dstndstn / astrometry.net

Astrometry.net -- automatic recognition of astronomical images
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"telnetlib" Python module removed in 3.13 #318

Open olebole opened 3 hours ago

olebole commented 3 hours ago

In the upcoming Python 3.13 version, the original "telnetlib" Python modules is removed. This modules is used in https://github.com/dstndstn/astrometry.net/blob/fb1342a8b826c2550baa716a5a9547b95cafa888/util/horizons.py#L11

This was reported as Debian#1084555.

dstndstn commented 3 hours ago

hmm, the horizons.py script isn't actually used by anything else, it was something we developed for other projects and just dumped it in the Astrometry.net repo because it's generally related to doing astrometry work. (Horizons is JPL's service for ephemerides.)