restructured project to improve development experience * Updated MkDocs to 1.5.3 * Fixed 3890: Development mode crashes on Linux mkdocs-material-9.3.2+insiders-4.42.0 (2023-09-19) * Added support for using git submodules in projects plugin * Added support for transforming project configurations * Improved resilience of optimize and blog plugin * Fixed optimize plugin crashing on .jpeg extension * Fixed project URLs not using site URLs in projects plugin ``` ### 9.3.2 ``` * Updated Slovenian translations * Updated Python dependencies in requirements to use minimum versions * Fixed 6017: Code highlighting inconsistent in Community and Insiders edition * Fixed 6001: Contributor avatars display incorrectly in Firefox * Fixed 6000: Blog post drafts are included in navigation mkdocs-material-9.3.1+insiders-4.41.0 (2023-09-11) * Improved multi-instance support for optimize plugin * Added inclusion and exclusion patterns for optimize plugin * Added transparent keyword for color handling in social plugin * Changed default quality of PNGs to 3 in optimize plugin * Fixed 5979: meta file not detected in root of docs directory ``` ### 9.3.1 ``` * Fixed crash of group plugin when used together with hooks ``` ### 9.3.0 ``` * Improved configuration sharing between Community and Insiders edition * Added experimental built-in group plugin for enabling plugins conditionally * Added new settings in tags plugin for enabling/disabling * Dropped support for Python 3.7 (EOL) mkdocs-material-9.2.8+insiders-4.40.4 (2023-09-04) * Fixed privacy plugin choking on boolean HTML5 attributes * Fixed wrapping of inline code blocks in typeset table of contents * Fixed blog plugin error when running under dirty reload ``` ### 9.2.8 ``` * Updated Italian and Russian translations * Fixed 5952: Combining blog and tags plugin leads to wrong links * Fixed 5951: Blog plugin ignores post title in metadata * Fixed 5949: Blog plugin ignores post linked in nav mkdocs-material-9-2.7+insiders-4.40.3 (2023-09-02) * Fixed 5946: Docker image missing pngquant for optimize plugin ``` ### 9.2.7 ``` * Switched dependencies to compatible release clauses * Removed readtime and lxml dependencies for blog plugin * Reduced size of Docker image to improve CI build performance * Fixed 5945: Incorrect footer navigation for sibling pages of blog * Fixed 5939: Page jumps when changing color palette (Firefox 117) * Fixed 5901: Announcement bar reappears when using instant loading * Fixed 5824: Allow to customize styles of sequence diagrams mkdocs-material-9-2.6+insiders-4.40.2 (2023-08-31) * Added configurable error handling capabilities for social plugin * Fixed 5922: Blog plugin shows no posts when building a standalone blog * Fixed 5914: Tags plugin tags_extra_files errors (4.39.3 regression) * Fixed 5904: Blog plugin sometimes excludes files (4.40.1 regression) ``` ### 9.2.4 ``` * Added version to bug report name in info plugin * Updated Afrikaans translations mkdocs-material-9.2.3+insiders-4.39.3 (2023-08-24) * Fixed lxml dependency missing in Docker image (4.39.2 regression) mkdocs-material-9.2.3+insiders-4.39.2 (2023-08-23) * Fixed color palette toggle being reversed (9.2.0 regression) ``` ### 9.2.3 ``` * Fixed blog plugin rendering wrongly with markdown.extensions.toc * Fixed blog plugin entrypoint generation ``` ### 9.2.2 ``` * Fixed 5880: Blog plugin failing when building a standalone blog * Fixed 5881: Blog plugin not compatible with Python < 3.10 ``` ### 9.2.1 ``` * Fixed 5879: Blog plugin failing when building a standalone blog * Fixed error in blog plugin when using draft tagging on future date * Fixed error in blog plugin when toc extension is not enabled mkdocs-material-9.2.0+insiders-4.39.1 (2023-08-21) * Fixed git diff in tags plugin after merging back 9.2.0 changes ``` ### 9.2.0 ``` Additions and improvements * Added blogging support via built-in blog plugin * Added support for Chinese language segmentaiton in search plugin * Added support for adding custom dates to blog posts * Added support for paginating archive and category pages * Added support for annotations (outside of code blocks) * Added support for navigation icons * Added support for navigation pruning * Added support for navigation status * Added support for customizing site icons * Added support for customizing (code) annotation icons * Added focus outline to admonitions and details * Added prompt for bug report name to info plugin * Added Luxembourgish translations * Improved rendering of (code) annotation markers * Improved print styles for (code) annotations * Improved customizability of navigation tabs * Improved interop of plugins with external tools like mike * Improved interop of blog plugin with awesome pages plugin * Improved header partial by moving buttons into separate partials * Improved clarity of site_url warning in social plugin * Improved blog plugin to automatically setup directory structure * Switched info plugin to importlib to mitigate deprecations * Automatically download ResizeObserver polyfill when necessary * Automatically add iframe-worker polyfill when necessary in offline plugin * Automatically focus and bring up keyboard on touch devices * Updated Serbo-Croatian translations * Updated MkDocs to 1.5.2 Removals * Removed Universal Analytics integration * Removed ancient polyfills to reduce size of bundled JavaScript by 20% * Removed necessity for Array.flat and Array.flatMap polyfill * Removed announcement bar button when JavaScript is not available Fixes * Fixed rendering of tags when announcement bar is present * Fixed tags plugin rendering pages excluded by other plugins * Fixed 5132: Blog plugin requires nav entry in mkdocs.yml * Fixed 5599: Insufficient contrast for default link color * Fixed 5715: Blog plugin missing integrated table of contents in pagination * Fixed 5806: Version selector not hoverable on some Android devices * Fixed 5826: Blog post drafts with tags show up in tags index mkdocs-material-9.1.21+insiders-4.39.0 (2023-08-01) * Added support for hoisting theme media files when building projects * Added support for sorting pages on tags index for tags plugin * Added support for adding date of last update to blog posts * Fixed 5797: Parse error in typeset plugin (4.38.1 regression) mkdocs-material-9.1.21+insiders-4.38.1 (2023-08-01) * Improved nested serve mode for projects plugin * Improved compat in privacy plugin with third-party plugins * Fixed 5790: Typeset plugin ignores data-toc-label attribute * Fixed 5778: Interplay of privacy plugin with git-revision-date-localized * Fixed 5773: Info plugin erroring when community edition is in beta mkdocs-material-9.1.21+insiders-4.38.0 (2023-07-29) * Added projects plugin for building nested projects * Updated privacy plugin to new MkDocs API mkdocs-material-9.1.21+insiders-4.37.1 (2023-07-28) * Updated MkDocs to 1.5.1 * Fixed deprecation warning in social plugin due to MkDocs upgrade * Fixed 5772: Privacy plugin fails due to API change in MkDocs ``` ### 9.1.21 ``` * Fixed MkDocs 1.4 compat issue in social plugin (9.1.20 regression) ``` ### 9.1.20 ``` * Fixed deprecation warnings for social plugin ``` ### 9.1.19 ``` * Added support for MkDocs 1.5+ * Fixed 5699: Improve error reporting in social plugin mkdocs-material-9.1.18+insiders-4.37.0 (2023-07-07) * Added support for overriding social cards settings per page * Added new social card default/only/image layout * Improved resilience of optimize and social plugin * Fixed rendering bugs for pruned navigation items * Fixed jumping of content tabs anchor links when instant loading is enabled * Fixed 5676: Optimize plugin doesn't check for pngquant ``` ### 9.1.18 ``` * Updated Danish translations * Added support for installing user requirements in Docker image * Fixed 5655: Search separator with lookbehind breaks highlighting mkdocs-material-9.1.17+insiders-4.36.1 (2023-06-23) * Fixed 5618: Date comparison breaking for drafts in blog plugin ``` ### 9.1.17 ``` * Fixed 5633: Code annotations with nested lists incorrectly mounted * Fixed 5628: Regression in new social plugin configuration scheme mkdocs-material-9.1.16+insiders-4.36.0 (2023-06-15) * Added support for instant prefetching to speed up slow connections * Improved stability of anchor link removal in built-in typeset plugin * Improved performance of regular expressions in typeset plugin * Removed unnecessary import test for cairosvg in optimize plugin * Fixed 5590: regular expression for anchor link removal too greedy ``` ### 9.1.16 ``` * Updated Indonesian translations * Ensure scroll bar follows color scheme of operating system mkdocs-material-9.1.15+insiders-4.35.3 (2023-06-01) * Fixed 5579: Abbreviations in headlines filtered by typeset plugin mkdocs-material-9.1.15+insiders-4.35.2 (2023-05-29) * Fixed 5555: Blog plugin crashes when computing readtime for emojis ``` ### 9.1.15 ``` * Fixed 5566: Indicate color scheme to operating system * Fixed 5565: Update Dockerfile to latest version of base image * Fixed 5554: Add additional version tags (9, 9.1) to Docker image * Fixed 5536: Strip tags of ARIA labels in table of contents mkdocs-material-9.1.14+insiders-4.35.1 (2023-05-20) * Fixed internal handling of errors in social plugin mkdocs-material-9.1.14+insiders-4.35.0 (2023-05-20) * Improve editing experience and stability of social plugin * Added support for custom layout syntax validation in social plugin * Added support for layer origin for easier placement in social plugin * Added support for in- and exclusion patterns in social plugin * Catch and print syntax errors in custom layouts ``` ### 9.1.14 ``` * Updated Armenian and Greek translations mkdocs-material-9.1.13+insiders-4.34.1 (2023-05-16) * Disable social plugin debug mode by default on mkdocs build * Added warning in social plugin debug mode when font style couldn't be found * Set default concurrency of built-in multi-threaded plugins to CPUs - 1 * Fixed 5521: Social plugin triggers race condition when downloading fonts * Fixed 5515: Social plugin crashes when concurrency is set to 1 ``` ### 9.1.13 ``` * Fixed 5517: Social plugin crashes for some fonts (e.g. Open Sans) mkdocs-material-9.1.12+insiders-4.34.0 (2023-05-14) * Added support for new overflow mode to auto-fit text in social plugin * Reduced subtle rendering bugs in (code) annotations due to subpixel rounding * Improved print styles for (code) annotation lists * Improved performance of social plugin, now 3x as fast * Improved interop of typeset plugin with MkDocstrings * Fixed logo location for variants of default template in social plugin * Fixed 5446: Built-in typeset plugin picks up headings in code blocks mkdocs-material-9.1.12+insiders-4.33.2 (2023-05-12) * Fixed 5508: Social plugin crashes trying to copy cards on Docker/Windows * Fixed 5507: Social plugin crashes on serve when layouts folder doesn't exist * Fixed 5505: Social plugin trying to resolve logo in wrong location * Fixed 5496: Annotations with nested lists incorrectly mounted * Fixed 5493: Social plugin crashes on Python 3.8 ``` ### 9.1.12 ``` * Updated Bengali (Bangla) translations * Fixed 5503: Docker image publish errors on uppercase characters * Fixed 5407: Auto-pause media when in hidden content tabs mkdocs-material-9.1.11+insiders-4.33.1 (2023-05-09) * Added support for SVG background images in social plugin ``` ### 9.1.11 ``` * Fixed 5487: Social plugin crashes without options (9.1.10 regression) mkdocs-material-9.1.10+insiders-4.33.0 (2023-05-08) * Added support for custom layouts for social plugin * Added support for background images for social cards ``` ### 9.1.10 ``` * Added cards_layout_options setting for social cards * Deprecated cards_color and cards_font setting for social cards ``` ### 9.1.9 ``` * Added Telugu, Kannada and Sanskrit translations * Fixed 5428: Fixed margins for light/dark mode images in figures * Fixed 5420: Social plugin crashing for some specific Google Fonts * Fixed 5160: Instant loading makes code annotations jump (9.1.1 regression) * Fixed 4920: Social plugin not loading logo from custom icon set * Fixed social plugin crashing when only code font is specified ``` ### 9.1.8 ``` * Fixed 5417: Theme breaks when palette is not defined (9.1.7 regression) mkdocs-material-9.1.7+insiders-4.32.6 (2023-04-22) * Fixed 5336: Interplay of blog plugin with git-revision-date-localized ``` ### 9.1.7 ``` * Updated Persian (Farsi) and Turkish translations * Fixed 5401: Added missing flag to disable built-in tags plugin * Fixed 5206: Ensure defaults are set for primary and accent colors * Fixed unnecessary inclusion of palette CSS when unused mkdocs-material-9.1.6+insiders-4.32.5 (2023-04-07) * Fixed 5322: Navigation tabs hoist nested page icons ``` ### 9.1.6 ``` * Updated Persian (Farsi) translations * Fixed 5300: Boxes in Mermaid sequence diagrams not color-abiding ``` ### 9.1.5 ``` * Updated Lithuanian and Japanese translations * Updated Mermaid.js to version 9.4.3 * Fixed 5290: Footer previous/next labels cut-off for short page titles mkdocs-material-9.1.4+insiders-4.32.4 (2023-03-24) * Fixed 5241: Built-in typeset plugin jams navigation for anchors in headings ``` ### 9.1.4 ``` * Fixed 5239: Instant loading breaks anchors in details (9.1.1 regression) * Fixed 5211: Anchor following not working for Chinese (9.1.2 regression) ``` ### 9.1.3 ``` * Added Kurdish (Soranî) translations * Updated Norwegian (Bokmål), Portuguese and Romanian translations * Improved compatibility with mkdocs-jupyter plugin * Fixed 5198: Built-in search plugin not filtering script and style tags * Fixed 5176: Back-to-top + instant loading not working (9.1.1 regression) mkdocs-material-9.1.2+insiders-4.32.3 (2023-03-09) * Fixed Docker image release workflow (9.1.0 regression) * Fixed 5159: Missing underline for abbreviations (9.1.0 regression) ``` ### 9.1.2 ``` * Updated Icelandic, Korean and Swedish translations * Fixed 5168: Mermaid text boxes overflow (9.0.13 regression) * Fixed 5155: Table of contents not highlighting percent-encoded URLs ``` ### 9.1.1 ``` * Updated Czech and Thai translations * Improved instant loading (scroll restoration, slow connections) * Fixed 5023: Instant loading not allowing to go back to initial page * Fixed 3797: Instant loading does not work with section anchors in Safari mkdocs-material-9.1.0+insiders-4.32.2 (2023-03-02) * Fixed 5127: Privacy plugin not handling large number of occurrences * Fixed 5126: Privacy plugin breaks when replacing specific emojis ``` ### 9.1.0 ``` * Docker image now available for amd64, arm64 and arm/v7 * Updated Chinese (Taiwanese) translations * Generalized tag identifier implementation * Fixed flickering of header shadow on load * Fixed occasional flickering of announcement bar ``` ### 9.0.15 ``` * Updated Chinese (Traditional) translations * Updated Hebrew translations mkdocs-material-9.0.14+insiders-4.32.1 (2023-02-23) * Fixed code block spans interfering with copying * Fixed 5077: Privacy plugin breaks image alt text encoding * Fixed 5079: Privacy plugin removing rel=me on external links ``` ### 9.0.14 ``` * Fixed 5072: Rendering bug on navigation expand button in Firefox mkdocs-material-9.0.13+insiders-4.32.0 (2023-02-19) * Added support for custom selectors for code annotations * Added support for code line range selection for better sharing mkdocs-material-9.0.13+insiders-4.31.0 (2023-02-18) * Added support for table of contents on blog index and archive pages * Fixed 4512: Allow custom search field boosts (experimental) ``` ### 9.0.13 ``` * Updated Uzbek translations * Switched back to pre-9.0.0 headline detection in content partial * Fixed 5062: Version warning not readable when using slate scheme * Fixed 5061: Improved discernibility of table row hover color * Fixed 5034: Sequence actors in Mermaid diagrams not color-abiding * Fixed 4919: Allow to hide version warning in multiple versions mkdocs-material-9.0.12+insiders-4.30.2 (2023-02-13) * Fixed privacy plugin excludes not working (4.30.0 regression) mkdocs-material-9.0.12+insiders-4.30.1 (2023-02-12) * Fixed privacy plugin not handling static templates e.g. 404.html ``` ### 9.0.12 ``` * Updated Catalan translations * Fixed 4975: Mermaid entity relationship rendering diagrams bug * Fixed 4924: Header title not reset when using instant loading mkdocs-material-9.0.11+insiders-4.30.0 (2023-02-06) * Rewrite of privacy plugin for concurrency, now twice as fast * Added support for explicit inclusion for privacy plugin * Added optimization support for privacy plugin (+ optimize plugin) ``` ### 9.0.11 ``` * Added Mastodon verification for social links (rel=me) * Updated Italian translations ``` ### 9.0.10 ``` * Updated Arabic translations * Updated Korean translations * Updated Hungarian translations * Updated Russian translations * Fixed 4977: Improved accessibility for content tabs * Fixed 4960: Sometimes anchor following doesn't bring last item into view ``` ### 9.0.9 ``` * Updated Bulgarian translations * Updated Chinese (Simplified) translations * Updated Dutch translations * Updated Hindi translations * Updated Japanese translations * Updated Polish translations ``` ### 9.0.8 ``` * Updated Croatian translations * Updated French translations * Updated Hungarian translations * Updated Portuguese (Brasilian) translations * Updated Spanish translations * Updated Ukrainian translations * Updated Urdu translations * Updated Vietnamese translations ``` ### 9.0.7 ``` * Improved accessibility of sidebar navigation * Moved all translations into Community edition * Updated Polish and Portuguese (Brasilian) translations * Fixed info plugin terminating on subsequent reload when serving * Fixed 4910: Sidebar navigation labels have invalid ARIA roles * Fixed 4884: Search query terms can't be separated by colons mkdocs-material-9.0.6+insiders-4.29.0 (2023-01-21) * Added built-in optimize plugin for automatically compressing images * Switched reporting in built-in privacy plugin to info level ``` ### 9.0.6 ``` * Fixed 4883: Automatically disable info plugin when serving * Fixed 4885: Search plugin crashes in some exotic cases (9.0.3 regression) mkdocs-material-9.0.5+insiders-4.28.1 (2023-01-17) * Fixed built-in info plugin erroring for Insiders on version check * Fixed 4865: Navigation paths render bug when there's no top-level section * Fixed 4875: Added support for hiding navigation paths * Improved navigation path to not render for a single item mkdocs-material-9.0.5+insiders-4.28.0 (2023-01-14) * Added support for navigation path (breadcrumbs) ``` ### 9.0.5 ``` * Fixed 4842: Improved accessibility of search result list ``` ### 9.0.4 ``` * Fixed 4823: Improved contrast ratio in footer (9.0.2 regression) * Fixed 4832: Set navigation items back to black (9.0.3 regression) * Fixed 4843: Emojis broken due to maxcdn.com shutting down * Upgraded Python Markdown Extensions to 9.9.1 mkdocs-material-9.0.3+insiders-4.27.1 (2023-01-08) * Fixed rendering of succeeding navigation items in typeset plugin * Fixed 4795: Built-in typeset plugin changes MkDocs' title precedence * Fixed 4724: Blog plugin not rendering integrate table of contents ``` ### 9.0.3 ``` * Improved discernibility of section index pages in navigation * Improved collapsing of adjacent whitespace in search plugin * Updated Indonesian translations * Fixed view source of this page button when edit URL points to blob * Fixed 4829: Search overlay does not close for active anchor result * Fixed 4824: Search plugin crashes for h1-6 contained in other elements * Fixed 4804: Nested navigation items not expandable with keyboard * Fixed 4689: anchor tracking not working for anchors in tables * Upgraded to Mermaid 9.3.0 ``` ### 9.0.2 ``` * Fixed 4823: Improved contrast ratio in footer to meet WCAG guidelines * Fixed 4819: Social plugin crashes when card generation is disabled * Fixed 4817: Search plugin crashes on numeric page titles in nav ``` ### 9.0.1 ``` * Removed pipdeptree dependency for built-in info plugin * Fixed appearance of linked tags when hovered (9.0.0 regression) * Fixed 4810: Abbreviations run out of screen on touch devices * Fixed 4813: View source and edit button links are the same ``` ### 9.0.0 ``` Additions and improvements * Added support for rich search previews * Added support for tokenizer lookahead * Added support for better search highlighting * Added support for excluding content from search * Added support for configurable search pipeline * Added support for offline search via offline plugin * Added support for multiple instances of built-in tags plugin * Added support for removing copy-to-clipboard button * Added support for removing footer navigation * Added support for button to view the source of a page * Improved readability of query string for search sharing * Improved stability of search plugin when using --dirtyreload * Improved search result group button, now sticky and stable * Updated Norwegian translations * Updated MkDocs to 1.4.2 Removals * Removed deprecated alternative admonition qualifiers * Removed :is() selectors (in output) for easier overriding * Removed .title suffix on translations * Removed legacy method for providing page title in feedback URL * Removed support for indexing only titles in search * Removed support for custom search transforms * Removed support for custom search workers * Removed temporary snow feature (easter egg) Fixes * Fixed Norwegian and Korean language code * Fixed detection of composition events in search interface * Fixed search plugin not using title set via front matter * Fixed search highlighting of tags * Fixed search sharing URL using post transformed string * Fixed theme-color meta tag getting out-of-sync with palette toggle * Fixed prev/next page keyboard navigation when footer is not present * Fixed overflowing navigation tabs not being scrollable * Fixed inclusion of code block line numbers from search mkdocs-material-8.5.11+insiders-4.27.0 (2022-12-20) * Added built-in typeset plugin to preserve formatting in sidebars * Added URL and table of contents support for blog categories ``` ### 8.5.11 ``` * Let it snow, see https://twitter.com/squidfunk/status/1597939243090788352 mkdocs-material-8.5.10+insiders-4.26.6 (2022-11-28) * Fixed 4683: Tags plugin crashes when a tag is empty mkdocs-material-8.5.10+insiders-4.26.5 (2022-11-27) * Fixed 4632: Post excerpt title link doesn't point to top of the page mkdocs-material-8.5.10+insiders-4.26.4 (2022-11-27) * Fixed redundant file extension when using privacy plugin mkdocs-material-8.5.10+insiders-4.26.3 (2022-11-15) * Fixed 4637: Attachments w/o titles in related links error in blog plugin * Fixed 4631: Remote favicons not downloaded and inlined by privacy plugin ``` ### 8.5.10 ``` * Adjusted CSS to better allow for custom primary and accent colors * Fixed 4620: Primary color is not applied (8.5.9 regression) ``` ### 8.5.9 ``` * Fixed 4600: Illegible link colors for black and white primary colors * Fixed 4594: Need to set schema to change link color mkdocs-material-8.5.8+insiders-4.26.2 (2022-11-03) * Updated MkDocs to 1.4.2 * Added support for tag compare functions when sorting on index pages * Fixed footnotes being rendered in post excerpts without separators * Fixed error in blog plugin when toc extension is not enabled * Fixed issues with invalid asset paths and linked post titles * Fixed 4572: Privacy plugin fails when symlinks cannot be created * Fixed 4545: Blog plugin doesn't automatically link headline to post * Fixed 4542: Blog plugin doesn't allow for multiple instances * Fixed 4532: Blog plugin doesn't allow for mixed use of date and datetime ``` ### 8.5.8 ``` * Added support for always showing settings in cookie consent * Fixed 4571: Buttons invisible if primary color is white or black * Fixed 4517: Illegible note in sequence diagram when using slate scheme mkdocs-material-8.5.7+insiders-4.26.1 (2022-10-22) * Improved reporting of configuration errors in tags plugin * Fixed 4515: Privacy plugin fails when site URL is not defined * Fixed 4514: Privacy plugin doesn't fetch Google fonts (4.26.0 regression) ``` ### 8.5.7 ``` * Deprecated additional admonition qualifiers to reduce size of CSS * Fixed 4511: Search boost does not apply to sections mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.26.0 (2022-10-18) * Refactored privacy plugin to prepare for new features * Added support for rel=noopener links in privacy plugin * Resolve encoding issues with blog and privacy plugin mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.25.5 (2022-10-16) * Updated MkDocs to 1.4.1 * Added namespace prefix to built-in plugins * Updated content and header partial mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.25.4 (2022-10-09) * Fixed other path issues for standalone blogs (4.24.2 regression) mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.25.3 (2022-10-09) * Fixed 4457: Posts not collected for standalone blog (4.24.2 regression) mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.25.2 (2022-10-04) * Fixed 4452: Blog and tags plugin crash when specifying slugify function mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.25.1 (2022-10-03) * Updated mkdocs-rss-plugin in Dockerfile to fix MkDocs compat errors mkdocs-material-8.5.6+insiders-4.25.0 (2022-10-02) * Added support for navigation subtitles * Added support for defining an allow list for built-in tags plugin * Added support for custom slugify functions for built-in tags plugin * Improved stability of search plugin when using --dirtyreload ``` ### 8.5.6 ``` * Modernized appearance of admonitions (with fallback, see docs) * Improved appearance of inline code blocks in admonition titles mkdocs-material-8.5.5+insiders-4.24.2 (2022-10-01) * Updated MkDocs to 1.4 * Fixed compatibility issues with MkDocs 1.4 * Fixed incorrectly generated paths in privacy plugin * Fixed blog index page not showing navigation when using meta plugin ``` ### 8.5.5 ``` * Updated MkDocs to 1.4 * Fixed compatibility issues with MkDocs 1.4 * Fixed 4430: build error when enabling consent without repository URL mkdocs-material-8.5.4+insiders-4.24.1 (2022-09-30) * Fixed 4430: build error when enabling consent without repository URL ``` ### 8.5.4 ``` * Fixed expand icons shift on sidebar overflow (using scrollbar-gutter) * Fixed 4429: Text in sequence diagrams overflows in Firefox mkdocs-material-8.5.3+insiders-4.24.0 (2022-09-27) * Added support for custom content on index pages (blog) * Added support for keeping content on paginated index pages (blog) * Added support for limiting categories in post excerpts (blog) * Added support for simple override of templates via front matter (blog) * Added icon in navigation for pages with encrypted content * Fixed 4396: Front matter of index pages not inherited by pagination (blog) * Improved performance by building post excerpts once (blog) mkdocs-material-8.5.3+insiders-4.23.6 (2022-09-22) * Fixed 4389: Blog posts in first week of year in wrong archive * Fixed (= switched) footer previous and next links for blog posts ``` ### 8.5.3 ``` * Fixed build error when enabling cookie consent without analytics * Fixed 4381: Code blocks render ligatures for some fonts mkdocs-material-8.5.2+insiders-4.23.5 (2022-09-18) * Fixed 4367: Improved blog plugin date handling for MultiMarkdown syntax * Fixed 4374: Fixed invalid URLs of related links to other blog posts ``` ### 8.5.2 ``` * Updated Mermaid.js to version 9.1.7 * Fixed overly large headlines in search results (8.5.0 regression) * Fixed 4358: Navigation sections appear as clickable (8.5.0 regression) * Fixed 4356: GitHub repository statistics fetched before cookie consent ``` ### 8.5.1 ``` * Fixed 4366: Removed dependencies with native extensions mkdocs-material-8.5.0+insiders-4.23.4 (2022-09-14) * Fixed 4365: Recursion error in blog plugin due to deepcopy * Fixed path errors for blog plugin on Windows * Fixed publishing workflow in forked repositories mkdocs-material-8.5.0+insiders-4.23.3 (2022-09-13) * Fixed previous and next page links for drafts of blog posts ``` ### 8.5.0 ``` * Added support for social cards * Added support for code annotation anchor links (deep linking) * Added support for code annotation comment stripping (syntax modifier) * Added support for sidebars scrolling automatically to active item * Added support for anchor following table of contents (= auto scroll) * Added support for tag icons mkdocs-material-8.4.4+insiders-4.23.2 (2022-09-13) * Fixed 4348: Blog plugin crashes on custom nav title * Fixed blog plugin crashing when category contained only drafts * Fixed rendering of content from blog index file mkdocs-material-8.4.4+insiders-4.23.1 (2022-09-12) * Fixed 4345: Blog plugin errors with default settings mkdocs-material-8.4.4+insiders-4.23.0 (2022-09-12) * Added blogging support via built-in blog plugin ``` ### 8.4.4 ``` * Moved comments integration to separate partial (comments.html) mkdocs-material-8.4.3+insiders-4.22.1 (2022-09-07) * Fixed 4217: Tooltips in data tables render in wrong position ``` ### 8.4.3 ``` * Added Simple Icons to bundled icons (+2,300 icons) * Added support for changing edit icon * Moved page actions to separate partial (actions.html) * Fixed 4291: Version switching doesn't stay on page when anchors are used * Fixed 4327: Links in data tables do not receive link styling ``` ### 8.4.2 ``` * Updated Slovenian translations * Fixed 4277: Feedback widget hidden after navigation with instant loading * Fixed numeric tags in front matter breaking search functionality mkdocs-material-8.4.1+insiders-4.22.0 (2022-08-21) * Added support for navigation status ``` ### 8.4.1 ``` * Updated Croatian and Hebrew translations mkdocs-material-8.4.0+insiders-4.21.1 (2022-08-13) * Fixed 4176: Broken image when avatar is served by Gravatar * Fixed 4212: Deferred search initialization for file:// locations ``` ### 8.4.0 ``` * Added support for cookie consent * Added support for feedback widget (Was this page helpful?) * Added support for dismissible announcement bar * Added Armenian, Lithuanian, Tagalog, and Urdu translations mkdocs-material-8.3.9+insiders-4.21.0 (2022-07-17) * Added meta plugin: set front matter for all pages in a folder * Fixed 4114: Tags plugin fails if only tags_extra_files is set mkdocs-material-8.3.9+insiders-4.20.1 (2022-07-11) * Fixed 4105: Tags plugin fails if tags_file is not set (4.20.0 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.9+insiders-4.20.0 (2022-07-07) * Added support for additional tags indexes * Fixed 4100: Tag icons not shown in tags index mkdocs-material-8.3.9+insiders-4.19.2 (2022-07-04) * Fixed 4051: Privacy plugin fails if symlinking isn't allowed on Windows ``` ### 8.3.9 ``` * Updated Taiwanese translations for search * Allow ids for content tabs with special characters (for mkdocstrings) * Fixed 4083: home not clickable when using versioning (8.3.5 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.8+insiders-4.19.1 (2022-06-25) * Added mkdocs-git-committers-plugin to Dockerfile * Added mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin to Dockerfile mkdocs-material-8.3.8+insiders-4.19.0 (2022-06-24) * Added support for document contributors * Updated French translations for cookie consent ``` ### 8.3.8 ``` * Fixed 4053: Limit width of videos to content area * Fixed empty tags in front matter breaking search ``` ### 8.3.7 ``` * Fixed search being stuck initializing when using tags (8.3.4 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.6+insiders-4.18.2 (2022-06-16) * Fixed 4026: Fixed tooltips not mounted for nested navigation links ``` ### 8.3.6 ``` * Fixed 4028: Links not clickable when using versioning (8.3.5 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.5+insiders-4.18.1 (2022-06-14) * Fixed 3990: Chinese search highlighting not working on non-boundaries ``` ### 8.3.5 ``` * Fixed 4012: Stay on page not working for alias of active version mkdocs-material-8.3.4+insiders-4.18.0 (2022-06-11) * Added support for automatic dark/light mode * Fixed 4009: Privacy plugin uses invalid paths for file cache on Windows ``` ### 8.3.4 ``` * Fixed 4004: Tags with multiple words not searchable ``` ### 8.3.3 ``` * Fixed 4000: Mermaid diagrams too dark in dark mode (8.3.0 regression) mkdocs-material-8.3.2+insiders-4.17.2 (2022-06-05) * Added support for custom jieba dictionaries (Chinese search) mkdocs-material-8.3.2+insiders-4.17.1 (2022-06-05) * Added support for cookie consent reject button * Added support for cookie consent custom button ordering * Fixed 3988: Content tab not focused after alternating anchor links ``` ### 8.3.2 ``` * Fixed 3987: Custom admonition icons don't work when defining color palette mkdocs-material-8.3.1+insiders-4.17.0 (2022-06-04) * Added support for content tabs anchor links (deep linking) * Fixed 3975: Detect composition events in search interface (Chinese) * Fixed 3980: Search plugin doesn't use title set via front matter ``` ### 8.3.1 ``` * Bump required Jinja version to 3.0.2 * Removed unnecessary conditions in templates * Fixed scroll offset when content tabs are brought into view * Fixed 3977: Content tabs snapping oddly in Firefox * Fixed 3983: Missing condition in footer partial (8.3.0 regression) ``` ### 8.3.0 ``` * Added support for custom admonition icons * Added support for linking of content tabs * Added support for boosting pages in search * Added support for hiding footer navigation * Added previous/next indicators to content tabs * Improved typeset link colors in light and dark modes mkdocs-material-8.2.16+insiders-4.16.2 (2022-05-28) * Fixed 3961: Nested sections triggered build error for navigation tabs mkdocs-material-8.2.16+insiders-4.16.1 (2022-05-28) * Switched feedback widget rating titles to tooltips * Improved contrast of link colors for light/dark color schemes * Fixed 3950: Sticky navigation tabs rendering broken (4.15.2 regression) * Fixed 3958: Links invisible when using white primary color ``` ### 8.2.16 ``` * Fixed 3957: Only animate code annotations when visible (save CPU cycles) mkdocs-material-8.2.15+insiders-4.16.0 (2022-05-25) * Added support for navigation pruning * Fixed search results for non-segmented characters (4.15.2 regression) mkdocs-material-8.2.15+insiders-4.15.2 (2022-05-22) * Removed workaround for abbr on touch devices (superseded by tooltips) * Fixed 3915: Improved Chinese search query segmentation * Fixed 3938: Fixed tooltips position for navigation titles with ellipsis mkdocs-material-8.2.15+insiders-4.15.1 (2022-05-14) * Improved performance of element focus observables * Fixed 3531: Added prev/next buttons to content tabs * Fixed tooltip positioning when host element is hidden ``` ### 8.2.15 ``` * Added Uzbek translations * Fixed spacing for code block results in content tabs mkdocs-material-8.2.14+insiders-4.15.0 (2022-05-08) * Added support for improved tooltips * Fixed 3785: Show tooltip on hover for overflowing navigation link ``` ### 8.2.14 ``` * Fixed missing top right rounded border on admonition * Fixed 3886: 4xx status codes not handled when using instant loading mkdocs-material-8.2.13+insiders-4.14.0 (2022-05-05) * Added Chinese language support to built-in search plugin * Fixed all-numeric page titles raising error in social plugin ``` ### 8.2.13 ``` * Fixed 3865: Tags index links to tagged pages 404 on Windows * Fixed 3866: Bump required Python version from 3.6+ to 3.7+ mkdocs-material-8.2.12+insiders-4.13.2 (2022-04-30) * Improved caching of downloaded resources in privacy plugin * Fixed 3851: External images not downloaded by privacy plugin ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs-material - Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/mkdocs-material/

Update mkdocstrings from 0.18.1 to 0.23.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mkdocstrings

Update black from 22.3.0 to 23.9.1.

Changelog ### 23.9.1 ``` Due to various issues, the previous release (23.9.0) did not include compiled mypyc wheels, which make Black significantly faster. These issues have now been fixed, and this release should come with compiled wheels once again. There will be no wheels for Python 3.12 due to a bug in mypyc. We will provide 3.12 wheels in a future release as soon as the mypyc bug is fixed. Packaging - Upgrade to mypy 1.5.1 (3864) Performance - Store raw tuples instead of NamedTuples in Black's cache, improving performance and decreasing the size of the cache (3877) ``` ### 23.9.0 ``` Preview style - More concise formatting for dummy implementations (3796) - In stub files, add a blank line between a statement with a body (e.g an `if sys.version_info > (3, x):`) and a function definition on the same level (3862) - Fix a bug whereby spaces were removed from walrus operators within subscript(3823) Configuration - Black now applies exclusion and ignore logic before resolving symlinks (3846) Performance - Avoid importing `IPython` if notebook cells do not contain magics (3782) - Improve caching by comparing file hashes as fallback for mtime and size (3821) _Blackd_ - Fix an issue in `blackd` with single character input (3558) Integrations - Black now has an [official pre-commit mirror](https://github.com/psf/black-pre-commit-mirror). Swapping `https://github.com/psf/black` to `https://github.com/psf/black-pre-commit-mirror` in your `.pre-commit-config.yaml` will make Black about 2x faster (3828) - The `.black.env` folder specified by `ENV_PATH` will now be removed on the completion of the GitHub Action (3759) ``` ### 23.7.0 ``` Highlights - Runtime support for Python 3.7 has been removed. Formatting 3.7 code will still be supported until further notice (3765) Stable style - Fix a bug where an illegal trailing comma was added to return type annotations using PEP 604 unions (3735) - Fix several bugs and crashes where comments in stub files were removed or mishandled under some circumstances (3745) - Fix a crash with multi-line magic comments like `type: ignore` within parentheses (3740) - Fix error in AST validation when _Black_ removes trailing whitespace in a type comment (3773) Preview style - Implicitly concatenated strings used as function args are no longer wrapped inside parentheses (3640) - Remove blank lines between a class definition and its docstring (3692) Configuration - The `--workers` argument to _Black_ can now be specified via the `BLACK_NUM_WORKERS` environment variable (3743) - `.pytest_cache`, `.ruff_cache` and `.vscode` are now excluded by default (3691) - Fix _Black_ not honouring `pyproject.toml` settings when running `--stdin-filename` and the `pyproject.toml` found isn't in the current working directory (3719) - _Black_ will now error if `exclude` and `extend-exclude` have invalid data types in `pyproject.toml`, instead of silently doing the wrong thing (3764) Packaging - Upgrade mypyc from 0.991 to 1.3 (3697) - Remove patching of Click that mitigated errors on Python 3.6 with `LANG=C` (3768) Parser - Add support for the new PEP 695 syntax in Python 3.12 (3703) Performance - Speed up _Black_ significantly when the cache is full (3751) - Avoid importing `IPython` in a case where we wouldn't need it (3748) Output - Use aware UTC datetimes internally, avoids deprecation warning on Python 3.12 (3728) - Change verbose logging to exactly mirror _Black_'s logic for source discovery (3749) _Blackd_ - The `blackd` argument parser now shows the default values for options in their help text (3712) Integrations - Black is now tested with [`PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING = 1`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html#io-encoding-warning) (3763) - Update GitHub Action to display black output in the job summary (3688) Documentation - Add a CITATION.cff file to the root of the repository, containing metadata on how to cite this software (3723) - Update the _classes_ and _exceptions_ documentation in Developer reference to match the latest code base (3755) ``` ### 23.3.0 ``` Highlights This release fixes a longstanding confusing behavior in Black's GitHub action, where the version of the action did not determine the version of Black being run (issue 3382). In addition, there is a small bug fix around imports and a number of improvements to the preview style. Please try out the [preview style](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/future_style.html#preview-style) with `black --preview` and tell us your feedback. All changes in the preview style are expected to become part of Black's stable style in January 2024. Stable style - Import lines with ` fmt: skip` and ` fmt: off` no longer have an extra blank line added when they are right after another import line (3610) Preview style - Add trailing commas to collection literals even if there's a comment after the last entry (3393) - `async def`, `async for`, and `async with` statements are now formatted consistently compared to their non-async version. (3609) - `with` statements that contain two context managers will be consistently wrapped in parentheses (3589) - Let string splitters respect [East Asian Width](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/) (3445) - Now long string literals can be split after East Asian commas and periods (`、` U+3001 IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA, `。` U+3002 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP, & `,` U+FF0C FULLWIDTH COMMA) besides before spaces (3445) - For stubs, enforce one blank line after a nested class with a body other than just `...` (3564) - Improve handling of multiline strings by changing line split behavior (1879) Parser - Added support for formatting files with invalid type comments (3594) Integrations - Update GitHub Action to use the version of Black equivalent to action's version if version input is not specified (3543) - Fix missing Python binary path in autoload script for vim (3508) Documentation - Document that only the most recent release is supported for security issues; vulnerabilities should be reported through Tidelift (3612) ``` ### 23.1.0 ``` Highlights This is the first release of 2023, and following our [stability policy](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/index.html#stability-policy), it comes with a number of improvements to our stable style, including improvements to empty line handling, removal of redundant parentheses in several contexts, and output that highlights implicitly concatenated strings better. There are also many changes to the preview style; try out `black --preview` and give us feedback to help us set the stable style for next year. In addition to style changes, Black now automatically infers the supported Python versions from your `pyproject.toml` file, removing the need to set Black's target versions separately. Stable style <!-- Changes that affect Black's stable style --> - Introduce the 2023 stable style, which incorporates most aspects of last year's preview style (3418). Specific changes: - Enforce empty lines before classes and functions with sticky leading comments (3302) (22.12.0) - Reformat empty and whitespace-only files as either an empty file (if no newline is present) or as a single newline character (if a newline is present) (3348) (22.12.0) - Implicitly concatenated strings used as function args are now wrapped inside parentheses (3307) (22.12.0) - Correctly handle trailing commas that are inside a line's leading non-nested parens (3370) (22.12.0) - `--skip-string-normalization` / `-S` now prevents docstring prefixes from being normalized as expected (3168) (since 22.8.0) - When using `--skip-magic-trailing-comma` or `-C`, trailing commas are stripped from subscript expressions with more than 1 element (3209) (22.8.0) - Implicitly concatenated strings inside a list, set, or tuple are now wrapped inside parentheses (3162) (22.8.0) - Fix a string merging/split issue when a comment is present in the middle of implicitly concatenated strings on its own line (3227) (22.8.0) - Docstring quotes are no longer moved if it would violate the line length limit (3044, 3430) (22.6.0) - Parentheses around return annotations are now managed (2990) (22.6.0) - Remove unnecessary parentheses around awaited objects (2991) (22.6.0) - Remove unnecessary parentheses in `with` statements (2926) (22.6.0) - Remove trailing newlines after code block open (3035) (22.6.0) - Code cell separators `%%` are now standardised to ` %%` (2919) (22.3.0) - Remove unnecessary parentheses from `except` statements (2939) (22.3.0) - Remove unnecessary parentheses from tuple unpacking in `for` loops (2945) (22.3.0) - Avoid magic-trailing-comma in single-element subscripts (2942) (22.3.0) - Fix a crash when a colon line is marked between ` fmt: off` and ` fmt: on` (3439) Preview style <!-- Changes that affect Black's preview style --> - Format hex codes in unicode escape sequences in string literals (2916) - Add parentheses around `if`-`else` expressions (2278) - Improve performance on large expressions that contain many strings (3467) - Fix a crash in preview style with assert + parenthesized string (3415) - Fix crashes in preview style with walrus operators used in function return annotations and except clauses (3423) - Fix a crash in preview advanced string processing where mixed implicitly concatenated regular and f-strings start with an empty span (3463) - Fix a crash in preview advanced string processing where a standalone comment is placed before a dict's value (3469) - Fix an issue where extra empty lines are added when a decorator has ` fmt: skip` applied or there is a standalone comment between decorators (3470) - Do not put the closing quotes in a docstring on a separate line, even if the line is too long (3430) - Long values in dict literals are now wrapped in parentheses; correspondingly unnecessary parentheses around short values in dict literals are now removed; long string lambda values are now wrapped in parentheses (3440) - Fix two crashes in preview style involving edge cases with docstrings (3451) - Exclude string type annotations from improved string processing; fix crash when the return type annotation is stringified and spans across multiple lines (3462) - Wrap multiple context managers in parentheses when targeting Python 3.9+ (3489) - Fix several crashes in preview style with walrus operators used in `with` statements or tuples (3473) - Fix an invalid quote escaping bug in f-string expressions where it produced invalid code. Implicitly concatenated f-strings with different quotes can now be merged or quote-normalized by changing the quotes used in expressions. (3509) - Fix crash on `await (yield)` when Black is compiled with mypyc (3533) Configuration <!-- Changes to how Black can be configured --> - Black now tries to infer its `--target-version` from the project metadata specified in `pyproject.toml` (3219) Packaging <!-- Changes to how Black is packaged, such as dependency requirements --> - Upgrade mypyc from `0.971` to `0.991` so mypycified _Black_ can be built on armv7 (3380) - This also fixes some crashes while using compiled Black with a debug build of CPython - Drop specific support for the `tomli` requirement on 3.11 alpha releases, working around a bug that would cause the requirement not to be installed on any non-final Python releases (3448) - Black now depends on `packaging` version `22.0` or later. This is required for new functionality that needs to parse part of the project metadata (3219) Output <!-- Changes to Black's terminal output and error messages --> - Calling `black --help` multiple times will return the same help contents each time (3516) - Verbose logging now shows the values of `pyproject.toml` configuration variables (3392) - Fix false symlink detection messages in verbose output due to using an incorrect relative path to the project root (3385) Integrations <!-- For example, Docker, GitHub Actions, pre-commit, editors --> - Move 3.11 CI to normal flow now that all dependencies support 3.11 (3446) - Docker: Add new `latest_prerelease` tag automation to follow latest black alpha release on docker images (3465) Documentation <!-- Major changes to documentation and policies. Small docs changes don't need a changelog entry. --> - Expand `vim-plug` installation instructions to offer more explicit options (3468) ``` ### 22.12.0 ``` Preview style <!-- Changes that affect Black's preview style --> - Enforce empty lines before classes and functions with sticky leading comments (3302) - Reformat empty and whitespace-only files as either an empty file (if no newline is present) or as a single newline character (if a newline is present) (3348) - Implicitly concatenated strings used as function args are now wrapped inside parentheses (3307) - For assignment statements, prefer splitting the right hand side if the left hand side fits on a single line (3368) - Correctly handle trailing commas that are inside a line's leading non-nested parens (3370) Configuration <!-- Changes to how Black can be configured --> - Fix incorrectly applied `.gitignore` rules by considering the `.gitignore` location and the relative path to the target file (3338) - Fix incorrectly ignoring `.gitignore` presence when more than one source directory is specified (3336) Parser <!-- Changes to the parser or to version autodetection --> - Parsing support has been added for walruses inside generator expression that are passed as function args (for example, `any(match := my_re.match(text) for text in texts)`) (3327). Integrations <!-- For example, Docker, GitHub Actions, pre-commit, editors --> - Vim plugin: Optionally allow using the system installation of Black via `let g:black_use_virtualenv = 0`(3309) ``` ### 22.10.0 ``` Highlights - Runtime support for Python 3.6 has been removed. Formatting 3.6 code will still be supported until further notice. Stable style - Fix a crash when ` fmt: on` is used on a different block level than ` fmt: off` (3281) Preview style - Fix a crash when formatting some dicts with parenthesis-wrapped long string keys (3262) Configuration - `.ipynb_checkpoints` directories are now excluded by default (3293) - Add `--skip-source-first-line` / `-x` option to ignore the first line of source code while formatting (3299) Packaging - Executables made with PyInstaller will no longer crash when formatting several files at once on macOS. Native x86-64 executables for macOS are available once again. (3275) - Hatchling is now used as the build backend. This will not have any effect for users who install Black with its wheels from PyPI. (3233) - Faster compiled wheels are now available for CPython 3.11 (3276) _Blackd_ - Windows style (CRLF) newlines will be preserved (3257). Integrations - Vim plugin: add flag (`g:black_preview`) to enable/disable the preview style (3246) - Update GitHub Action to support formatting of Jupyter Notebook files via a `jupyter` option (3282) - Update GitHub Action to support use of version specifiers (e.g. `<23`) for Black version (3265) ``` ### 22.8.0 ``` Highlights - Python 3.11 is now supported, except for _blackd_ as aiohttp does not support 3.11 as of publishing (3234) - This is the last release that supports running _Black_ on Python 3.6 (formatting 3.6 code will continue to be supported until further notice) - Reword the stability policy to say that we may, in rare cases, make changes that affect code that was not previously formatted by _Black_ (3155) Stable style - Fix an infinite loop when using ` fmt: on/off` in the middle of an expression or code block (3158) - Fix incorrect handling of ` fmt: skip` on colon (`:`) lines (3148) - Comments are no longer deleted when a line had spaces removed around power operators (2874) Preview style - Single-character closing docstring quotes are no longer moved to their own line as this is invalid. This was a bug introduced in version 22.6.0. (3166) - `--skip-string-normalization` / `-S` now prevents docstring prefixes from being normalized as expected (3168) - When using `--skip-magic-trailing-comma` or `-C`, trailing commas are stripped from subscript expressions with more than 1 element (3209) - Implicitly concatenated strings inside a list, set, or tuple are now wrapped inside parentheses (3162) - Fix a string merging/split issue when a comment is present in the middle of implicitly concatenated strings on its own line (3227) _Blackd_ - `blackd` now supports enabling the preview style via the `X-Preview` header (3217) Configuration - Black now uses the presence of debug f-strings to detect target version (3215) - Fix misdetection of project root and verbose logging of sources in cases involving `--stdin-filename` (3216) - Immediate `.gitignore` files in source directories given on the command line are now also respected, previously only `.gitignore` files in the project root and automatically discovered directories were respected (3237) Documentation - Recommend using BlackConnect in IntelliJ IDEs (3150) Integrations - Vim plugin: prefix messages with `Black: ` so it's clear they come from Black (3194) - Docker: changed to a /opt/venv installation + added to PATH to be available to non-root users (3202) Output - Change from deprecated `asyncio.get_event_loop()` to create our event loop which removes DeprecationWarning (3164) - Remove logging from internal `blib2to3` library since it regularly emits error logs about failed caching that can and should be ignored (3193) Parser - Type comments are now included in the AST equivalence check consistently so accidental deletion raises an error. Though type comments can't be tracked when running on PyPy 3.7 due to standard library limitations. (2874) Performance - Reduce Black's startup time when formatting a single file by 15-30% (3211) ``` ### 22.6.0 ``` Style - Fix unstable formatting involving `fmt: skip` and ` fmt:skip` comments (notice the lack of spaces) (2970) Preview style - Docstring quotes are no longer moved if it would violate the line length limit (3044) - Parentheses around return annotations are now managed (2990) - Remove unnecessary parentheses around awaited objects (2991) - Remove unnecessary parentheses in `with` statements (2926) - Remove trailing newlines after code block open (3035) Integrations - Add `scripts/migrate-black.py` script to ease introduction of Black to a Git project (3038) Output - Output Python version and implementation as part of `--version` flag (2997) Packaging - Use `tomli` instead of `tomllib` on Python 3.11 builds where `tomllib` is not available (2987) Parser - [PEP 654](https://peps.python.org/pep-0654/#except) syntax (for example, `except *ExceptionGroup:`) is now supported (3016) - [PEP 646](https://peps.python.org/pep-0646) syntax (for example, `Array[Batch, *Shape]` or `def fn(*args: *T) -> None`) is now supported (3071) Vim Plugin - Fix `strtobool` function. It didn't parse true/on/false/off. (3025) ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/black - Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/black/

Update wheel from 0.38.2 to 0.41.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/wheel

Update alembic from 1.7.7 to 1.12.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/alembic - Homepage: https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/alembic/

Update PyYAML from 6.0 to 6.0.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pyyaml - Homepage: https://pyyaml.org/

Update psycopg2-binary from 2.9.3 to 2.9.8.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/psycopg2-binary - Homepage: https://psycopg.org/

Update boto3 from 1.22.4 to 1.28.57.

Changelog ### 1.28.57 ``` ======= * api-change:``bedrock-runtime``: [``botocore``] Run Inference: Added support to run the inference on models. Includes set of APIs for running inference in streaming and non-streaming mode. * api-change:``bedrock``: [``botocore``] Model Invocation logging added to enable or disable logs in customer account. Model listing and description support added. Provisioned Throughput feature added. Custom model support added for creating custom models. Also includes list, and delete functions for custom model. * api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] Update DescribeBudgets and DescribeBudgetNotificationsForAccount MaxResults limit to 1000. * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Adds support for Customer Managed Key encryption for Amazon Verified Access resources * api-change:``iotfleetwise``: [``botocore``] AWS IoT FleetWise now supports encryption through a customer managed AWS KMS key. The PutEncryptionConfiguration and GetEncryptionConfiguration APIs were added. * api-change:``sagemaker-featurestore-runtime``: [``botocore``] Feature Store supports read/write of records with collection type features. * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Online store feature groups supports Standard and InMemory tier storage types for low latency storage for real-time data retrieval. The InMemory tier supports collection types List, Set, and Vector. * api-change:``wafv2``: [``botocore``] Correct and improve the documentation for the FieldToMatch option JA3 fingerprint. ``` ### 1.28.56 ``` ======= * api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] The UserPoolType Status field is no longer used. * api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] Features : Adding support for new data ingestion source to Kinesis Firehose - AWS Managed Services Kafka. * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Added support for IoT Rules Engine Kafka Action Headers * api-change:``textract``: [``botocore``] This release adds new feature - Layout to Analyze Document API which can automatically extract layout elements such as titles, paragraphs, headers, section headers, lists, page numbers, footers, table areas, key-value areas and figure areas and order the elements as a human would read. ``` ### 1.28.55 ``` ======= * api-change:``appintegrations``: [``botocore``] The Amazon AppIntegrations service adds a set of APIs (in preview) to manage third party applications to be used in Amazon Connect agent workspace. * api-change:``apprunner``: [``botocore``] This release allows an App Runner customer to sp
pyup-bot commented 8 months ago

Closing this in favor of #936