dstndstn / astrometry.net

Astrometry.net -- automatic recognition of astronomical images
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solve-field: provide a --version option #10

Open dstndstn opened 9 years ago

dstndstn commented 9 years ago

The svn version info doesn't work any more...

tstibor commented 9 years ago

Hello Dustin,

I have some additional suggestions on issue: "solve-field: provide a --version option #10". Compiling and running the current pull request: https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net/pull/12 gives:

# This program is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
# For details, visit  http://astrometry.net.
# Git URL https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net
# Revision 0.50-87-gc069c8a, date Wed Oct 8 22:56:14 2014 +0200.

Usage:   blind/solve-field [options]  [<image-file-1> <image-file-2> ...] [<xyls-file-1> <xyls-file-2> ...]

How about defining besides the detailed revision (PRG_GIT_REVISION) also the release version (RELEASE_VER), that is:

PRG_GIT_REVISION := $(shell git describe)
PRG_GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format=\"%cd\")
PRG_GIT_URL := "https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net"
RELEASE_VER := $(shell echo $(PRG_GIT_REVISION) | cut -f1 -d"-")

define VERSION_H
/* Generated file, do not edit. */
export VERSION_H

    @echo "$$VERSION_H" > version.h
.PHONY: version

and replacing in macro PRG_GIT_REVISION by RELEASE_VER:

#define BOILERPLATE_HELP_HEADER(fid)                                       \
do {                                                                       \
    fprintf(fid, "This program is part of the Astrometry.net suite.\n");   \
    fprintf(fid, "For details, visit  http://astrometry.net.\n");         \
    fprintf(fid, "Git URL %s\n", PRG_GIT_URL);                             \
    fprintf(fid, "Revision %s, date %s.\n", RELEASE_VER, PRG_GIT_DATE);\
} while (0)

so one would get:

# For details, visit  http://astrometry.net.
# Git URL https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net
# Revision 0.50, date Wed Oct 8 22:56:14 2014 +0200.

As written in issue #10 one could add the flag --version

static an_option_t options[] = {
    {'h', "help",          no_argument, NULL,
     "print this help message" },
    {'\x89', "version", no_argument, NULL,

where the --version output would show the detailed PRG_GIT_REVISION:

# Git URL https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net
# Git Revision 0.50-87-gc069c8a, date Wed Oct 8 22:56:14 2014 +0200.

In terms of the other macro:

#define BOILERPLATE_ADD_FITS_HEADERS(hdr)                                       \
do {                                                                            \
    fits_add_long_history(hdr, "Created by the Astrometry.net suite.");         \
    fits_add_long_history(hdr, "For more details, see http://astrometry.net.");\
    fits_add_long_history(hdr, "Git URL %s", PRG_GIT_URL);                      \
    fits_add_long_history(hdr, "Git revision %s", PRG_GIT_REVISION);             \
    fits_add_long_history(hdr, "Git date %s", PRG_GIT_DATE);                    \
} while (0)

One could either add the detailed Git revision information, or the (short) release version into the fits header.

Cheers Thomas

tstibor commented 9 years ago

Just submitted a new pull request with patches for replacing deprecated SVN fields with GIT fields. The GIT fields (strings) are provided via CFLAGS in util/makefile.common:

AN_GIT_REVISION := $(shell git describe)
AN_GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format=\"%cd\")
AN_GIT_URL := "https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net"


Cheers Thomas