dstndstn / astrometry.net

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Index Error - Not readable too #94

Closed yx1010512 closed 3 years ago

yx1010512 commented 7 years ago

Hi, dustin I met quite a same problem with Issue #43 @mashbudj I'm new to using astrometry.net software too, and I met some troubles When I try to run the code as:

solve-field a.fits

Things not going as expected:

Reading input file 1 of 1: "a.fits"...
Header has 6 cards
Extracting sources...
simplexy: found 479 sources.

You must list at least one index in the config file (/etc/astrometry.cfg)

See http://astrometry.net/use.html about how to get some index files.

solve-field.c:518:run_engine engine failed.  Command that failed was:
  /usr/bin/astrometry-engine ./a.axy
 ioutils.c:567:run_command_get_outputs Command failed: return value 255

Then I checked the index files

yangxu@ast3:/usr/local/astrometry/data$ ls index-4107.fits

and the astrometry.cfg file

yangxu@ast3:/usr/local/astrometry/etc$ vi astrometry.cfg 
# This is a config file for the Astrometry.net 'astrometry-engine'
# program - it contains information about where indices are stored,
# and "site policy" items.

# Check the indices in parallel?
# -if the indices you are using take less than 2 GB of space, and you have at least
#  as much physical memory as indices, then you want this enabled.
# -if you are using a 64-bit machine and you have enough physical memory to contain
#  the indices you are using, then you want this enabled.
# -otherwise, leave it commented-out.


# If no scale estimate is given, use these limits on field width.
# minwidth 0.1
# maxwidth 180

# If no depths are given, use these:
#depths 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

# Maximum CPU time to spend on a field, in seconds:
# default is 600 (ten minutes), which is probably way overkill.
#cpulimit 300

# In which directories should we search for indices?
add_path /usr/local/astrometry/data

# Load any indices found in the directories listed above.

## Or... explicitly list the indices to load.
#index index-219
#index index-218
#index index-217
#index index-216
#index index-215
#index index-214
#index index-213
#index index-212
#index index-211
#index index-210
#index index-209
#index index-208
#index index-207
#index index-206
#index index-205
#index index-204-00
#index index-204-01
#index index-204-02
#index index-204-03
#index index-204-04
#index index-204-05
#index index-204-06
#index index-204-07
#index index-204-08
#index index-204-09
#index index-204-10
#index index-204-11

I think I've made these things right, yet the trouble is still there. Is there anything that I did not notice? Hoping for your help.


dstndstn commented 7 years ago


Do you have the code installed in /usr/bin or /usr/local/astrometry? It looks like:

/usr/bin/astrometry-engine ./a.axy

which by default would look for the config file /etc/astrometry.cfg (as the error message says: You must list at least one index in the config file (/etc/astrometry.cfg) )

cheers, --dustin

yx1010512 commented 7 years ago

Ah, you are right. I install the code in /usr/bin.

Wait..? I'm not sure

It seems the code is installed in /usr/local/astrometry, but the 'solve-field' is in /usr/bin. What should I do to solve this...?

yx1010512 commented 7 years ago

This is what I have in Astrometry

yangxu@ast3:/media/yangxu/0000-0001$ find /usr/local/astrometry

It seems I do install it in /usr/local/astrometry, but the "solve-field" is in /usr/bin, what's going wrong~?

dstndstn commented 7 years ago

I also see a solve-field in your listing of /usr/local/astrometry/bin -- any chance you have a previous installation in /usr/bin?

yx1010512 commented 7 years ago

I remembered... I do installed it once with apt-get, and I forgot that. Well... I tried to solve it but I didn't make it. So... I created the folder /etc and copy the astrometry.cfg to it and... It seems everything is going well.... So I think I solved this problem...?

dstndstn commented 7 years ago

That means you're running solve-field from one install and astrometry-engine from another install... not ideal but if it works then ok...