dstl / Stone-Soup

A software project to provide the target tracking community with a framework for the development and testing of tracking algorithms.
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Platforms can both 'move' and 'act' #1001

Open nperree-dstl opened 1 month ago

nperree-dstl commented 1 month ago

With the introduction of actionable platforms, where all Movables inherit from Actionable (# ), platforms now have both an act() and move() method. This is confusing, especially when using sensor management to task them, and in some cases causes missing functionality if the wrong one is used.

sdhiscocks commented 1 month ago

I think it would make sense to have act() as standard method, and then have move() call act() for backwards compatibility. Aware this isn't a simple fix of just doing this, as the functionality of move() needs to be factored into the act() method with the other possible actions.