dstanley4 / apaTables

Development version of apaTables R package. Current stable version is on the CRAN.
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apa.reg.boot.table - specification of bootstrapping approach #23

Open SciGab opened 4 years ago

SciGab commented 4 years ago

The documentation of apa.reg.boot.table is missing information on the the type of bootstrapping approach [e.g., percentile or bias-corrected, accelerated percentile (BCa)]. The table note would also benefit from this information.

I'm unsure about the approach that is currently used and would be grateful for this information. Based on the source code, I suspect it might be percentile intervals. If that's the case, adding BCa intervals would be great, since they seem to perform somewhat better than percentile intervals (see e.g., https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion-2E/appendix/Appendix-Bootstrapping.pdf).