dstroot / skeleton

Node Express MongoDB Bootstrap Passport... all rolled up into juicy goodness
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How to add bootstraps accordion feature? #16

Closed cmpsoares91 closed 10 years ago

cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

Hey Dan I was trying to add an accordion using Collapse.js but it isn't working right... I was using this example from bootply.

The funny thing is that if I add | <link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> to the block head from the jade file It works! But at the same time it messes up the beautiful footer! Damn! :-1:

So I was hoping you could help me with this.

I already tried updating the /public/lib/bootstrap/ with the latest version of the bootstrap repo, no luck either...

I thought it would look nice on the twitter api page or as a news block at the index page...

My twitter.jade as example:

extends ../layouts/layout

block head
  title #{application} &middot; Twitter
  | <link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
  | <style type='text/css'>
  | .panel-scroll{
  |   max-height: 600px;
  |   overflow-y: scroll;
  |   -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
  | }
  | </style>

block content
            i.fa.fa-star(style='color: #E8EA1B')
            | &nbsp;What is QuantBull Tweetin'?
        .lead Feel free to reply as well!
        a.twitter-timeline(href='https://twitter.com/QuantBull', data-widget-id='480147990342926336') Tweets by @QuantBull
          !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");
            i.fa.fa-twitter(style='color: #4099ff')
            | &nbsp;Twitter News
          p(style='line-height: 1.72') Quants stay always up to date!
        .lead We are showing you the 100 latest "Quant" Tweets, to keep you up to date:
                  for tweet in tweets
                            - var image = tweet.user.profile_image_url.replace('_normal', '');
                            img.pull-left(src='#{image}', width=50, height=50, style='margin-right: 10px')

                            p= tweet.user.name
                              | &nbsp;&nbsp;
                              span.text-muted @#{tweet.user.screen_name}
                            p #{tweet.text}
dstroot commented 10 years ago

I use /less/bootstrap.less to turn off/on bootstrap features - less bloat for stuff I don't need and I can simply update bootstrap in public/lib via bower and not edit any of the bootstrap files directly.

You will have to uncomment the appropriate items below:

// NOTE: By copying the main bootstrap.less file and importing
// this one instead we can turn on/off components here
// without changing any of the bootstrap source files (EASY TO UPDATE)

// NOTE: we overide bootstrap variables and styles directly in our
// styles.less file

// NOTE: I generally recommend commenting out all of the
// "Components" and "Components w/ JavaScript" and only
// turning them back on as needed - fight bloat!

// Core variables and mixins
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/variables.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/mixins.less";

// Reset
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/normalize.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/print.less";

// Core CSS
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/scaffolding.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/type.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/code.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/grid.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/tables.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/forms.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/buttons.less";

// Components
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/component-animations.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/glyphicons.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/dropdowns.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/button-groups.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/input-groups.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/navs.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/navbar.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/breadcrumbs.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/pagination.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/pager.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/labels.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/badges.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/jumbotron.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/thumbnails.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/alerts.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/progress-bars.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/media.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/list-group.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/panels.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/wells.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/close.less";

// Components w/ JavaScript
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/modals.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/tooltip.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/popovers.less";
// @import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/carousel.less";

// Utility classes
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/utilities.less";
@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/responsive-utilities.less";
dstroot commented 10 years ago

If you are developing just turn everything on and when you are done with development and into performance turning you can turn off what you aren't using.

However I do the opposite - I turn all the added fluff off and then only turn on what I need as I build.

cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

But I can't understand why it's not working, because they say the need component-animations.less, it's on in the version you've sent me, and the transition.js and collapse.js have to be included as well... And they are... Why isn't it working? :-/

cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

Yes! Found the missing dependency!

@import "../public/lib/bootstrap/less/list-group.less";

That fixed it...