dstl / Stone-Soup

A software project to provide the target tracking community with a framework for the development and testing of tracking algorithms.
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Demo zips from Documents are Unusable as is. #1050

Open GadgetSteve opened 3 months ago

GadgetSteve commented 3 months ago

The zip files linked in the documents do not include the data needed to be able to run them as follows: Several of the demos also depend upon folium which is not a part of the default installation nor mentioned on the demos page.

  1. AIS_Solent_Tracker.py & .ipynb - both require SolentAIS_20160112_130211.csv which is present in the repository but not from the documents demo page.
  2. OpenSky_Demo.py & .ipynb - both require OpenSky_Plane_States.csv which is present in this repository but is not downloadable from nor mentioned in the documents. The plot display on the notebook relies upon a set of png files that are only available in the checked out repository '../_static/sphinx_gallery/PlaneHeadings/Plane{angle}.png' - Both also depend upon folium which is not a part of the default installation nor mentioned on the demos page.
  3. UAV_Tutorial.py & .ipynb - both require UAV_Rot.csv which is present in the repository but not from the documents demo page.
  4. VideoProcessing.py & .ipynb - there are a number of additional dependencies that are not mentioned on the demos page but are in the notebook. These both rely on using pytube to download http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNn9qKG2UFI and save it to sample1.mp4 - this is not possible if you are on an isolated or firewalled system (many of the people who might need to run these demos are)_.

Several of the demos also depend upon folium which is not a part of the default installation nor mentioned on the demos page.

Additional note - the .py versions of these demos do not seem to produce any output nor any indication of what they have done.

GadgetSteve commented 3 months ago

Suggestion - since the individual demo pages do include the links to the required downloads and mentions of the additional libraries a note to see those pages on the page with the zips might be a way to resolve this at least partially.

sdhiscocks commented 3 months ago

Thanks @GadgetSteve

The ZIP file generation is done by sphinx-gallery so may have to see whether there is way to include other files.

As you suggest, a note with ZIPs may be an option to at least highlight that additional files/libraries are needed to run the demos.

We've also designed the demos (and other examples/tutorials) to run as Notebooks, so may be better removing download of the .py files.